Double ditto!
If you need somebody to retire to move up or get a job, you're a sorry excuse for a human, or an American. Make you own place in the world rather than being a lame butt parasite.
Nobody said it would be easy and you're not entitled to anything. Go earn it.
I'm sorry, but are you not aware of how seniority works?
See in our industry, having a good career or moving up the chain has nothing to do with hard work and respect, it's all about timing and good luck. If you get hired at the right place and the right time, you have a good career. If you get hired in the back end of a boom or keep getting furloughed, your career sucks.
In this industry you have to wait your turn to upgrade, get better aircraft, have a better schedule. Most guys are great to fly with, but their are a lot of rejects out there too. Some guys don't deserve a fourth stripe by their behavior, ethics, or job ability. I'm a left seater, but on occasion I swing gear for a more senior captain. Sometimes I get frustrated by flying under the command of someone who has no right to be there. Not because they are old, but because their ability lacks.
You want guys to earn their place? Well how about we upgrade based on merit and ability, not just because you're next in line. Being a captain has everything to do with knowledge, levelheadedness, and ability. Some don't have this.
And about old age. If you have the ability to hold command, great, it will be a pleasure flying with you. If you are working because this is your "fun job" or "your retirement job" (things I have heard "retired" guys say) than I question their overall dedication and drive versus a career individual. And with some, it shows.