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Airtran gets into the RJ game

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-I’m sorry (not really) my “unprecedented scum bag low pay” ruined your party.
-Why the quotes? I didn't say anything like that?
----------Your quote, “I am not "whining" when I express concern that the new generations of airlines which compete by paying their employees less establishes very bad precedent that will affect all of us.” Quotes are there because, while not verbatim, they represent your view, and the last I want to do is to have you accuse me of plagiarizing.

-Was kind of hoping others would raise theirs so all of us don't have to lower ours.
----------My whole point is to give up a little (aka concessions) to keep our own off the street, isn’t it?

-You're right. I was born a Delta pilot. I didn't work for it at all.
----------Sure you did. Just try acknowledging every once in a while.

-While concessions would certainly save money, our president himself said that they would only keep as many pilots as they need, concessions or not. Want to argue, call him. I'm jus tthe messenger.
----------I’m glad our president sees it differently.

-If and when concessions are needed, I will support them.
----------But in an earlier post, same thread, you said, “You don't have to convince me of AAI guy's willingness to accept lower pay. That doesn't impress me. That kind of "support" I can do without.”

Again, delta, it’s either you support or you don't support. No back pedaling.

Part of the problem, delta, is I don’t see your spirit behind my monitor and all I have are your words. And if you think my misinterpreting you is an “apparent paranoia,” then, let me remind you that I’m not the only one reacting to your overconfidence.
No just B-52's, I am surprised that he doesn't have a mushroom cloud in the background of the B-52 with the slogan"all in a days work" written under it.lol
What, I can't make fun of terrorists??;)

Turbo, that's on my bumper sticker!! Just kidding, sometimes I feel like dropping a "Nucular Bomb" on threads that get out of hand, hence the joke.
Keep digging and let me know what you find. Let's also have an apples and oranges comparison while we are at it. At least in wholly owned's you have some arguiing points. It is not happening there so what makes you think it will ever happen here.


How was showing two companies who are able to have express and mainline type flying being flown by ONELIST compairing apples to oranges? Is it just because those companies are in other countries? Give me a break, thats all the more reason it should be able to be done here.

It looks to me like it is Air Wisconsin flying that they are letting AirTran paint their planes for.

UHH?? If Airtran would'nt pay the famous Fee For Departure to AirWis then AirWis would'nt even be in that market. So no its not AirWis flying, it is AirWis performing an operation on behalf of Airtran that should be flown by Airtran pilots in whatever aircraft is suitable for the market.

Look at the rest of the industry. If all the companies did thier own flying then mgt. would'nt have anyone to wipsaw.

Every company that is using an express carrier to feed for them is shrinking the mainline and expanding express. What in the world makes some Airtran Pilots think that same thing won't happen to them. Its amazing that some of you are all for this.
I fly with a guy who flew B-52's out of Grand Forks,ND for a while . He said his squadron got T-shirts with the mushroom cloud and the comment, the higher ups made them get rid of them-bad P.R. You might get smashed here for using your freedom of speach to abuse a terrorist minority, they have rights too...............amazing where we have gone.
hehe, good one, TurboS7

Back to subject though...

National Pilots Association (AirTran pilot's union), today send out e-mail to its members that stated support for company's decision for code sharing with Air Wisconsin. The email stated that they were consulted on the issue by the company, and will be monitoring the situation in the future to insure contract compliance.
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