There were PRACTICAL expectations and time weighted advancement opportunities every pilot had expected, that were marketed and sold to us by pilots, flight training departments even industry "experts" who foretold a level of reasonable career expectations. EVERYTHING that has happened in this industry the previous 10 years has proven this system is NOT practical nor rewarding except to the top 10% who have sold this career's integrity like an ammo clip at a swap meet. Being an out of shape fiscally irresponsible moron by having 5 wives 3 houses and 2 BMW's and pissing away your career funds on luxury items and drowning your retirement is NOT my ####ing problem to suffer. YOU should suffer the consequences instead you lobbied for another 5 years to redeem your financial stupidity. Your telling us to grow up? I live within my means clearly something your generation has grown hypocritical to.
P.S. this is not directed at YOU personally but your entire generation.
I belive you should say the top 51%.