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Airnet Hopefull

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MrPink1911 said:
Zues just called and invited me to interview on January 11..... Gonna do some sim prep on 10th..... Best of luck to the rest of you guys!!!

Congrats!!!!! still hopin they call me here, its been longer than you had to wait though... wonder if thats a bad sign or if im just jumpin the gun.
If you have 750TT they probably will not contact you till you have some more, and update your resume on their site a few times...someone that works there, chime in if i'm wrong.
well not that its a huge difference, but im actually at 820 ish right now. I update every 1 - 2 weeks also. I figure if its anything its that though, my time being to low that is. Oh well all i can do is keep on chuggin!
I got an interview!!!! I called Craig Washka today and asked him how my phone interview went, he put me on hold and came back and said I was on the list to call!! Then i spoke to Bill White for a few minutes and was told I'd receive a phone call today with an interview date, and if I didnt hear from him by 3 to give him a call back.

I will let you guys know when my date is!
Congrats Bro..... Maybe I will see you next week!!!
MrPink1911 - I was hopin so too, but Bill White tried his hardest to get me in last minute for monday/tuesday but he couldn't. He called today and said they would like to bring me in for an interview on the 19th of the month. Oh well at least i got a spot and now i have time for preparation!! Let us all know how your face-to-face goes!!
i will give you the blow by blow and probably post something on aviationinterviews.com if its something really different than what's posted there already..... i have this interview on wednesday, and then with cape air and airnow next week..... along with studying for atp written, busy times ahead..... wishin' everyone the best of luck, i still believe there is enough work out there for everyone!!!
Ok, had the interview today..... could have been better, could have been worse..... go on aviationinterviews.com and the gouge on there is pretty much spot on, vor-a into newark-heath and ils28l at port columbus, ai failure, engine failure both inflight and on take off roll..... the written is pretty easy, some questions are written oddly. the talk with the CP is ok, know the airplane you have been flying, i f-ed up and forgot that the a/c i have been flying had O-360s.... felt sorta like an idiot, brain fart i guess..... but they said i would get a thumbs up or down by the end of the week..... my impression of the operation though was good, super facility in columbus, nice folks, and i could be a place you could make your home for a while rather than a place where you get your time and leave..... hope this helps, good luck to you all!!!

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