That white blur also confused me so i started to do some research. You guys are looking at the wrong area. We have the media to thank for that. They were highlighting the white blur and calling it a 757, when in fact, the white blur is actually a smoke trail and/or a fuel leak from the 757 after hitting the light poles when it crossed the highway. The actual 757 is in front of that white streak. Here is a picture highlighting the actual airframe. If you look at the video again, you can see the Vert stab appear and disappear before it slams into the pentagon. Ironically, this picture came from a Conspiracy Theory site, to set the record straight where the media was highlighting the wrong area.
Here is the picture..
I have been doing alot of research on the issues since the video confused me as well. Conspiracy theorists range from the tinfoil hat wearing chemtrail freaks to the LIHOP (Let it happen on purpose) crowd to the MIHOP (Make it happen...) crowd to the radical "Illuminati New World Order" is responsible crowd, which goes back to WWII, JFK assasination, to the declassified Northwoods project ( where our govt actually planned to stage a terrorist event and blame it on Cuba for justification for war.
I personally have many concerns as well and am researching the issues presently. The Conspiracy crowd (those that make sense and arent chemtrail freaks) arent so much concerned with the 757 at the pentagon, because they feel it is a 757. They are more concerned with WTC 7, eyewitness testimony of secondary explosions, controlled demoltion, steel melting temps, what appears to be Thermite captured on video, squibs being detonated.. etc. MIT Scientists and scholars from around the world have raised many interesting questions regarding the events of that day. If you want to do more reasearch yourself, here is a site with some videos to get you started. Some of it is over-the-top in my opinion, but there are good questions raised by some very educated individuals in other areas.
And most of all, make up your own mind....
Here is the picture..

I have been doing alot of research on the issues since the video confused me as well. Conspiracy theorists range from the tinfoil hat wearing chemtrail freaks to the LIHOP (Let it happen on purpose) crowd to the MIHOP (Make it happen...) crowd to the radical "Illuminati New World Order" is responsible crowd, which goes back to WWII, JFK assasination, to the declassified Northwoods project ( where our govt actually planned to stage a terrorist event and blame it on Cuba for justification for war.
I personally have many concerns as well and am researching the issues presently. The Conspiracy crowd (those that make sense and arent chemtrail freaks) arent so much concerned with the 757 at the pentagon, because they feel it is a 757. They are more concerned with WTC 7, eyewitness testimony of secondary explosions, controlled demoltion, steel melting temps, what appears to be Thermite captured on video, squibs being detonated.. etc. MIT Scientists and scholars from around the world have raised many interesting questions regarding the events of that day. If you want to do more reasearch yourself, here is a site with some videos to get you started. Some of it is over-the-top in my opinion, but there are good questions raised by some very educated individuals in other areas.
And most of all, make up your own mind....