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Age limit will increase to 67 by years end.

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Please tell me those weren't the only two pilots on board?
nothing to worry about the 81 year old crew chief was with them, we havin fun yet?
nothing to worry about the 81 year old crew chief was with them, we havin fun yet?

Anybody around this little endeavor ever say something like just because we can do this, should we?

And how do you know everyone's age?

*It's almost like the B17 is a sideshow to you. You seem far more interested in getting the oldest pilot possible into the air.
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This was a bad one. BUT could have been a lot worse. (Landed on fire near a school)


You got to be smart around these things Yip. Is a 95 year old at the controls a smart idea? With a 62 year old pilot in the other seat? Sounds like it might be a bit of a dumb op to me. The mechanic side of me then wonders what your maintenance is like. Maybe it's great. But there have been enough problems around these things that a guy like you ought to start asking yourself some questions. You guys screw up bad and these things will get parked. Don't ruin stuff like this for the rest of us!
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The mechanic side of me then wonders what your maintenance is like. Maybe it's great.
Check with the B-17 co-op people, they will tell you that the "Yankee Lady" is best maintained B-17 out there. Still has the factory Turbo-charger system. It fun to post this stuff cause many people really get all worked about this age thing.

That because there has never been an accident with a pilot under the age of 60. Everyone looses there mind the minute after turning 60, but no one under the magic moment ever had a "Brain Fart"
Lets be honest, this is about money, nothing more. The worst aviation accident in history was captained by under 60 aged pilots. So be careful when throwing rocks, the 410 club crew were under 60 as well, this is about entitlement grade booger eaters wanting the cake, and being denied. Argue how ever you want, and be honest it's about money. The old guys want to continue making it and the younger guys are pissed they are being obstructed by the old guys.







All under 60.....
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Check with the B-17 co-op people, they will tell you that the "Yankee Lady" is best maintained B-17 out there. Still has the factory Turbo-charger system. It fun to post this stuff cause many people really get all worked about this age thing.

All right then, that's good. Keep taking care of that airplane. And take care of that 95 year old too. God Bless him for being able to participate, but I think you ought to take at least two pilots when he goes. Don't push the guy, or let him feel pushed. I'm sure the guy flying that P51 didn't want his last memory to be augering into the crowd at Reno.
Yip, it's the other way around. It's your generation that has "get out of my seat" syndrome (and get off my lawn syndrome). Those seats belonged to the next generation of pilots. .as they always had.. but it was the boomers who told the rest of us "get out of my seat". And then had the balls to sit there and act like they were entitled to it because they think they were the only generation who'd "paid their dues". Try spending 7 years in the right seat at a regional. You can tell me all about the guys who sat sideways for 10 years but they weren't making regional wages back then.

Air Traffic Controllers retire at 57. Why do you think that is? Because they have to think quickly and stay sharp. And you lose that in old age. It's part of the natural cycle. Accept it.


The boomers moved the goal posts to benefit themselves. Yip why do you even care? I find it ironic you keep scraping the bottom to underpay and over work guys selling them the same dream you advocate moving the goal posts of.

Just had a 95 year old pilot fly our B-17, still has a current FAA second class medical. Did a good job. He has been flying since 1935. Was a B-17 Instructor pilot during WWII. He told us the the FAA won't let him fly on his 135 certificate anymore. So maybe the Feds have an upper limit of 95 for 135 ops. Good to hear I have aanother 25 years of flyign the DA-20 in fromt of me. ha ha

That's great. I love stories like this, but lets see him (or you for that matter) pass a 787/A3x0 type.
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Lets be honest, this is about money, nothing more. The worst aviation accident in history was captained by under 60 aged pilots. So be careful when throwing rocks, the 410 club crew were under 60 as well, this is about entitlement grade booger eaters wanting the cake, and being denied. Argue how ever you want, and be honest it's about money. The old guys want to continue making it and the younger guys are pissed they are being obstructed by the old guys.







All under 60.....

These accidents happened when there were no over 60 pilots in 121 flying. In addition, there have been huge advancements in CRM that were not there during Tenerife. I think the CRM advancements and technology like EGPWS, LLWS, TCAS, airfield surface radar and a host of others have helped prevent many accidents. The fact still remains that you as a captain have not flown with the older crowd and cannot comment on what happens. The FO is not paid to babysit, man the fort while the old guy sleeps or mitigate a host of other things that happen. Most pilots cannot fight the effects of aging and it shows to the FOs that fly with them. Not all, but enough to raise alarm.
What question was that?, you have sent me many. Besides it is normally futile, you have already made up your mind and any answers I give would be quickly refuted. Besides my answers don't really count, after all would would an old guy working for a non-sked know anyway.

Nice argument- just a troll then? You have no facts or experience to back up your claims-

Well, that's not unusual on FI now is it

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