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Age limit will increase to 67 by years end.

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The boomers moved the goal posts to benefit themselves. Yip why do you even care? I find it ironic you keep scraping the bottom to underpay and over work guys selling them the same dream you advocate moving the goal posts of.

That's great. I love stories like this, but lets see him (or you for that matter) pass a 787/A3x0 type.

Perfectly said with yiptroll
These accidents happened when there were no over 60 pilots in 121 flying. In addition, there have been huge advancements in CRM that were not there during Tenerife. I think the CRM advancements and technology like EGPWS, LLWS, TCAS, airfield surface radar and a host of others have helped prevent many accidents. The fact still remains that you as a captain have not flown with the older crowd and cannot comment on what happens. The FO is not paid to babysit, man the fort while the old guy sleeps or mitigate a host of other things that happen. Most pilots cannot fight the effects of aging and it shows to the FOs that fly with them. Not all, but enough to raise alarm.

I'd say 15-25% is an accurate range of unsafe 60+ year olds,

hey pro age increase guys?

What percentage of captains should I be faced with the awkward situation of doing their job, w/o authority or pay, before we stop allowing pilots to captain past age 60?

Why on earth would anyone find it acceptable for an FO to take on such a task? And yes- that very much IS about money, but also authority. Should I be paid less to do someone else's job?- babysit someone who ought to be my superior?

I never felt strongly about this, but now I'm senior enough to fly with the ore 60 crowd, and now they are old enough to really see the effects of this extra 5 years experiment.

Fly til you die, just do it from the right seat. Everybody wins- except for the 60+ egos.
All right then, that's good. Keep taking care of that airplane. And take care of that 95 year old too. God Bless him for being able to participate, but I think you ought to take at least two pilots when he goes. Don't push the guy, or let him feel pushed. I'm sure the guy flying that P51 didn't want his last memory to be augering into the crowd at Reno.
This was on the guys "Bucket List", we let him buy the gas and get a couple hours in the bird. He lives in Alaska, He said he will come back on his 100th birthday and do it again. That might make the national news.


The boomers moved the goal posts to benefit themselves. Yip why do you even care? I find it ironic you keep scraping the bottom to underpay and over work guys selling them the same dream you advocate moving the goal posts of.
Where have I ever said that JUS is any place but a place to come and pay your dues to get the magic 1000 hr TJ PIC. It has been a great launching place for career jobs at SWA, JB, DAL, Spirit, FedEx, UPS, Atlas, NJ, Corporate, etc. If the place was so bad why would 5 furloughed NJ guys apply for jobs, or the furloughed DAL guys back in 2001 call and ask to come back for 4-5 years. I stay in touch with many of our former pilots and share stories of the good ole days. They get solid 121 training that allows them to be ready for the next move and it one of the options to pay your dues.
Perfectly said with yiptroll
yea whatever from the source of all knowledge in aviation. Here let me start an exchange with you, the sky is blue.
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Lets be honest, this is about money, nothing more. The worst aviation accident in history was captained by under 60 aged pilots. So be careful when throwing rocks, the 410 club crew were under 60 as well, this is about entitlement grade booger eaters wanting the cake, and being denied. Argue how ever you want, and be honest it's about money. The old guys want to continue making it and the younger guys are pissed they are being obstructed by the old guys.

Heck, I'll stipulate to your greed point. What I'd like to know is why my greed is any more immoral than the gummer's greed.
Lets be honest, this is about money, nothing more. The worst aviation accident in history was captained by under 60 aged pilots. So be careful when throwing rocks, the 410 club crew were under 60 as well, this is about entitlement grade booger eaters wanting the cake, and being denied. Argue how ever you want, and be honest it's about money. The old guys want to continue making it and the younger guys are pissed they are being obstructed by the old guys.







All under 60.....
too much reality in this post for FI. This is all about pure get out of my seat, and the safety flag is waved. No one can be against safety so when you don't agree you are anti-safety.
And why shouldn't you get out of my seat.

It is my seat. Just because you stole my car doesn't make it your car.

You had five extra years at my expense. Isn't that enough? I suppose not for a greedy old stooge.
Lets be honest, this is about money, nothing more. The worst aviation accident in history was captained by under 60 aged pilots. So be careful when throwing rocks, the 410 club crew were under 60 as well, this is about entitlement grade booger eaters wanting the cake, and being denied. Argue how ever you want, and be honest it's about money. The old guys want to continue making it and the younger guys are pissed they are being obstructed by the old guys.







All under 60.....

It's not that simple. We are headed toward way bigger problems IMHO. I mentioned Gladwell's book Outliers earlier, and after yesterday I think we'll all hear more about it. Big part of the book talks about Korean airlines and their culture (ethnicity theory in plane crashes). Our professional airline culture is headed toward this same problem. We may not wreck airplanes (yet), but this culture shift is certainly wrecking the profession/industry in our Country. Putting value on age alone over anyone else's contributions, talents, and experience is the wrong thing to be doing. Case in point: Yip couldn't care less about a young pilot, no matter what experience he or she has. Conversely, he'll kowtow to the 95 year old. We're seeing this in all facets of this profession and industry. The cabin crew did a heck of a job yesterday getting the passengers out. In fact, some of the FAs were carrying passengers. I flew yesterday with a FA around 70 years old who couldn't carry her own weight!! (she was around 200 lbs.) She would have been a complete liability in a scenario like yesterday. But, she's old, so her rights transcend anything else.

Gladwells "ethinic theory of plane crashes" might demonstrate the exact opposite for post accident plane evacuations? (Again, in line with the author's theory, the same reasons that might lead the Korean pilots to wreck the airplane had the equal opposite result with the cabin crew. Koreans want young, fit FAs and they can obviously evac an airplane well) Both sides of the cockpit door have unique problems that seem opposite between how things are done in Korea vs. here is the US. But it ought to be obvious that unchecked ageism, or serving only the whim of older workers no matter any other factors, is ultimately going to be unsafe. And in this Country, this industry, at this time, AGE is the only thing we seem to care about.

Besides, the money situation has changed big time. If your time off is worth anything then your not going to get the big dollars. There is no more big W2s for 50% work. It's about what you spend and less about what you make. The only pilots left who really don't understand that are mostly over the age of 60.
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Yip couldn't care less about a young pilot, no matter what experience he or she has.
Now what exactly is meant by this? I am the the DA20 standards I don't set pay, days off or any of that stuff. But I fight everyday to make it a better place to work. I care greatly, I want to see them succeed, I want to give them the best training available at this level of the business. I want to see them move on to career jobs. Where else does a SE prop driver make it to 121 TJ PIC to get the resume fluff that lands a job at SWA, Atlas, DAL, etc? They are my friends and I do everything I can to help them make the next step. It is not about me it is about them reaching the promise land that I never got to see.

Again if it so bad why our former pilots call here when they are unemployed?
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Now what exactly is meant by this?

When I wrote that the first time I used Andy as an example of the younger pilot. Made more sense that way I guess. What you do with the DA20 and for those you're in charge of is great. However, you couldn't give two cents if Andy get's his teeth kicked in every 3-5 years by the cake eater generation who wrote age 65. How you can see a difference between the 95 year old guy and Andy, I don't understand. They are almost the same guy.

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