That's a fun age for sure! And there's nothing like a young child to help keep things in perspective and balance life's problems with its joys.
Kudos to you for not just passing the help to those who needed it more, but for contributing as well. From what I hear and read, the NJ pilots are proud (rightfully so) of their collective response --from the Preventive Measures to the refund. I'm sure the latter was considered carefully by the EBoard, especially the VP of Finances who takes his responsibility very seriously. Did you read last Friday's 411? It had a very informative update from the VPF and he also posts lots of info on his website. Plus you can always call or email him to discuss your concerns. That goes for the rest of the EBoard, too. You're furloughed... but not forgotten....
PS Bath time entertainment...that reminds me of the time my oldest son (3 at the time) played in his bath while I cleaned the bedrooms and listened to him happily pouring water repeatedly from his little cup. I was amazed that he could be entertained for so long with one simple toy. He had lots of others....odd... When I went to get him out of the tub I discovered why. The carpet was soaked....Enjoy the moments and treasure the memories...
The VP of finance pretty much rolls his eyes when he hears my name (according to a good friend).
We've got wall to wall tile in the kid's bathroom, so splashing water out of the tub is a well received activity. It becomes problematic when I bathe him at his grandparent's house. I have to do lots of cleanup, but it's part of the fun.