Just a minor correction, because it's not exactly right....
Our vacation system is a horror show not because of the way we bid, but because JetBlue does not allot enough vacation weeks based on pilot seniority. Every JetBlue pilot, regardless of seniority, is allotted 2 weeks vacation. That's why the top 5% get all the desirable vacation slots. Changing the way we bid vacations will do nothing to correct the problem.
JetBlue saves 30-60 million every year doing this (see PVC email in June). They will never change it unless we negotiate for better.
As you say, the premium vacation weeks (Christmas, Thanksgiving and summer weeks ) are all gone in the first 5% of most senior bidders. If you use a CBA and force the company to double the allocation without also changing the way we bid, then the premium weeks will be ALL GONE IN THE FIRST 10%. So if you are not in the top 10%, I hope you like vacation in September or the end of January! Changing the way we bid to rounds of 2 weeks each pass, will have roughly the same effect on pushing those premium weeks down the seniority ladder.
However, we have an airline that has very significant variance in block hours from peak to trough. If you force the company to offer more premium weeks during our busiest travel weeks, the company will have to hire pilots to staff the airline while you are on vacation. That has consequences for the company with respect to financing growth, but most importantly, it has consequenses for the pilots directly. If you force them to hire 100 more pilots so you can take a vacation, we all better be ready for 70 hour lines for 8 months out of the year!!!!
You will be the first one (and the rest of you) to scream bloody murder when you can't get a line above 70 hours, 8 months out of the year.... our bid divisors are already low for September, and they would be a whole lot lower if we had 100 more pilots.
Its funny how you sight our peers contracts all the time, but won't argue for the vacation bidding system that all our peers have with rounds of bidding!
You either don't understand all the moving pieces, or you are just senior enough that you want more vacation slots and still want the ability to bid for as many premium weeks as you want. As far as 70 hour lines, you are probably a bot guy or are in an open time cartel, so that won't hurt you either.....