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Zero Time to Pinnacle First Officer in 9 Months

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INteresting... just wanted to see your take on it. I agree in principle that working with a smaller group might be easier. However, a staple is a staple... the more that is stapled the more protection you as mainline get. Further, Compass pilots are no better or no worse and certainly don't deserve a priority staple just because your MEC "represents them." Bottom line is that they are Airlink pilots just like Mesaba and if there is a staple of one, they should all follow in equal treatment. An Airlink/Connection merged seniority list would be interesting... then stapled.

I realize Airlink/Connection pilots are not at the highest priority at the moment, but if there was ever a better time to stop the scope erosion and to prevent further whipsawing - it is now. After all, we're all ALPA aren't we? I don't think we'll ever be stapled... just scoped and then treated like a second class citizens. And always complained about how we're taking mainline jobs and how we're bringing the industry down. We're used to it, why stop now.
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I am ashamed more and more as I walk the terminals where these "pilots" roam.

Hopefully in the near future hiring standards will begin to increase and companies will stay clear of hiring from pilot mills. I doubt it though.
Get used to it, the only way the airlines will be able to staff their airlines with the truly stupid morons to allow them to keep wages low. For every pro pilot out there, 3-4 idiots will be passing through the pilot puppy mills, at 100 Gs a pop, polluting the seniority lists everywhere. When they start upgrading and pairing up with the newest idiots from the mills, the smoking holes will start appearing soon there after. I am gonna build a bunker, cause these morons will be flying over my house soon enough.
It's GoJet.....there is no "S" at the end of it (as in GoJets)

If we're going to insult them at least let's make sure we're insulting them by the proper name.

And yes they suck.
I thought it was CHITEATERS!
I see you've taught them the standard XJ cockiness and strut as well.
Is that from having the male F/As mancock stuffed into their tater?
Thank God!!! At least everyone else can see my responses which call you out on your stupid hypocrisy! I'm sure you're reading my posts anyway, you always think you're right and it kills you to have someone prove you are DUMB. PCL PFT'er!!!
Here ya go PCL.
Thats not the vibe I got from the crew I hopped a ride with earlier this week. Got quite an earful about Compass while jumpseating to work on monday. Not the first time I've heard those sentiments either. Sounded like the only reason I got the jumpseat was because I was 9E and not compass.

Same crap they gave XJ when they voted away scope for the Avros, same crap they gave 9E when they voted away the RJ's.

Compass exists because mainline pilots voted it in.

If they have a problem with Compass (and they should), they ought to look in the mirror- and at other mainline pilots that voted for scope relief in the past.

Literally pasted from Jet U's website...

"No longer is it necessary to train for a job as a Flight Instructor, or to train for a job flying a turbo-prop. Neither do you have to fly single pilot IFR at night in severe weather with an aircraft of questionable condition. You can now train directly for the Jet Pilot Job you have dreamed of from the very beginning."

Wow, I must have really screwed up by becoming a CFI...if only I wasn't flying one of those dangerous and questionable piston aircraft.
Literally pasted from Jet U's website...

"No longer is it necessary to train for a job as a Flight Instructor, or to train for a job flying a turbo-prop. Neither do you have to fly single pilot IFR at night in severe weather with an aircraft of questionable condition. You can now train directly for the Jet Pilot Job you have dreamed of from the very beginning."

Wow, I must have really screwed up by becoming a CFI...if only I wasn't flying one of those dangerous and questionable piston aircraft.

Screw that sh!t I love having freight dogs in the cockpit with me. I will always look back on my doggin days as the days I learned how to be a real pilot. It'll put some grey hairs on your head and some experience in your pocket. There is no replacement for experience. Period!

These 300 hour wonder pilots are good at pushing buttons and flying the "pinnacle way" (or regional of your choice), but ask them to do a visual approach, or fly with out the flight director or talk on the radio.....watch out, it is not pretty.
LOL... JetU is located at the old American Flyers building at FXE. I used to attend school and live in those dorms there back when it was American Flyers College before they moved to Pompano. LOL!

Didn't GIA flight school end up being based there there and now it's JetU?

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