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Airnet Hopefull

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No Worries Mon...

Hey dont worry about it. I was in your interview group and my sim ride went about the same. I think they were just seeing when you would crack. I had like 4 engine failures during the ride and a partial panel hold into a non precision approach. The single engine ILS is when I really ate it. I was so busy flying the thing I picked the wrong DH off the plate. I'm not really used to NOS plates. All you guys had fresher looking haircuts than I did. My application wasn't typed and it was finished the night before at 2am because they forgot to email it to me. I didn't get it until about 14 hours before I got on the plane to Ohio. If I didn't have to pay for tickets all the way to freaking Ohio then I would have just asked to interview the next day and sim prep the day before. I think that shows a lot of intrest. Oh yeah, I'm the guy from Cali.

So anyhow at this point I'm considering it a good learning experience. It was my first real aviation interview. Good luck. I haven't gotten word either way. No thumbs up or down. Dont loose hope.

I do have quite a few things I would do differently if I could interview again. I would really like to work for a company like airnet. The MX hanger was amazing. I wouldn't have a problem with flying their aircraft. I'm considering writing what I should have done during the interview on this thread or a new one. Give other guys a heads up. What do you think?
flyinacez said:
Hey guys, I had an interview last week with Airnet. The test wasnt bad and the one on one with Craig went ok I think. The sim on the other hand might have been the death of me. Forgot to turn direct to VOR when told, never switched to advisory for VOR A app. blew through the localizer prior to G/S intercept but then flew it ok. I was fast the whole time aswell:( Has anyone else messed up this much and received the job? It's been about 5 days since the interview and I havent heard back, need sleep so I think I will call them. Any insight would be appreciated...thanks!
Keep calling Craig. I dont want to give you false hope, but I have heard storys of people performing sub par and getting the call. But I dont know anyone personally whom this has happened to. Nevertheless dont let if get you down. If you did not get it they should give you a chance to reapply. Showing intrest and a desire to improve could earn some brownie points in the event that you have to reapply.
Good luck, dont loose any more sleep, its not worth it,
During my sim ride, I pooched the slow flight maneuver so bad that Craig was laughing in the back of the sim room. My ILS approach wasn't anything to write about either. I thought for sure that I'd crashed and burned and would be instructing the rest of my days.

Now here I am almost 3 years later "starcheckin" with the best of em.
Princedietrich said:
During my sim ride, I pooched the slow flight maneuver so bad that Craig was laughing in the back of the sim room. My ILS approach wasn't anything to write about either. I thought for sure that I'd crashed and burned and would be instructing the rest of my days.

Now here I am almost 3 years later "starcheckin" with the best of em.

The worse you do on your sim ride, the more likely it is that you get hired straight into the training department!

Just kidding Prince D.!
well that's fine, because I didn't get hired straight into the training department. I got hired into that 5th plane of Hades known as Detroit. :)
detroit...."what turn?" you mean

for real though...don't bring a kneeboard or your IP will just make fun of you. stargazer had one and 'Nator almost beat him to death with it.
OK, I'll take the chance of some abuse here and admit that I use a small clipboard to hold IAPs, charts and a pad for copying clearances. And yes, I leave it on my lap when I need it. Its on the floor or other seat enroute. I see a lot of cracks on here about kneeboards, so let me ask: What do you guys use to keep your s*&t together?
Catnhat said:
OK, I'll take the chance of some abuse here and admit that I use a small clipboard to hold IAPs, charts and a pad for copying clearances. And yes, I leave it on my lap when I need it. Its on the floor or other seat enroute. I see a lot of cracks on here about kneeboards, so let me ask: What do you guys use to keep your s*&t together?
Mine is a small metal case, has a notepad in it, and i can hold charts, etc in it. serves the purpose of a kneeboard...but i dont fly freight either...
Catnhat said:
OK, I'll take the chance of some abuse here and admit that I use a small clipboard to hold IAPs, charts and a pad for copying clearances. And yes, I leave it on my lap when I need it. Its on the floor or other seat enroute. I see a lot of cracks on here about kneeboards, so let me ask: What do you guys use to keep your s*&t together?

After about two weeks on your run, you won't need to look at any charts or write down any clearances. If the weather is super low, you can just pull a plate out of your bag to double check everything.

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