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70-seat RJ's flying for CAL

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Whats up with all this XJT hating? I wish some of ya'll would tell us how you feel before climbing into the jumpseat. I mean sh!t if you think were all ******************************s I can f#ck up the math bad enough to let you wait for a ride on mainline. Just sayin' were all pawns and as far as my stance on the whole growth thing I sure as hell would prefer it to happen at the major/legacy... But seriously stop hatin' on us were just trying to get where ya'll have been fortunate enough to land.

TSA Alum /Current Jetlinker

Come on......

Have you spent much time on the XJT forum in the last year? There's enough CAL hate on that forum to last a lifetime. I'm sure most of the posters there don't spew their shieet when they're beggin for a free ride on CAL either.

I've spent time on both flightdecks and have seen both sides of this equation. I can honestly say that I was surprised by how little XJT bashing went on when I left XJT for CAL. The bottom 3rd of the CAL list is comprised of a shocking number of former CoEx/XJT pilots......The disgust runs deep in both pilot groups and neither can claim the moral high ground in this debate.

In the end, we generally treat each other with respect when JS'ing and that's the way it should be. Forum trash talking is just that.....read it, laugh, get pissed but then move on.....

Explain again how it gets to the third inning without the home team batting?


B. Franklin

without batting in the the bottom of the third.................more clear?

3 Cy Young winners on management's side? One maybe..............

We still have plenty left in the game......trust me. I look at this as brush back pitch. Tensions just got raised. If you really piss us off, we'll clear the benches.
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I look at this as brush back pitch. Tensions just got raised. If you really piss us off, we'll clear the benches.

and rush toward a group of MMA cage fighters. God, I love analogies. :)
I would be very happy (& impressed) if they actually get a hold of this scope issue & "reign" in the flying BUT I'm not holding my breath. If it ACTUALLY happens that would be great but I have my doubts.
I would be very happy (& impressed) if they actually get a hold of this scope issue & "reign" in the flying BUT I'm not holding my breath. If it ACTUALLY happens that would be great but I have my doubts.

It they do in fact get iron-clad scope for anything over 50 seats, they will help the profession like no ones business. Good luck, but the money on managements side is awful great.
Many of you over estimate the prowess of management. This isn't a 2001 negotiation. It's going to be a fight, I'm planning the fight of (and for) my career. Doubt our resolve all you want knowing your days in your new 70 seat RJ may be numbered. If my livelihood depended on the negotionations of others, I'd be anxious too.
I would like to see mainline take back the 70 seaters. I'd rather fly that 70 at mainline then at Skywest. A lot of guys will make a career at a regional for many reasons, age, qol, whatever. My goal was to someday make it to a mainline carrier not sit for what maybe 7 years as an FO at a regional. But at least I'm at a good regional for the time. Glass half full type here!
Hey Harry, that is what my mid-month check is. The problem for you is, your's is all in pesos. Other than that, have a GREAT DAY pal, and enjoy your McDonalds lunch.

Bye Bye---General Lee

Ha!!!! Hilarious... That was funny....
Dear IAHERJ ..

Your comment..
"Sit on reserve by choice about month a year.
Zero "A" converted to "B"
Zero days in crew room
Zero quick calls"

..seems a bit ignorant, since the only thing that is saving you and your QOL right now is your seniority.. Most reserves here:
DO sit res not by choice..
DO get converted A to B..
DO sit in the crew room..
DO get quick calls..
So again it's ONLY because of your seniority that you don't deal w BS here, NOT because of your glorious contract and work rules (as you make it sound)..

With all due respect,,
You fellow coworker..
CAL has no work rules expect FARs.... CAL's current contract is a joke (except scope) and we still have pilots here at CAL that still don't get it...


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