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Zamboni vs. the F-22

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Dave your not even original. I saw that zamboni thing posted next to an A-10 guys desk 13 years ago except it was zamboni vs. F-15.


Good humor never dies, it gets updated and recycled.

Two big differences:
  • The F-15 is a good airplane (even if it can't land on a CVN) and a sh*tload got built
  • The F-22 is too specialized and too expensive and the AF lost the funding
Left Langley AFB several years ago with a code on board who had attended the ceremonies around the Raptor's arrival. As I climbed out to take him home, he told me to take a look at the Raptors parked on the ramp below. He said:

"Chief, you are looking at the last manned fighter ever to be procured by the United States Air Force."

So i'm guess he never got the memo on the F-35...
So i'm guess he never got the memo on the F-35...


I think waht he meant to say was:

"Chief, you are looking at the last manned fighter, designed to stroke the fragile egos of the AF fighter pilot leadership and with acquisition and maintenance costs so ridiculously high that it will break the AF budget, ever to be procured by the United States Air Force."

Good humor never dies, it gets updated and recycled.

Two big differences:
  • The F-15 is a good airplane (even if it can't land on a CVN) and a sh*tload got built
  • The F-22 is too specialized and too expensive and the AF lost the funding

Got news for you poser, the Strike Eagle is a better airplane than the Superhornet will ever be (MAYBE unless you're talking slick 1v1 BFM). You must be the biggest manfan I've ever seen.
Got news for you poser, the Strike Eagle is a better airplane than the Superhornet will ever be (MAYBE unless you're talking slick 1v1 BFM). You must be the biggest manfan I've ever seen.


Great to hear from you. It's been a while since you told us the story about you, as a young Zoomie, doing 2 fat girls in Colorado Springs.

It's embarassing to see a former AF fighter guy overcome by the vapors and clutching his pearls when a Navy guy points out that the F-15 can't land on a CVN.

Look at what's happening off the coast of China right now. The projection of power by the USS Eisenhower and our F-18s is awesome. That should get the Nork's attention. We have even invited 4 F-22s to participate. You should feel good about that.

Great to hear from you. It's been a while since you told us the story about you, as a young Zoomie, doing 2 fat girls in Colorado Springs.

It's embarassing to see a former AF fighter guy overcome by the vapors and clutching his pearls when a Navy guy points out that the F-15 can't land on a CVN.

Look at what's happening off the coast of China right now. The projection of power by the USS Eisenhower and our F-18s is awesome. That should get the Nork's attention. We have even invited 4 F-22s to participate. You should feel good about that.

Wrong again, F/A-18 A-F. If you're really a team member, you have SIPR access, and can access the info on a Straights of Taiwan situation. 'Nuff said.

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