The opponents to change are the cake and eat it crowd who have an Ozzie and Harriet view of retirement at 60 from the left seat and maybe a little military pension and VA health care to boot. They aren't about to let the reality of the carnage of the past 6 years upset their fantasy retirement. And if it takes tossing those who have had the least amount of time to prepare under the bus to do it, that's life!
Lets see, you want to have received the benefit of retirement of those at 60, yet push it to 65 for yourself....yeah I see how WE are cake and eat it too crowd. Dude, where do you come off. Loss of mental capacity is one of the things to go. And you know what, that is life. DID YOU NOT SEE THIS COMING (age 60). HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN AN AIRLINE GO OUT OF BUSINESS? Blame someone else crowd.