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737 PFT: Set Me Straight

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Re: Re: 737 PFT: Set Me Straight

BigFlyr said:
Easy... SWA saves $$$ by not having to schedule a checkride with the Feds when the FO is due for upgrade. Just in house training and check-ride and you're in the left seat.

Nothing against SWA but they are the pioneers of PFT and the no frills "cheap-skate" airline, so IMO its all about the $$$ baby! Furthermore, since they already require applicants to have 1000 PIC turbine plus three letters of rec. attesting to flying skills, they know d@mn-well you'll be able to fly a 737.

I could not have said it better.
Timebuilder said:

(DR. Mc Coy, looking down at the horse) "He's dead, Jim."


Capt. Kirk: "I think your you're right Bones. But what say we kick him around for a bit just to make sure...."

Dr. McCoy: "Whatever you say, you are the skipper. But in my experienced, intergalactic, medical expertise...that horse is stone dead."

Capt. Kirk: "Oh I believe you, Bones 'ol man. It won't serve any purpose whatsoever, but what the hell, right? It'll be fun."

Dr. Spock: "Jesus Chri$t!!! Would you two morons shut the fock up, you are giving me a mind-meld-graine!!!"

:D :D :D
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As I understand it the 737 type-rating requirement goes back to when Southwest was a very young company. As a start-up you want a pilot that can be inserted into the left seat at a moment's notice, hence a 737 type rated pilot. Corporate and 135 charter operators ask for this sort of thing all the time and if you look in the back of Flight International magazine you see foreign airlines asking for it as well.

Many years ago Southwest was thinking of eliminating this requirement of the 737 type rating but received backlash from the pilots at Southwest saying, if I had to get the type then every new-hire will have it. The compromise was the no type for the interview but must get one within six months to be considered for a class deal.

Also, I keep seeing the garb about it costing money to get the FAA to come over and do a checkride. The only cost associated with getting the FAA to do a type ride in my experience has been finding an FAA guy to do it, then getting them scheduled.


Looks as if the horse is quickly becomeing dog food here, ALPO - not to be cornfused with ALPA... hey... wait a minute -

union dues - that could be considered PFJ, couldn't it?????:D

Spock to Bones & Kirk - " This discussion is not logical".....

Have fun everyone - Tred
(Spock, holding Duane Woerth's head): "My list to your list.....our lists are becoming one list...."
How about this answer..... Who cares. Southwest has the requirement that you PF737T before you get a class date and they will always require that you PF737T and it has nothing to do with saving them money.
And the market forces that require that you PF1900T or PFemb-120T are gone at the moment but just as the sun will always rise in the east, so will those market forces return(sooner than later) and there will be just as many pilots in line for those programs in the future as there were in the past. It just comes down to your perspective. Some will take the road to the left(and claim it as the moral high ground) and some will take the road to the right(and they too will claim to hold the moral high ground) and who will be right and who will be wrong. Simply put it will be the perception of each participant............
Oh God, I just realized that for my charter job, they wouldnt hire me without my ATP......OOPS I PFT'd.

Its funny, Southwest wouldnt hire me without a type, 2500 total, 1000 pic(turbine) and some kind of personality to pass the interview. Those sound like job qualifications to me. Southwest never asked me for money when I was hired there, as a matter of fact, I was paid from the first day. Southwest was not affiliated with the check-airman who evaluated my type ride, nor were they in bed with the people who owned the simulator training program. Southwest is looking for people with the above mentioned qualifications to come and work with a winning team. Period. .

How do we get 67 replies on something as simple as this. Is it just because PFT in the header generates a ton of stuff.
Re: How

publisher said:
How do we get 67 replies on something as simple as this. Is it just because PFT in the header generates a ton of stuff.

In a word yes.

Non PFTers feel they are better, even though they probably just couldn't afford it (like my poor broke a$$ back in 1992). Or, they were still doing left turns around the patch as a CFI when PFT stopped in 1999 (laughable as it is, these noobs still think they are the moral majority).

PFTers have a complex and therefore feel the need to defend their actions and therefore respond to jabs rather than be happy with their decision and resultant seniority, smile and go on about their business.

Anywhere you go, there you are. How you got there is your business. If others don't like it, tell them to get bent. If it really means that much to you, head out to the parking lot and straighten things out 5th grade style.

Personally, I find PFT abhorrant. But I blame the companies, not the pilots. They were just doing what they had to do to get ahead. If I had the money and some good career advice I'd be alot further ahead than I am now. But that's okay. My life is pretty good.

I've flown with PFT skippers, and I've flown with non-PFT skippers. You know what? They both put their pants on one-leg at a time, just like me, and they are all good guys that are fun to go have a steak with on the over night. The PFT guys just have more seniority.

IMHO, anyone who says at this moment, they would not trade 6K for 2 or 3 years of seniority, is either a liar, or stupid.

Capt. Kirk: "Godd@mnit Spock, I am the Captain...and I say WE KICK THAT HORSE!!!!" ROFLMAO:D
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