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AirTran Pilots...

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I tired of trying to spread the concept of integrity and teamwork to you guys who obviously don't care about anything but yourselves and your next trip.

See ya on the flightdeck.

I am glad the crisis was averted. However, please take your concept of integrity and teamwork down to Orlando. The reality is our leadership has abused this pilot group many times over the last several years. Our leaders have told us how we are not special and how pilots are a dime a dozen. Our leaders have gotten the respect and response they have cultivated with their lack of integrity and teamwork. I am sure you realize that being a great military leader yourself.

Merry Christmas

PS I already voted for AP, hope many others do the same!
MN boy,

I saw the latest update.

I'm not sure allowing the company to disregard our contract is the best thing right now, even for triple time and a hooker waiting for you at the layover hotel.
What he said.

I would NOT have agreed to what the NPA agreed to in this fiasco. It basically sends a message that they can bend the contract however they like. Better to get the injunction, then dictate terms.

Positive space doesn't really help if we don't live in a city airtran services, now does it? Can you positive space me on DAL? Yeah, right...

Based on this issue and the reserve pay changes the NC is considering in the upcoming contract, I'm considering changing my MEC Pres vote since I haven't voted yet. Unfortunately, I haven't heard of a better alternative, anyone running on a write-in?

Did anyone see that Southpark episode about voting? Something about a choice between...? :)
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Und sie will Weihnachten fliegen and sie will es so gern finden.

Ich liebe dich,

You're regular scheduled programming has been interrupted for Christmas and New Years.

Nein, Ich möchte nicht auf Weihnachten fliegen, aber ich sehe, daß einige hier froh rüber für Herrn Klaus verbiegen. Genießen Sie!

Ich liebe Sie nicht auch!

Christmas yes - New Years no.
Ja, ich verstehe. Ich will Weihnachtstag und Neujahrstag fliegen. Ich habe kein Dienstalter.


Piloten sind nicht speziell. Sind Sie nicht glücklich, einen Job zu haben
Ja, wir sind viel glucklich zu einen Werken haben.

Guten Nacht
Ich muss jetzt schlafen, weil ich am Morgen fliegen muss
After the company awarded the build up lines, they knew there was a shortage, they could have fixed this then, but they AWARDED the lines. After that, it's their fault. If I forgot to bid, could I say, "I'm sorry, could you just over look that small detail and give me a line please?"

There's way more to this than working on Christmas. This is about the company wiping their ass with the contract. When does it end? Next month will there will be no lines and ALL of us on reserve for the better of the passengers?

Why is it that we can't go on strike to get our new contract? Oh yeah, I remember. Rules, laws, procedures and all that crap that we are bound to. Shouldn't they bound by the same? If not, shouldn't we be on a level playground? I mean if they are going to shred the contract, then shouldn't we be able to skip to the right to strike?

Everyone wants the passengers to get to their destination, but nobody is going to do it for free. That's how I feel about doing it without a contract. And I don't mean the future contract, I mean the one we already have. If we don't have a contract now that's respected, we might as well be doing this for free. The company is playing hardball and dirty every chance they can, I would rather the union did the same, even if it means stranding a few passengers. It would be a good time to let everyone show our commitment to a fair contract WITHOUT striking, or an unauthorized slowdown, or anything else illegal. After all, we wouldn't be doing anything other than flying our contract as agreed by the company. If you think stranding a few passengers during the holidays is going to be the demise of Airtran, you've definitely got management potential. That's the only weapon we have, especially when the company refuses to play be the rules. Of course they will blame us pilots for their mistakes, but they'll do that anyway, so let it be.

You ought to post more, buddy, your analysis is right on.

This situation is exclusively management's responsibility. If this staffing f-up was occurring on August 10th, the Association would be sticking it up the company's a$$. The only reason they are getting any traction with the righteous pilots at AirTran is because of the bogus emotional leverage that the Christmas season gives them. I consider this a litmus test of the Association and the pilot group, and plan on calling Mark tomorrow and giving him a piece of my mind.

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