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AirTran MEC: Whine on!

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This is your former ALPA rep? ^^^^^^^

Actually, he is "right on".

Anyone participating in a frivolous lawsuit will get exactly what they deserve... Years of grief, stress, and wasted $$. Just because you can find a lawyer willing to take your money doesn't mean you have a case.... And if he's not willing to take it on contingency, you don't have a case, or enough of one to be worthwhile.
Hey, MJ (Mad Jerk)

Seeing you post your angry rants each weekend from your OAK crashpad reminds me that sometimes, just sometimes, people do get what they deserve.

I'm posting this from a barrier Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Spending most of the Summer down here (well, I am working 6 days in July). Thanks for "holding down the fort" out West.

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Anyone participating in a frivolous lawsuit will get exactly what they deserve... Years of grief, stress, and wasted $$.
No stress in this lawsuit for the plaintiffs, just $50/month. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoyed my 7 hr deposition in NYC. Depositions aren't hard when there is nothing to hide. I was in the room for both the former ATN MC Vice Chair's and former ATN 71 LEC Chair's deposition. One was stressful for the deponent while the other was a walk in the park. I will let you guess which was easier than the other.
No stress in this lawsuit for the plaintiffs, just $50/month. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoyed my 7 hr deposition in NYC. Depositions aren't hard when there is nothing to hide. I was in the room for both the former ATN MC Vice Chair's and former ATN 71 LEC Chair's deposition. One was stressful for the deponent while the other was a walk in the park. I will let you guess which was easier than the other.

"Stressful?" You crack me up with these melodramatic characterizations. Even if you were to win your silly lawsuit (fat chance, but hypothetically), "Slick" has nothing to lose. He can't be held personally liable, so his life changes not one iota. The idea that he would be "stressed" when that is the case is comical. You've got an overactive imagination.

As for me, if hypothetically I was someone who was getting deposed for this nonsense, I wouldn't be the least bit stressed. Maybe a little pissed off that my time was being wasted for such silliness, but that's about it.
Who said that's what I wanted? I didn't.
I would have liked a fair deal, that's all, but that didn't happen.
You said it "protect what's ours" Sums it up and demonstrates where the lack of respect comes from.
You're correct, it's not your problem. This mess we have now is our problem, that's why we filed with the DRC to fix our problem. That's why I will file a grievance in August when the first FO that didn't bid SWA737FO goes to training before me. That is breach of contract. It won't do any good but I may as well get something from my ALPA dues

This argument is always about the details.
PCL has said over and over that AT's WORST case scenario should have been date of hire-
That's fair to him- pushing for relative, but landing somewhere between relative and DOH where all ex AT pilots now get a seniority position where they can pretend they were qualified and hired by SWA years BEFORE they were actually hired by Air Tran.

Is that what was "FAIR" to you?

If not help me out. My position is that your expectations are your problem. Explain to me what a fair SLI would've looked like.
In your own words Brit
This argument is always about the details.
PCL has said over and over that AT's WORST case scenario should have been date of hire-
That's fair to him- pushing for relative, but landing somewhere between relative and DOH where all ex AT pilots now get a seniority position where they can pretend they were qualified and hired by SWA years BEFORE they were actually hired by Air Tran.

Is that what was "FAIR" to you?

If not help me out. My position is that your expectations are your problem. Explain to me what a fair SLI would've looked like.
In your own words Brit

I know of no one that wanted or expected a hire date at SWA before their actual AT hire date, stop being so melodramatic. Before you drag out SLI 1, it had a 30 percent seniority loss (average) also.
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No stress in this lawsuit for the plaintiffs, just $50/month. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoyed my 7 hr deposition in NYC. Depositions aren't hard when there is nothing to hide. I was in the room for both the former ATN MC Vice Chair's and former ATN 71 LEC Chair's deposition. One was stressful for the deponent while the other was a walk in the park. I will let you guess which was easier than the other.

Glad it was so entertaining for you that you're giggling like a schoolgirl about it . . . I'm sure that the transcripts of your deposition would be equally mirth-provoking, but I'm not interested enough to read it. . . .

The stress and expense I was referring to is not in the present, but over the course of the next 5-7 years as the fun wears off, and the other contributors cut their losses and bail.

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