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Your new female FO

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Longhorn said:
Fn Fal....first, your avatar is great!!!

Second, ill bite, why did the 15 year old amish kid cross the road?
I have no idea..."to get to the other side", would suffice.

As for the avatar, I picked it out from some images hosted by Michael Light and then did some changes to it in order to make it more interesting.

Here's the original still photograph:


Michael Lights "100 Suns" gallery:


I think the blimp and mushroom cloud show a stark difference in military technology and if you look closely enough, it appears as though there are people standing next to the blimp.
Flyer1015 said:
I can only wonder what she would think if she came across this thread!
That would be interesting to watch.
Superpilot92 said:
jbDC9 said:
If not SWA, it'll be CAL... guaranteed. There are women out there that'll say there's no favoritism or quotas, they don't get any special breaks... to which I say bull$hit. CAL has a recent new hire female who went from college kid/XJT intern to CFI to XJT FO to mainline in roughly 4 years. I can't imagine that happening to a regular old white guy... as if she's more highly qualified than a high time regional captain or freight dog. Yeah, right.[/quote


Oh boy....here we go.
Once again the law of flightinfo is proved. For the uninformed that is : "the more pages a thread has on flightinfo the more it degenerates into crap"
"Back in '74 I was flying for a 135 outfit in the Midwest. Got a call at 11pm to fly a body from a morgue in Omaha, NE to DSM, IA in a Piper Navajo. Grabbed some Taco Bell on the way to the airport. Ate in the car on the way, didn't think much about it. Quick pre-flight, the hurse showed-up with a body bag. 3 guys loaded the body in the back, signed some paperwork, and I blasted off headed east to DSM. About 30 mins into the flight, 9000 feet, clear smooth.....all-hell broke loose within my inner bowels. I grimmaced. Shifted from left buttcheek, to right buttcheek, and back and forth, but no-luck. I knew few FBO's in po-dunk Iowa would have facilities open at 1a.m. I put my trusty faith in the autopilot, crawled in back. No one at the controls! Unzipped the body bag. Squatted over the body, a foot on either side of the dead body. Blasted my load.....man that never felt so good. Zipped up the body bag and crawled back up front.
In DSM, I've never heard a bunch of funeral home directors complaint about a body's smell while unloading in all my life. I stayed in the plane because I was laughing my-ass-off so hard.
Blasted off and returned to home base in Omaha. Never told anyone til' today!Back in '94 I was flying for a 135 outfit in the Midwest. Got a call at 11pm to fly a body from a morgue in Omaha, NE to DSM, IA in a Piper Navajo. Grabbed some Taco Bell on the way to the airport. Ate in the car on the way, didn't think much about it. Quick pre-flight, the hurse showed-up with a body bag. 3 guys loaded the body in the back, signed some paperwork, and I blasted off headed east to DSM. About 30 mins into the flight, 9000 feet, clear smooth.....all-hell broke loose within my inner bowels. I grimmaced. Shifted from left buttcheek, to right buttcheek, and back and forth, but no-luck. I knew few FBO's in po-dunk Iowa would have facilities open at 1a.m. I put my trusty faith in the autopilot, crawled in back. No one at the controls! Unzipped the body bag. Squatted over the body, a foot on either side of the dead body. Blasted my load.....man that never felt so good. Zipped up the body bag and crawled back up front.
In DSM, I've never heard a bunch of funeral home directors complaint about a body's smell while unloading in all my life. I stayed in the plane because I was laughing my-ass-off so hard.
Blasted off and returned to home base in Omaha. Never told anyone til' today!"

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