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Airlines Vs Fractional

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Holy crap you are friggin egotistical moron. Lemme explain sonsing to ju.

You actually think anyone is better because they fly more passengers and that gives them more responsibility? We need to take people like you out back and shoot them.

You fly a friggin regional jet from point A to point B and back every day all day long. A fuggin monkey can do that job. A 300 hour pilot can and does your job.

I am not bragging my job is any more difficult, which it is, but I certainly would'nt open that can of worms junior.

I cannot believe people today still try to make that argument.

Let me give you a small but significant example. Remember after 9-11 there was an American Airlines A-300 crash in Jamaica Queens, NY that killed everyone on board and several on the ground? That was a terrible accident, right?

Remember the Lear 35 that departed Orlando, Florida flew itself to altitude with Payne Stewart onboad finally crashing in a corn field in Nebraska?

Which one is still talked about today. Its sad to say that hardly anyone refers to that A-300 crash anymore. I am discusted that Payne Stewarts life is seemingly more news worthy or made to seem more important than 250 people that died on that airliner. My point is simple, we all have the same amount of responsibility. The even larger fact is this... If we crash our little "10 passenger or less" jet which doesn't require as much responsibility as that LARGE regional jet we could crumble a business or part of the economy. We fly people like George Bush Sr., Warren Buffet, Richard Hollbrook(embassidor to the united nations). Our less responsibility translates to higher profile. Do you think a high profile customer would be happy knowing there was a 300 hour wiz kid up there, I dont either.
Dude >>> Its First Grade Math

It has nothing to do with EGO >> Its just a First Grade Math Problem!

Lets see 50-10 = 40

40 = the Amount of additional Responsiblity

Thats 40 more Wives,Husbands,Mothers,Fathers,Kids that will Sue your Company and Your Spouse!

Whats So difficult about that?

Everyone puts their pants on the same way in the morning >> I dont care if it is a CEO >> President of a Country or a Walmart Employee >> Each and every person we carry on an airplane is important and we are responsible for them!
Its just a First Grade Math Problem!
Don't forget first grade fares+first grade profits, will always equal first grade pay.

Let's see,

2 PAX @ $16million VS. 50 PAX @ $123.00 a head. Did you finish 1st grade?

I am blown away that you think you have more responsibility than anyone else in avaitaion. We all know that the ERJ is nothing more than a stretched brazilia with jet engines, nothing special about it!
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Live4flyng said:
We all know that the ERJ is nothing more than a stretched brazilia with jet engines, nothing special about it!

Another intelligent and mature post. Does that also mean that the Cessna Citation is nothing more than a big 310 with jets slapped on? C'mon, grow up. Not only are you wrong, but your posts indicate the maturity level of a baboon. Hopefully you are more of a professional in real life.

Really raj?

Please. A 121 Captain can barely fart unless it's on the release. That's one of the reasons I left the regional biz. I like being a complete pilot, doing our own flight planning, weather evaluation and decision making for going to new airports all the time. It's fun and challenging. I'm sure a lot of captains at the airlines love having all those decisions taken from them, it's a heck of a lot easier just to check the results to be sure that all the blocks have been checked than to do it themselves. And yes I am well aware that when you have to make a 15 minute turn you obviously don't have time for all that, which is why the flights are so canned and so much resposibility for that stuff lies elsewhere.

By your logic raj, a captain on a cruise ship is so far above the level of even a widebody pilot that he or she should be worshipped as a god.
Even the smallest of RJ's is still more airplane than anything in corporate aviation

"still more airplane...." God has spoken! All bow!

There are plenty of corporate airplanes that make RJ's look like a Barbie Fun Jet. I'd like to see you land "corporate" Beech 18 on ice in a crosswind with the cg at the aft limit.

If you're going to be arrogant, at least have something to be arrogant about.

Get over yourself kiddo.
Its always been my experience that the poepl screaming bigger plane, more responsibility are the ones who have the least varied experience. If you cam from corporate with several type rating, military, etc the you can respectfully argue the poin many ways. These wiz kids who got hired straight out of a C-172 straight into an RJ or some commuter have zero experience to argue with. Flame is you must but I have experience to back it up.

I thought this post was about "airlines vs fracts" ? Somehow it has turned into mines bigger , better ,or ??????

Fact .

We are all paid professionals. We sell our services to the company we work for.

Fact .

Most are unoin.


Management, market forces, and pilots all play into the finale outcome of the package negotiated.


No one flying job fits all. Everyone has thier own likes, and dislikes. This doesn't make one better than the other.


Enough facts. It has been a long dry tour, and now I am home wetting the whislte.

To All!
Happy New Year!

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