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AirTran MEC at SWAPA

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yep you are correct sir! I fully recommend you use that as your closing argument to the arbiter.

Well, there will not be a staple, and there will not be relative seniority, so this is right in the middle. Any other way would not be fair and equitable. Time will tell. You apparently will not like it but I think everybody else will.

Now, if you were hired in 1993 then you will end up somewhere close to that. You are a lucky man.
Wow, it only took two days after you said you were not one of "those" guys to become one of "those" guys.

There's more than one way for this to go South. For instance, if the AAI MEC makes unreasonable demands and forces this to arbitration when it can and should be worked out amongst the groups. That would be a huge blow to the culture at this place and has the possibility of having a lasting negative impact on all of our careers, regardless of how the integration ends up. Demanding relative seniority is unrealistic & unreasonable and, imo, would be like taking a bite out of the hand that's about to serve you a heaping helping of awesome. By all means, engage in the negotiations with the intent to do as much good for your membership as you can, but along the way, try to interject a little reality into your position. That's called negotiating in good faith, and it is imperative to us having a good working relationship when this is all said and done. And, yes, I fully expect the SWAPA M&A committee to do the same.

We are the only ones that speak the facts.

:laugh::laugh: "We come in peace". "Take us to your leader". "Soylent Green is good for you".:laugh:

The reason no AAI responds to this is because they know it is the way it will happen.

No, the reason we are not responding to your drivel is because we are actually following the guidance that both Unions have put out. That, and Murphy's Law-

"Never argue with a fool, people may not know the difference".
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So what your saying Papa is that anything less then a staple is not fair for SWA guys. You do know that isn't going to happen right?
So what your saying Papa is that anything less then a staple is not fair for SWA guys. You do know that isn't going to happen right?

Please point out where I have ever used the word staple or indicated that that was how I thought this would/should go? The only thing I have been adamant about is that relative seniority (i.e. the 1% AAI guy (a 1993 hire) next to our 1% guy (a 1974 hire) or a 50% AAI guy (a 2004 hire?) next to our 50% guy (a 2001 hire)) is definitely not the definition of fair and equitable in this case when you guys have all the improvements across the board to look forward to. I realize that staple is a four letter word to you guys, and I respect that, but you have to understand relative seniority is about as insulting to us. Hope that clears it up.

Please point out where I have ever used the word staple or indicated that that was how I thought this would/should go? The only thing I have been adamant about is that relative seniority (i.e. the 1% AAI guy (a 1993 hire) next to our 1% guy (a 1974 hire) or a 50% AAI guy (a 2004 hire?) next to our 50% guy (a 2001 hire)) is definitely not the definition of fair and equitable in this case when you guys have all the improvements across the board to look forward to. I realize that staple is a four letter word to you guys, and I respect that, but you have to understand relative seniority is about as insulting to us. Hope that clears it up.


Papa, I don't know what to expect. I don't think it will be a relative thing. I would bet it will be more of a ratio type deal. I am a reasonable guy but will not vote yes to taking it in the ass. If the groups can't come together then we will accept the arbitrators decision.
You guys don't get it, none of us are going to vote. Thier going to get it as close as possible, then send it to arbitrator. U can put gold bricks on both sides and it still wouldn't get voted in by one side or the other, and they know this.
You guys don't get it, none of us are going to vote. Thier going to get it as close as possible, then send it to arbitrator. U can put gold bricks on both sides and it still wouldn't get voted in by one side or the other, and they know this.

That would be fine by me. I will have no problem accepting the final result. Not so sure about some of the angrier ladies on this board, though. :cool:
PW, I think your posts are more than reasonable; I don't know why you waste your time. I predict this will not go to arbitration and will be settled fairly quickly as both sides want to get this done and I expect the aai nc to be far more realistic than the peeps on here. FOs stapled with a 2 year fence. Oh and pay protected.
Thankfully, I know two of our MC members well enough to walk up to them or simply call them up and ask, and, just as thankfully, have heard from their very own mouths that nothing even REMOTELY approaching the inane drivel you posted above will even be considered for a split second.

Fair, yes. Staple? No. So yes, you can put the swingline away now... ;)

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled mud slinging.

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