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Age 60 informal poll

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Abolish the Age 60 Rule for other that Part 91 pilots?

  • Yea

    Votes: 668 35.5%
  • Nay

    Votes: 1,214 64.5%

  • Total voters

I am acquainted with John Prater, I have worked with John Prater, you sir are no John Prater!

You like one part of his message so you post it. Good for you. Here's the challenge: Follow his entire mandate! In fact, you could take a few pointers from him. You stand to get a double share of 777 Captain while many thousands of pilots have been rationed to zero. A close second to your support of an age change should be your support of help and improvements for those junior to you. You survey the entire industry from the top, you should have a worldview that includes legislative and regulatory enhancements for ALL pilots. Big picture issues, larger truths, etc. I have asked you for your thoughts on that many times. Instead, you want to talk about your birthday party! I'm going to support John fully, and I know full well it won't be all about me. You should be ready to do the same. Don't simply latch on to one issue that suits you and exclude the rest. Captain Prater is going to work to improve things for ALL of us. The 28 years of ALPA you are used to are over.
Are you in favor of over age 60 cops and firemen too? Do you want one of those old firemen carrying you down a burning stairwell?
Yes, absolutely, if they are physically capable. I know plenty of people over age 60 who are much more physically capable than most 30 year old people, including myself. I can still max the Army Physical Fitness test at age 59.

And, I love this industry and have 19 more years to go to age 60.

I would bet that when you are nearing your own 60th birthday, that you will eat those words. I am here to tell you and everyone else, that you should now, before it is too late, write to your Reps in Congress and your Union Reps. Tell them to support legislation now in Congress that extends the FAA’s age restriction from 60 to 65. You will thank yourself someday for that. Now may be the very last chance to change this curse on our industry which is the age 60 rule.
So, when Mars attacks or the next stock market tumbles, we should go to 68? Where will it stop? We all knew the rules going into this, and do you think the guys in their late 50s now would have voted for this 10 years ago? Heck NO. Sorry, but they are out of luck. And what rules said we would automatically get a pension? Not every airline has a pension. What if you went to work for ASA 20 years ago and stayed with them the whole time? Do they have a pension? It is called a 401K. Should that 401K be guaranteed also? By who? It's all a gamble.

Bye Bye--General Lee

I can see why everyone calls you an ass here.

That thing about knowing the rules is crap and you know it. Management changed the rules, so ALPA needs to as well.

Further, you cannot compare ASA to UA, DL, etc. Yes, some guys make careers there, and they deserve the option to fly 'till 65 as well.

I have a feeling you just want to get your hands on one of the 8 777s that DL has.

So tell me General, why SHOULDNT the age be changed to 65, besides the fact that the 'rules' are changed. Care to share with the class?

You like one part of his message so you post it. Good for you. Here's the challenge: Follow his entire mandate! You stand to get a double share of 777 Captain while many thousands of pilots have been rationed to zero. A close second to your support of an age change should be your support of help and improvements for those junior to you. You survey the entire industry from the top, you should have a worldview that includes legislative and regulatory enhancements for ALL pilots. The 28 years of ALPA you are used to are over.
Flopgut: First off, I've been ALPA member for 37-years and I have an "Battle Star" pin proving it. And when ALPA had some leadership we made great advancements. That's why the election of John Prater gives me hope for the Association. No more "Woerthless."

Now lets talk about your post: There you go only thinking about yourself, a junior pilot (puke) and how tuff it is for you and your friends. Personally I'm sick of it. What about the guys who have turned 60 in the last five years. Where is your concern for them? If the law changes are you interested in that group? I know your answer and it's: NO. That's because from your post all you really care about is yourself and stealing some senior pilot’s livelihood.

Regarding John Prater: I have great confidence in him because he understands the pilot group is divided right down the middle, on the age 60 issue in particular. John Prater understands what many of us have been trying to tell you and your selfish friends for a long time on this Board.

"United we stand divided we fall" is something Woerthless and many of your friends just do not understand. Failure is the only result by your methods as is the current situation of disunity. But if you know John Prater as you say you do, you must know that your thoughts of advancement my deluding others will not work any longer. Now you may have to advance by the hard way.
Now lets talk about your post: There you go only thinking about yourself, a junior pilot (puke) and how tuff it is for you and your friends. Personally I'm sick of it. What about the guys who have turned 60 in the last five years. Where is your concern for them? If the law changes are you interested in that group? I know your answer and it's: NO. That's because from your post all you really care about is yourself and stealing some senior pilot’s livelihood.

Wow, for a senior puke you sure come across sounding like an arrogant ass with that statement. You and Klako are both idiots from the same mold, claiming the junior guys are stealing the senior pilot's livelihoods. What a freakin' joke. So, Mr. 59 yr old 777 Captain, how did you get to that fancy jet left seat you're in anyway? That's right, you stole it from another pilot who was senior to you! Didja ever stop and think about it like that? Probably not... perhaps you were born into that seat and never had to wait for the guys above you to retire so you could move up the list.

You know, when I flew general aviation, the thing that made me love flying so much was the actual "brotherhood" that existed amongst aviation enthusiasts. It didn't matter what you flew, who you worked for or even whether you were just a pilot "wanna-be". We were all part of something that made every day at the airport something special. I still feel that way. The fantastic people I have had the pleasure to know, the great times I was able to share with so many people made the whole thing worth a lifetime of memories I will never forget. If ever a fellow pilot had problems, or God forbid one of our brethren was lost, we all pulled together in support of that pilot and his family. I have been flying for almost 30 years and to this day, I still see that in almost all the peolpe I have known whether general aviation, corporate or airline. The problems this industry has endured over the last several years was not the fault of any pilot, but the pilot was one of the most severly affected by events largely out of our control. General aviation airports are closing at an alarming rate, corporate flight departments are being dismantled, and airline careers which should have provided a good retirement for the pilots and their families were suddenly and totally decimated. I have watched senior pilots who were close to retirement suddenly have to sell houses, pull children out of college, look for work that wasn't easily found anywhere near home, if at all and have there whole lives turned upside down without any warning. These are the people that the age 60 ruled has so adversly affected. I can't believe we are so indifferent to the plight of any fellow aviator that we would "hang them out to dry" just to "get them out of your seat". Many of these guys don't want to keep working, they must work to support their family. I can't deny them that opportunity...
Yes, absolutely, if they are physically capable. I know plenty of people over age 60 who are much more physically capable than most 30 year old people, including myself. I can still max the Army Physical Fitness test at age 59.

I would bet that when you are nearing your own 60th birthday, that you will eat those words. I am here to tell you and everyone else, that you should now, before it is too late, write to your Reps in Congress and your Union Reps. Tell them to support legislation now in Congress that extends the FAA’s age restriction from 60 to 65. You will thank yourself someday for that. Now may be the very last chance to change this curse on our industry which is the age 60 rule.

No Klako, I won't. You knew the rules, and I know the rules too. I am saving up for me and my wife, have plenty of investments, and plan to stay with my one wife. If you did not prepare, then that is unfortunate. And, I am sure that there are some really great 59 year olds or even guys in their 60s who can pass the Army Physical fitness test, but the majority cannot, and that means you go to Netjets when you retire, and they go to the golf course. Sorry. Safety cannot be sporatic.

Bye Bye--General Lee
I can see why everyone calls you an ass here.

That thing about knowing the rules is crap and you know it. Management changed the rules, so ALPA needs to as well.

Further, you cannot compare ASA to UA, DL, etc. Yes, some guys make careers there, and they deserve the option to fly 'till 65 as well.

I have a feeling you just want to get your hands on one of the 8 777s that DL has.

So tell me General, why SHOULDNT the age be changed to 65, besides the fact that the 'rules' are changed. Care to share with the class?

Management changed the rules? So, when Mars attacks, you will blame the martians? If they attack, should we raise the age to 66? Why can't you compare ASA to other airlines? Everyone makes a choice, but no one is safe from a broken promise, and that is what a pension is. Look at other industries like the auto industry to follow that line of promises. Does the Gov't have to guarantee 401Ks too?

Do I want to fly a 777 at DL. You bet. Do I want to do it flying into BOM late at night with someone who has lost his situational awareness and hearing (both not checked really in medicals---you and I know that to be true), NO WAY. If you want to change some more rules, how about marrying your sister. People do that in the hills of Kentuky, so maybe we should all do that.

And, I am an arse you say? Can't handle a debate? Why does ICAO want to limit (a guideline put out by them) the number of over age 60 pilots in each cockpit? Please answer that. Safety?

Bye Bye--General Lee
OK now I am confused you cant be that stupid.

You are stupid. That was thrown in there to make a point. That point being that the pensions are just promises. Should we also expect our 401Ks to be guaranteed just like we thought our pensions would be? No. Got it yet?

Bye Bye--General Lee
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