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Airtran's $25 jumpseat policy

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Salty Pirate

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Is there anything you guys can do to get rid of that $25 dollar jumpseat charge for multiple jumpseaters. The crews are great and I usually don't have a problem at all but a few times the gate agents can be NAZIs and hit us with the fee. I know most carriers, ASA included allow multiple JS, It would be nice if we got the same in return.

Help a brother out if you can.
Reality Check

While I certainly wouldn't LIKE to fork over $25, it is a heck of a lot better than not getting a ride home or to work. If NWA would adopt this instead of giving LCC pilots a hard time or refusing us the jumpseat, I'd gladly pay the $25 just to get to or from work.

It's not like it is a day's pay or even an hour's pay. I envy you having a way to work on Airtran, they are great guys and gals, but a few gate agents need to be sent flowers or ??? Of course ALL carriers have a few tough grumpy gate agents. Can't blame them; they have one of if not the toughest customer service jobs there is.

This subject has been on this forum several times, the Airtran pilots hate the $25 policy as much or more than anyone else.

Charging for the jumpseat should be done away with period. Its a benefit that Pilots get to enjoy from each other to help the guys/gals out there so they have a way to get back and forth from home or work. If the Airtran Pilots want it to go away, it would be. Its a negotiated item at contract time. Anytime you have an Airtran Pilot asking in return for a free jumpseat there should be a discussion about this topic so the message gets back to whoever needs to get this stopped.

Just so we're clear...The first jumpseat rider is free (seat available in the back for OAL guys). Additional Jumpseaters are 25 bucks. Do the pilots like the policy...hell no..but its not our jumpseat...its the companys aircraft they make the rules as to how their aircraft are operated. I do hope that in our contract negotiations this "walk-up pass" goes away.

Jim Smyth said:
Charging for the jumpseat should be done away with period. Its a benefit that Pilots get to enjoy from each other to help the guys/gals out there so they have a way to get back and forth from home or work. If the Airtran Pilots want it to go away, it would be. Its a negotiated item at contract time. Anytime you have an Airtran Pilot asking in return for a free jumpseat there should be a discussion about this topic so the message gets back to whoever needs to get this stopped.

I had quit responding to these ridiculous threads that people start up for the sole purpose of getting their rocks off starting sh!t on the internet. I am responding to you Jim because I have read many of your posts and find you of all people to reasonable in your posting.

So read up... and read CLOSELY:

1.) AirTran DOES NOT charge for the jumpseat. There is ONE jumpseat rider allowed.... PERIOD. If that jumpseat is taken, you can non-rev for $25.00.

2.) The jumpseat belongs to the company.... NOT the AirTran Pilots. While we are NOT happy about no longer offering unlimited free jumpseats.... the old "if the AirTran Pilots wanted it changed, they would" mantra that Jim Smyth posted is complete and utter bullsh!t.

We DON'T like it, but the company won't budge, and we will try and get it in our next contract..... so my advice is if the jumpseat is taken when you show up at the gate, and then don't pay the $25 and walk away.
Sorry, I didnt know that. I thought you charged $25 for all jumpseaters. I live in base and dont jumpseat so I am not up on your rules. I read into it has a $25 fee for everyoine, my bad. SWA has always stuffed the plane full, as long as there is seats in back. We even took alot of Pilots over the years whose airlines also didnt reciprocate, even though we had alot of guys that really could have used there services. Once again, sorry.
FINALLY SOMEONE communicates good intel. Yep, you don't want to non-rev for 25 bucks, head to the next airline.

IMO, it's the next best thing to unlimitedes.

Think about it...how many times have you been turned away when the airline you have chosen is a Single JS airline. Then ask yourself how many times you have forked over 25 bucks to get home.

Lets say you have to bum a ride to get to 4 sequences a month. That's 200 a month....2 grand a year +/-.

Not a big deal considering the alternative.
$50 bucks per trip when you work for a regional is a big deal. All I was asking for was a reciprocal agreement that we give to all pilots. If there is a seat in the back than It is yours, the more the better. I had two Airtran guys jump on ASA more than once. It kind of sucks when you have to pay for the same thing in return. And the attitude if you don't like it go to the next carrier sucks. I guarentee that more Airtran guys ride through the Delta system than vice versa. I'll take the high road and welcome all jumpseaters but it would suck for you guys if that attitude was given in return. Also please explain how charging for a ticket is non-rev??????
Jim Smyth,
I used to jumpseat on SWA all the time going from STL to CLE when I worked at COEX. SWA was always very good to me, BUT, if both jumpseats were taken, I would have to pay $25 for a non-rev pass to get to work. This is EXACTLY what we do here at AirTran. If there are 40 jumpseaters and 39 are AirTran pilots and one is an other airline - he/she does not have to pay anything.
Salty Pirate
You say you have unlimited jumpseats in the Delta system. That is not true, on ASA it is unlimited, but not on mainline it is one jumpseat. They also do not offer a $25 non-rev. All take the non rev over not going at all. The jump seat is open at AirTran, they just offer one jump just like Delta.

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