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gern_blanston said:
Scary, H25B. I wonder if I had a twin and we were separated at birth, because you sound a lot like me! I guess if you're ever in the great Pacific Northwest, I'll have to buy you a root beer.

-ps- No guessing about it... I AM neurotic

You wouldn't happen to be a 6'3", terribly handsome, although somewhat balding man of extraordinary intellect would you ??? Could be worth a DNA swab to figure this one out. :D
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h25b said:
You wouldn't happen to be a 6'3", terribly handsome, although somewhat balding man of extraordinary intellect would you ??? Could be worth a DNA swap to figure this one out.

gern_blanston said:
Nope. Short, scrawny, not too bright. Sorry.

Sounds like the movie Twins! :D
h25b said:
I get the same response as well. I hear, "how can you afford it?" a lot... Answer is putting the kids in some day care would cost so much it's not worth the wife working. Nothing against those who do, but I couldn't stand the thought of my kids in one of these places. Maybe we're neurotic ... My kids are my biggest investment... I'm willing to die broke as long as I feel like their heads will be screwed on straight as adults.

Ditto! I'd rather not have someone else raising my kids. When they are grown and have issues, I'd rather it be "our" fault.;)

h25b said:
I get the same response as well. I hear, "how can you afford it?" a lot... Answer is putting the kids in some day care would cost so much it's not worth the wife working. Nothing against those who do, but I couldn't stand the thought of my kids in one of these places. Maybe we're neurotic ... My kids are my biggest investment... I'm willing to die broke as long as I feel like their heads will be screwed on straight as adults.

Outstanding! I have no idea who you are but you're alright in my book.

Gern, H25B,

Let me drag you away from the love-fest and add a couple of comments:

It IS refreshing to hear that some of the people on this board have their priorities straight. I’ve been a pilot for many, many years. I’ve seen my kids grow from little nothings to college grads. I worked long hours when they were first born, but I always rushed home when I was done and always tucked them in at night (even if it was 4am and they were fast asleep).

The life of a pilot is a wonderful life. We’re working in the pointy end of a very cool piece of technology. The new generation aint what we were. Now all they care about is how much they can GET out of aviation. I used to care more about what I could GIVE to aviation (and my company and the clients). I still do.

When I was a little lad hanging out at the airport, staring thru the chain link fence and thinking those flight instructors were about the coolest guys in the world, I couldn’t have imagined what I’d be doing today. I am blessed and I know it. Yes I make good money, but that’s not what gets me up every morning (and no Viagra jokes you young punks).

You boys sound O.K. in my book too. I hope there are more like you on this wasteland of a message board.


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