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All-ATPs bashing

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Tram said:
Hahaha.. I just noticed how much of a tool you are.. Did you edge your time or just make up some time? You went from 200 hours to 900 in like.. less than 20 minutes.. :)
I haven't posted on here for like three months and my profile needed updating....how much of a tool are you for not having been able to figure that out?

...or for being able to remember that it was 600 and not 200 hours....despite your very own post to that effect.

I went to ATP.. I don't think I'd need any help in an arrow, it's not that challenging an airplane to fly.. or land..

Now, I don't think every person who walks out ATP is God's gift to aviation.. I've seen alot of guys walk out of there who maybe.. well.. weren't the best they could have been.. However, to toss out a blanket statment and say that essentially all ATPers suck, is a wee bit rediculous..

Where'd you get your ratings? I can promise you there was some tool bag who walked out of there.. Now, if we lumped you in with him, how would you feel?
Wow, you even sign your emails Dork eh? :) Your pretty cool there sqwk.. :)

ok, ok.. I quit.. You win.. your, you're, yous, yur, ur the Super CFI.. again.. I bow in your presence..
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Tram said:
I went to ATP.. I don't think I'd need any help in an arrow, it's not that challenging an airplane to fly.. or land..

Now, I don't think every person who walks out ATP is God's gift to aviation.. I've seen alot of guys walk out of there who maybe.. well.. weren't the best they could have been.. However, to toss out a blanket statment and say that essentially all ATPers suck, is a wee bit rediculous..

Where'd you get your ratings? I can promise you there was some tool bag who walked out of there.. Now, if we lumped you in with him, how would you feel?

Well, now that you're starting to talk a little more like an adult, here's my answer:
-I didn't lump all ATPers together....I simply hopped in to agree with someone who was getting jumped by a complete asshole.
-You can promise all you want, but everyone that walks out of our place temporary airman certificate in hand knows what they're doing....especially if I signed them off.
-I still think that given the reactions from the ATPers that this is NOT the first time that this topic as come up.
cforst513 said:
not quite, little boy.!
You're either talking to yourself, or have way too high an opinion of yourself.

A/C Flown: C152, C172, C182, BE-76
Ratings: CMEL, CSEL
Curr Position: learnding me some flyin'
Total Time: 270ish

A/C Flown: DA-50EX, DA-900EX, LR-60, MD-80, B-727, B-737, EMB-145, EMB-120, ATR-42, ATR-72, BE-200, BE-90
Ratings: ATP, ATR-42, ATR-72, B-737, DA-50, DA-900, EMB-145, LR-60, Turbojet FE, Commercial Glider
Curr Position: DA-50EX Captain
Total Time: 7800
Your right, it's not the first time.. and to be honest, it pisses me off that ATP is "like that.."

However, what pisses me off more is when good pilots get lumped in..

You pointed out something - "especially if I signed them off." ATP has it's lemons.. every flight school does.. yours included.. your not immune.. :)
Just to point out....

One does not get the ratings etc from ATP. An oral and flight with an FAA examiner is required. If someone was not up to par, so to speak, when he/she completed the ATP courses, the deficiencies would come out then.

I got my multi inst/commercial from ATP in Pensacola, FL and thought it was a great outfit.

Just my 1c worth...
This is an odd thread, though to be honest, it seems like you are bashing ATP and trying to mix them in with Airman and DCA
Good points made about judging the quality of a training program on the basis of one, or a few graduates. It should be obvious that these accelerated training programs exist only to allow pilots to attain new ratings in the shortest possible time. Not to teach you how to be a pilot or a teacher. They train only to pass the checkride per the PTS. The rest is up to the student.

My own experience in the areas of learning and teaching has shown that depth of learning depends greatly on how much time and effort is spent studying, practicing and thinking about any new skills, procedures or knowledge to be learned. This where quality instruction can do the most good. The standard can be set at the level it should be. Very little depth can be attained in a minimalist, accelerated course. That is the amount of time that has been paid for. So if a graduate of such a program displays weakness as a pilot or instuctor, I would be inclined toward the belief that this was more a reflection of the individual character and ability of the person than that of the company that provided the training. I am not referring to these 0 time to airline programs. A whole different thread!

I have personally flown with a number of pilots who went this route to pick up a rating or two. The quality of their flying and thinking was entirely dependent upon their personal work ethic, natural ability and depth/intensity of experience.

An in-depth, quality training program tends to develop or optimize the above qualities. A short, high intensity course is not for everyone. Proven self starters do best in this situation. They have put in the necessary work before they show up for training.

Unfortunately, too many people don't appreciate the value of putting in the work and just want it all now, without the work. When this is the case, it shows. There is nothing wrong with picking up a couple of ratings at these "quick and dirty" courses if you have put in the work on learning to be a pilot first. Same applies to type rating courses. You spend a couple of weeks familiarizing with the airplane and training to pass a checkride. The training center has little time to teach basics. But they will train you to pass the checkride by rote. Learning to be any good at it is up to you after you leave.

So the bottom line is that these places should be considered to be nothing more than what they are. A way for competent, motivated individuals to add a rating or two. The quality of the skills you leave with depends largely on the quality of the skills you came there with. Let's not kid ourselves, they are there only to get you through the checkride.The real learning takes place over the longer term, at least for those who care enough to trouble themselves. Most do once they see what the real standard is.

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