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Airnet Hopefull

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Kneeboard might be helpful, I didn't have one and the laminated checklist and approach plates kept falling on the floor, a yoke clip might be an even better idea..... flashlight would not be necessary I don't think..... its a pretty stressful sim ride with both instrument and engine failures, so get ready....
Congratulations to all that have class dates / interviews...If you don't mind me asking - how did you get the 135 mins? The old fashioned way by flight instructing? If so - would working for a 141 school with students (ALL ATPS for example) be the way to go?

Flight instructing was how i did it.... 141 school, but i dont think that matters as much as how much you fly..... i was flying +100 hours per month and make sure you do some landings at other airports to get the 500 hours point to point cross country time.....
Princedietrich said:
The postman always brings the bad news.

If it's a phone call from Craig, you're in.

The postman doesn't always bring bad news. So if you interviewed and didn't get a call the next day, don't be discouraged! I got the letter saying I'm in 5 days after the interview
Jan 31st class..... only a week and a half away, I had better get my $h1t together!!! :)
well i had the interview yesterday, i thought i did extremely well on everything actually. sim ride was great, written was easy, and face to face with craig went very well. They told us all ( 7 of us :eek:) to expect letters within 7 - 10 days. They also said they are pretty much caught up pilot wise and that there is a hiring pool starting. Craig said the new classes are only going to have 2 guys per class which seemed strange. freakin awesome company though im prayin that i get in.
got the call just now!!!! only thing is they want me to get 1050 before they bring me in for training, and they want me to call craig every week to update my progress. Oh well, at least im in! maybe they will get desperate enough again too and call me in sooner!!

thanks for all the help guys, and good luck to those still applying!!
Flysher said:
got the call just now!!!! only thing is they want me to get 1050 before they bring me in for training, and they want me to call craig every week to update my progress. Oh well, at least im in! maybe they will get desperate enough again too and call me in sooner!!

thanks for all the help guys, and good luck to those still applying!!
Pretty cool that they have a job waiting for you. Is your TT accurate? 820? I guess this goes along with the hiring pool idea.

How many hours/mo do you fly now? I hope a lot!
I have about 835 right now. I dont know that i actually have a job "waiting" for me, although im not entirely sure how the hiring pool deal works. Is is possible for me to get booted from the pool? I hope not.

BTW im flying about 50 hours a month right now :-( If that continues that means at least 4 months till i even get assigned a class date!!!! But if its garunteed then thats better than nothing.

could someone explain the hiring pool deal to me a bit better?
Hey guys, I had an interview last week with Airnet. The test wasnt bad and the one on one with Craig went ok I think. The sim on the other hand might have been the death of me. Forgot to turn direct to VOR when told, never switched to advisory for VOR A app. blew through the localizer prior to G/S intercept but then flew it ok. I was fast the whole time aswell:( Has anyone else messed up this much and received the job? It's been about 5 days since the interview and I havent heard back, need sleep so I think I will call them. Any insight would be appreciated...thanks!

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