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Airtran has reached a tentative agreement!!

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What or who are these guys: Twomey-Kasher ?

Are these the hostages mentioned above? Hope I did not just bounce threads.
So 5th year FO $91. We just waited five years for a cost of living increase! Nice

Im just glad a cheap-ass place to work like airtran is going away. now we just need virgin america, spirit and allegiant to do the same.
Im just glad a cheap-ass place to work like airtran is going away. now we just need virgin america, spirit and allegiant to do the same.

Good luck. They are entering hyper growth mode.
The vote may show you how smart you think those of us are . . . . Those of us who have been here the whole time for this contract fight, those of us who have actually served on numerous committees, walked the picket line every time, watched our friends get taken hostage, and voted to give money to our furloughees, well, we may feel a little differently than you, junior, whether you think we're smart or not.

PS, I personally gave over $600. out of my pocket to a fund for furloughees that Christmas. I hope none of it went to you, you sanctimonious p.o.s.

Excellent post Tyrone.
The vote may show you how smart you think those of us are . . . . Those of us who have been here the whole time for this contract fight, those of us who have actually served on numerous committees, walked the picket line every time, watched our friends get taken hostage, and voted to give money to our furloughees, well, we may feel a little differently than you, junior, whether you think we're smart or not.

PS, I personally gave over $600. out of my pocket to a fund for furloughees that Christmas. I hope none of it went to you, you sanctimonious p.o.s.

Ty, that's an excellent point about those of you that have been there the "whole" time? What do you think the SWA guys that have been here the "whole" time are going to think about the SLI? Maybe they will treat you the same way that you're treating your AT brother? Just food for thought.
Spewing a little frustration is hardly mistreating your brothers. Especially on an anonymous web board. As for the SLI, I keep hammering on fair and equitable being whatever you can sell to your arbitrator(s). Back to the subject at hand! PWA or not so much?
Ty, that's an excellent point about those of you that have been there the "whole" time? What do you think the SWA guys that have been here the "whole" time are going to think about the SLI? .

I'm not begrudging the junior pilot for his 30% raise, I'm begrudging him for his insulting statements about those of us that are unhappy with this TA.

You won't find me calling senior SWA pilots "stupid" for not wanting this merger, far from it.
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What or who are these guys: Twomey-Kasher ?

Are these the hostages mentioned above? Hope I did not just bounce threads.
No, they're not the hostages.

Twomey and Kasher are the two last names of the pilots who filed a grievance over reserve pay and received quite an unexpected outcome that has given AirTran the best reserve pay system of ANY airline, bar none. The reserve rules suck, but the credit system for reserve is unsurpassed and, unfortunately, we lost it.

What it does, in a nutshell, is assign a credit VALUE to each reserve day that is added in TOTAL to the flying you do for the month. It works like this (hypothetical scenario):

You have 12 days off on a reserve line this month. You work 3 4-day trips worth 21 hours each for a total credit of 63 hours. That's 12 days out of 18.

The other 6 days you don't fly. Normal guarantee is 70 hours. But instead of crediting 70 hours since you under-credited your guarantee, they add 6 days of 4.0 hrs per day to your credit. Total credit added: 24 hours, plus 63 hours is a total paycheck of 87 hours.

It's not unusual for pilots to credit 100+ hours on reserve and only fly 70 or so. This has cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 10 years, was totally unexpected by BOTH sides (management AND union), and has set up a situation whereby, unless the pay increase for reserve pilots was 20% or more, with the loss of Twomey-Kasher, our reserves take a pay cut.

Hope that explains it in a nutshell.
Actually Lear the ALPA gurus who figure this stuff out came up with a figure closer to $11million/year. That's how much we give up by giving up that pay system. Some of that will be returned to reserve pilots in the form or 5-8hrs more guarantee and probably 2 to 3 more days off. It is still a huge loss that we apparently were unable to recoup elsewhere.

By the way that figure came from a status representative.
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