First of all I would say you guys have done a pretty good job of pissing everybody off here at SWA at least the pilots.
Second UNFAIR, DISRESPECTFUL, what are you a baby this is business I am not here to be your friend and sing you a lullaby when you go to bed at night. This is about MY career and the careers of my fellow SWA pilots.
I never said I was disappointed with this agreement, I never said I think you guys should vote yes or no. I think you guys should have had a chance to vote on it but that's it.
You don't have to believe me, you can call me childish, a bully an a$$ I don't care but I promise you an arbitrated list will never see the light of day because there are a lot of people here that will have no problem contributing our own money to tie this up in the legal system for years to come!
It's just business.
So, in other words, you fully agree with the position and actions of USAPA and the USAir East pilots?