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Airline Mergers!

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I'll bet they would call it:


Is that how they say "Me so horny" in Valdosta speak? You would know.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
Yes, we have had some bad management, but overall, we have one major union. One. Is that because everyone else is ignorant? No, they treat the ATL people nice enough to get 51% of the vote each time a union vote comes up (atleast on the stew side). Overall, our employees trust our management. (I didn't say the pilots believe that)

Is this supposed to be a back-handed put down of the rest of the DAL employees or does management treat all the non-union employees better than the pilots.

ALL OF NORTHWEST'S EMPLOYEES HATE NWA MANAGEMENT. How many times have they struck or threatened to strike?

Hate is an awfully powerful word, and no, I don't HATE management. Now, distrust....

So, based on the above which is undeniable, then how would the NWA employees like to have their own management replaced? I bet they would. But, you don't think so?? Okay then.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I think there are a handful in the upper management ranks whose departure would be welcome news. I am not so sure however, that we really want to have our old management back (you know, all the ones that are over at DAL now).
So, based on the above which is undeniable, then how would the NWA employees like to have their own management replaced? I bet they would. But, you don't think so?? Okay then.

True, NWA employees are quick to bash their management team. However, if you want to bring your holier than thou attitude to the table when you step in their backyard, I think you'll find that they will circle the wagons against a perceived outside threat so fast it will make your head spin.

I guess there always could be a first time, just like when you eventually kiss a girl.

Now, see, that's just ugly. Was I ugly? No, I wasn't. But you just had to go the traditional "General Lee" route. True, I made that Stepford Wives comment, but I think it's largely accurate. However, I will gladly stoop to your level....

First of all, thirteen year old Thai boys do not qualify as a girl even if they are wearing a dress, so you don't get to count them when you tally up the girls you've kissed.

Second of all, I did kiss a girl once. I managed to kiss my wife somewhere in the process of impregnating her with my son... something you have, as of yet, failed to accomplish, judging by some of your previous posts. Better luck next time though.

On second thought, don't worry too much about it. I imagine someone else will take care of that for you while you're sitting in a hotel in Lagos for 48 hours. Who knows?? Might even be a Northwest pilot!

I have a question. Exactly how many times did you have to get your ass kicked when you were growing up to turn into the very very small man that you are today? Or were you just born an ass?
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Qantas flies between JFK and LAX, but they can't pick up and drop off new people between the two, can they? I don't think they can. Likewise, United can't pick up and drop people off between Sydney and Melbourne, right? So if the Aussie "open skies" is really just a marketing gimmick to encourage more US-Aussie flying, fine. But there is nothing they have or can offer to make cabotage worth it for us. I hope that's not in the discussion.
1. Why buy now...its cheaper when they (whoever that may be) are in bankrupcy.

2. Higher fuel will mean a reduction in expenses...what costs more to operate a CRJ or md-80/737.

Think of how many RJ's the combined DAL/UAL could park.

It's a slam dunk.
What a mess that would be.

Bye Bye--General Lee

It sure would be. I'd bet that if it looked like a US/NWA merger was in the works the NW pilots would do everything in their power to avoid dealing with the Easties. You just know they'd be trying to staple the NW guys to the end of our list. The United guys already know what it's like to deal with the Easties. They'd be pounding on your door saying, "Delta pleaaaasssssseeeeee buy us!!!"
True, NWA employees are quick to bash their management team. However, if you want to bring your holier than thou attitude to the table when you step in their backyard, I think you'll find that they will circle the wagons against a perceived outside threat so fast it will make your head spin.

Now, see, that's just ugly. Was I ugly? No, I wasn't. But you just had to go the traditional "General Lee" route. True, I made that Stepford Wives comment, but I think it's largely accurate. However, I will gladly stoop to your level....

First of all, thirteen year old Thai boys do not qualify as a girl even if they are wearing a dress, so you don't get to count them when you tally up the girls you've kissed.

Second of all, I did kiss a girl once. I managed to kiss my wife somewhere in the process of impregnating her with my son... something you have, as of yet, failed to accomplish, judging by some of your previous posts. Better luck next time though.

On second thought, don't worry too much about it. I imagine someone else will take care of that for you while you're sitting in a hotel in Lagos for 48 hours. Who knows?? Might even be a Northwest pilot!

I have a question. Exactly how many times did you have to get your ass kicked when you were growing up to turn into the very very small man that you are today? Or were you just born an ass?

You weren't ugly? Didn't you say something about walking with a broom stick up your butt? I think you did Elmer Fudd. Thirteen year old Thai boys? How can I see them, we don't go to ASIA, remember?????? Ha ha ha ha! You have NO CLUE what you are talking about with me and my family life. Ever wonder why I am up so late at night? I don't really have to share with you why, though--and it is not looking at Thai boys--or whatever else your sick mind comes up with. And, I am too senior to go to Lagos. Nah, I bid what I want, and get it. I don't try to be an arse, but many think so when they turn frustrated at my genius. People resort to slams when they cannot debate me. It happens all of the time. You are the latest example.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Is this supposed to be a back-handed put down of the rest of the DAL employees or does management treat all the non-union employees better than the pilots.

Hate is an awfully powerful word, and no, I don't HATE management. Now, distrust....

I think there are a handful in the upper management ranks whose departure would be welcome news. I am not so sure however, that we really want to have our old management back (you know, all the ones that are over at DAL now).

No, I did not slam the rest of the DL employees. The ones in ATL are treated better than the ones in the outer bases, and they tend to vote down unions. It is a numbers thing--get 51% to love you, and no union.

I would guess many people at NWA HATE Steenland, and don't trust him. Look at the NWA Flight Attendants today putting out a press release slamming him for lack of communication.

As far as the number of NWA managment people here at DL now, I count two--Anderson and the new VP of Flight Ops--who ran Krispy Kreem and Greyhound in between I think. The CFO at DL , Ed Bastain, was promoted to President and CFO, and the Chairman of the board is still the same. The Board of Directors has changed a lot too since BK. I think there is some NWA influence in upper levels though, and that would be good if we actually buy them.

Bye Bye--General Lee
1. Why buy now...its cheaper when they (whoever that may be) are in bankrupcy.

2. Higher fuel will mean a reduction in expenses...what costs more to operate a CRJ or md-80/737.

Think of how many RJ's the combined DAL/UAL could park.

It's a slam dunk.

A lot of the above post is confusing. DL would probably like to buy NWA, and they just came out of BK. They would make a good addition because they cleaned themselves up in BK. Higher fuel and RJs don't work. You can't spread out the costs to cover the high fuel in only 50 seats. That is why they are being parked. And, NWA has a lot of RJs too, and many of them could be parked in MEM if that hub is downsized. In a NWA/DL combo, CVG and MEM are likely to be downsized. With a UAL/DL combo--there are questions about IAD next to JFK, ORD next to CVG, and SLC next to DEN, along with joint operations at LAX that currently have many redundant city pairs. Gordon Bafoon doesn't tell you that in his Pardus press releases...

Bye Bye--General Lee
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My point was a DAL/UAL combination could run an all mainline service in ORD while being much smaller in CVG, same with SLC/DEN...ATL/IAD/JFK.

That seems to me to be an "economies of scale" airline more than DAL/NWA.

Simply my opinion.

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