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Airtran has reached a tentative agreement!!

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I did enjoy the so called "radical" who believed the global Xanax shortage would cause the merger to fail :D

Remember that these pay rates were crafted by the same people that threatened to fire instead of furlough you.

When you see the rates please calculate the following:

75 hours (new short call guarantee) multiplied by your new pay rate. Compare this to your average monthly credit over the last year multiplied by your old pay rate. You will be very lucky to see any raise.

I agree with you on the RSV issue. I live there.

Glad you got it! I have my calculator but nothing to punch in yet. Thats my point! There are guys that are hell bent on voting No on rumor. I cant grasp that. After thursday OK vote what you want but, to spread so much misinformation does nothing but hurt the group. I got to get out of this hotel.
Glad you got it! I have my calculator but nothing to punch in yet. Thats my point! There are guys that are hell bent on voting No on rumor. I cant grasp that. After thursday OK vote what you want but, to spread so much misinformation does nothing but hurt the group. I got to get out of this hotel.

The stuff about the TA is true .... Unfortunately.

I remain deeply concerned about the global Squirrel and Xanax markets. I'm 'shorting' both of these important commodities. I also have ample supplies in my personal bunker.
Glad you got it! I have my calculator but nothing to punch in yet. Thats my point! There are guys that are hell bent on voting No on rumor. I cant grasp that. After thursday OK vote what you want but, to spread so much misinformation does nothing but hurt the group. I got to get out of this hotel.
Some of us are getting hard numbers from the source, and that's where it's coming from.

The 8-11 year CA's do OK, the senior CA's get SOME raise, but the junior CA's fare the worst as Dicko mentioned.

It is what it is, I'm concentrating on the hostages and not allowing myself to get too P.O.'d about the rest of it...
I was one of the 169 that got furloughed and have been living 3 years of hell on RSV with crap pay at this place and if I can get some Money/Bonus before the little "a" dies and make the big bucks at SW then that is what I plan on doing. The vote will show how smart or stupid this pilot group is.

The vote may show you how smart you think those of us are . . . . Those of us who have been here the whole time for this contract fight, those of us who have actually served on numerous committees, walked the picket line every time, watched our friends get taken hostage, and voted to give money to our furloughees, well, we may feel a little differently than you, junior, whether you think we're smart or not.

PS, I personally gave over $600. out of my pocket to a fund for furloughees that Christmas. I hope none of it went to you, you sanctimonious p.o.s.
The vote may show you how smart you think those of us are . . . . Those of us who have been here the whole time for this contract fight, those of us who have actually served on numerous committees, walked the picket line every time, watched our friends get taken hostage, and voted to give money to our furloughees, well, we may feel a little differently than you, junior, whether you think we're smart or not.

PS, I personally gave over $600. out of my pocket to a fund for furloughees that Christmas. I hope none of it went to you, you sanctimonious p.o.s.

Wow, So you work with the union and if someone disagrees with you, this is how you react. Make matters worse Christmas money( you my brother have anger problems)
Wow, So you work with the union and if someone disagrees with you, this is how you react. Make matters worse Christmas money( you my brother have anger problems)

You have no idea what we have been through in the last five and a half years . . . .

When someone who has been here for barely half of this struggle to get a contract, and hasn't participated in any meaningful way, starts telling me that if I don't vote for an agreement that gives me a lousy 8% raise and abandons one of our contract hostages, I'm stupid. . . . . uh, yeah, that does make me angry.
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At the risk of a direct face shot, I have to ask a question. What are the "contract hostages" that are being referenced in this thread? I am just curious.

Moderator hat on:

If another member calls out another member by name again, I'm going to PERMANENTLY DELETE you from this board.

Just gave a 30 day suspension to an AirTran pilot for doing the same thing. I'm not kidding here. I know tensions are going to be high for a while, but there is NO excuse to go after each other and it won't be tolerated.

7 days if it happens again. It wasn't a direct threat, and although the profanity isn't bypassed by inserting creative spelling, it's an acronym and profanity is a ToS violation.

He's been warned against name-calling this morning at the same time I had to remove the other post calling someone out by name. I let it stay only because it had been reported AND quoted and everyone else is saying I moderate and delete too much lately, even though I've taken action against AirTran pilots more than anyone else lately. As a moderator, there will ALWAYS be people who second-guess how you moderate, just part of the job, which sucks.

Everyone needs to take it down a notch.

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