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1108 Union Leadership Abandons Hostages

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Remember one thing while reading these B.S. posts. They are meant to derail or detour the upcoming negotiations. This is nothing more than classic mis-information.


Good luck, this month gentleman, Your on the right road.
Pathetic Y (Buck) K. has joined his 3 buddies for a little tea bag time under the MGT desk as he too has been forwarding the link to the decertification drive to everybody on his company issued Blackberry.

What a pathetic piece of SH!T
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Amazing how anti 1108 posts are allowed on the company BB, but pro 1108 posts aren't.
The silent movement consists of J.L.H. (Eastern Scab), T.G. (his reputation speaks for itself), S.S. (ditto), B.L."Skanza" (Ditto), C.B. (the guy who openly asked the union to sell the 70 down the river) D. S. "Fed Magnet"(The rat who tried to screw over his copilot), J.E. (The BJ check airman who screwed his friend and fellow co-worker's wife!) and now Y."Buck"K. (The guy who rats out anybody in his way) Who in their right mind would want to associate with any of these clowns?? There isn't one person in that group that you can trust further than you can toss them.
Yeah, who is the priminister of mis-information, what was said in the said email. Why is it that management feels their on the ropes.? What financial gains would any pilot have, at this point, to work against the gains the 1108 is trying to negotiate for you? Gotta be more to this story, either that, or these guy's are nothing more than hired gun's. They can never be trusted by anybody. They will alway's sell out to the highest bidder. Verrrry interesting, considering the time line to negotiations??????? Now, consider this...A contract is drafted, voted on and passes. What would you do with these people. I wouldn't think the 1108 would want them around. MGMT, would now know, they would be unioun.. How does this add up. Any thoughts on this chess game.?? Or, could it be, that mgmt is guessing the contract will pass, and they need some double agents, who knows.
I feel it may be the opposite. Management has no intention of wanting a TA to pass. They think we will all suddenly get upset over this and just give up. All they want is the old FLOP's and be happy with that. They think things will majically go back 10 years. Do you want to go back 10 years or move forward?

Either way there is no reason to worry. We unionized for a reason and that hasn't changed, regardless of who isn't on our side. The upcoming weeks will happen and we must accept our course of action whatever it may be.
I talked about this webdite weeks ago..And now its finally hitting the streets..Guess my management mole was right on..Next time I post I wonder how many will doubt it again..Im guessing same ones..Some people never learn
I talked about this webdite weeks ago..And now its finally hitting the streets..Guess my management mole was right on..Next time I post I wonder how many will doubt it again..Im guessing same ones..Some people never learn

I'll repeat my request...could someone kindly post the link to this site?
Freethepilots.com...My source tells me it is some very senior pilots running this..Flying the Legacy and they have managements approval..Management knows who they are I have been told...

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