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Airtran has reached a tentative agreement!!

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Signing bonus, yes.

How much goes to ALPA? I don't know. If it's the standard 2%, it'll likely be about $800,000 which is probably about how much they've spent on us in the last two years. not including our own budget we had going in.

Signing bonuses are duesable. Given that ALPA negotiated it, it's only fair that it is. Would be the same way for SWAPA I bet.
Signing bonuses are duesable. Given that ALPA negotiated it, it's only fair that it is. Would be the same way for SWAPA I bet.

Not so with SWAPA. We received our Retro Checks last January, and it was put to a membership vote on whether or not we would pay dues on that check or it would be a "dues free" Retro Check. The referendum passed and we enjoyed a dues free Retro Check.
Moderator hat off:

That *IS* in the final T.A. language. That part was already T.A.'d and wasn't changed.

That's certainly possible, we shall see.

BWAAAHAHAHA!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah, OK,,, THAT will happen. (wipes laughter tears from eyes).

To put it as nicely as I can, and trying to be civil to what amounts to a threat, you will NOT see us back down from anything that's not fair and equitable because of some thinly-veiled threat that NO ONE on here has the ability to carry out. I've known many of our Merger Committee and MEC members personally (outside of aviation) for well over a decade and know they will hold the line. They will be professional, but will NOT just roll over.

I expect your MC and BoD to do the same for you, and it will then, in all likelihood, go to arbitration. I look forward to a long career with you guys, but if you think we're going to back down on "fair and equitable" because "the deal might not go through"... not to be rude, but... you're dreaming.

Barring some 9/11 type of event, this deal is done. Just a matter of time... Not overly concerned about it.

Now, back to the discussion on pay rates.

Yes, Spirit's pay rates topped out at $180 5 years down the road. I'm hearing some not-so-great things about this T.A.'s pay rates for us for the senior guys and gals. F/O's will get some pretty good bumps (pretty close to industry standard but I wouldn't be surprised if Spirit was included in the mix, which they should not have been, seeing as they aren't a Major airline).

However, as starry-eyed as so many pilots here are over the SWA deal, as long as the pay raise has net pay raises and a signing bonus that amount to anything over $10,000, I'd be highly shocked if it didn't pass. It's either that, or live with the OLD scheduling rules, reserve slavery, and crap pay rates from 2000/2004 for the next year to 18 months.

We'll see. I'm headed home today, will get my copy of the current contract and all the sections that have been released to date and start my analysis which I'll start publishing shortly (promised our MEC I'd run it by them this time, give them a few days to respond to their reasoning for things and the accuracy of the data before it goes out), then the rest of it for the compensation sections as I have time next week. I'm over guarantee for the month after finishing IOE so I may not fly the rest of the month and take some time to finish the analysis (and go play on the beach with my son). :)

Wow, must have hit a nerve.

We will all find out how the chips fall soon enough.

Good Luck and Welcome aboard!
Don't forget it's only a small 39 mil for SWA to back out of this deal.

Around $6,500 per pilot. Any guess on how many would ante up to get out of this mess?
Around $6,500 per pilot. Any guess on how many would ante up to get out of this mess?

For Christ's sake...do it already.

I thought this thread was about our turd of a TA. Post your displeasure about the merger on the 700 other threads where you too can look down on and berate your peers.
because I apparently made a mistake. Since you seem to be so smart and you are in charge why don't you just move it rather than showing evybody that you are so smart.

The moderators on this site are a joke. They pick and choose which threads they want to moderate.
Becareful when treading on an anti Air tran thread, or they'll put you in the penalty box.
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You seem to think you know what "fair and equitable" means. You don't. Remember how you felt when this was announced ... well no one at SWA was nearly as happy. In fact some weren't happy at all. Personally I have faith that we WILL get a reasonable agreement and that we'll all end up better off.

"Fair and equitable" isn't defined anywhere and there is no merger that is anything like this acquisition.

Gary Kelly has killed deals before. Hope you guys are smart on this. It would be a real shame for you guys if your senior captains screwed everyone else out of the deal of a life time.

You seem to think you know what "fair and equitable" means. You don't. Remember how you felt when this was announced ... well no one at SWA was nearly as happy. In fact some weren't happy at all. Personally I have faith that we WILL get a reasonable agreement and that we'll all end up better off.

"Fair and equitable" isn't defined anywhere and there is no merger that is anything like this acquisition.

Gary Kelly has killed deals before. Hope you guys are smart on this. It would be a real shame for you guys if your senior captains screwed everyone else out of the deal of a life time.

You sound like one level headed Air Tran Pilot that sees this deal for what it really is. Great attitude and hopefully all the other pilots will realize this is a once in a life opportunity. However, your friend Lear probably won't get it.
You sound like one level headed Air Tran Pilot that sees this deal for what it really is. Great attitude and hopefully all the other pilots will realize this is a once in a life opportunity. However, your friend Lear probably won't get it.

Get a grip ......He's a Southwest pilot.
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