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Your new female FO

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Whats wrong w/ showing off the guns if you have them. It's a lot more professional than Capt FatAzz, that can't even see his toes. There's nothing wrong with the pants this girl has on. Give her a break. She worked hard for her body why not show it off. Just like a lot of guys ate hard for that gut and they show that off as well.

I agree BJJ. I personally don't think the look is all that appropriate, other than for it's gawk factor, but I really couldn't care less about her pants. I too would have more of a problem with a guy with sweat stains, ring around the collar, and his gut hanging over his belt than I would with this girl, but even then I don't really care. I comment here only because it seems that some would say Captain FatAzz looks more professional than her simply because he's wearing his hat, even if it too is sweat stained and has been sat on at the buffet table so many times it fold flat.
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Well I don't visit these sites much but I heard I was the topic of conversation so I came to check it out. Let's clarify a couple things...

The pants...what a hot topic..lol. Those were bought specially for that photo shoot and yes i wanted them snug.. .and guess what else? The shirt has been laundry clipped in the back to be fitted. For pictures yall!!

I have never worn a cut off tshirt to jumpseat in...come on now...that's just ridiculous and I agree would be completely unprofessional. :)

As I am a competitor and fitness model, my website was created to promote myself within the fitness industry. Do this mean showing a little skin? Sure it does! This can still be done in an appropriate and tactful way which is what I feel I have done.

Thanks to all of you who have offered kind words, encouragement and support. It is much appreciated.

Last time I checked, it was a good thing to have something going on besides this flying gig. I learned early on it isnt the most reliable career :) I do love the flying, I love fitness, and I am very HAPPY with life..and that my friends is what is really important :)

Michelle Bishop
Welcome back. That should shut everyone (myself included) up.

I was wondering how long it would take for you to hear about this.
im sorry, my 2 ex gf's are hotter then she is.... And they didnt need to work out 5 times a day...

on top off that. I just dont like female pilots. I have no problems flying with 'm, but i would never wanna date one.. I love to talk about other sh*t then flying when im with my girl.

I would date this f/a though....

Good for michelle for enjoying her life though, and shame on you guys for making fun of her. I bet you guys are to ugly to put your pics on Flightinfo...

I would have no problem flying with her. Would I hit on her ? nope. why would I want to. tons of beautiful chicks outside of aviation available. I learned my lessons after dating 3 SkyWest fa's and 2 PCL fa's.... no more aviation chicks for this guy!
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Flying with a woman is an exercise in political correctness and you can't even let a fart fly once in a month. It plainly blows. And never say to one "keep it out of the grass and we'll be fine".
thats pretty much what I was saying :)...

Man sometimes I wish i am a women!! would be sweet to fly at FedEx with 2000TT
Aviatorchic said:
Well I don't visit these sites much but I heard I was the topic of conversation so I came to check it out. Let's clarify a couple things...

The pants...what a hot topic..lol. Those were bought specially for that photo shoot and yes i wanted them snug.. .and guess what else? The shirt has been laundry clipped in the back to be fitted. For pictures yall!!

I have never worn a cut off tshirt to jumpseat in...come on now...that's just ridiculous and I agree would be completely unprofessional. :)

As I am a competitor and fitness model, my website was created to promote myself within the fitness industry. Do this mean showing a little skin? Sure it does! This can still be done in an appropriate and tactful way which is what I feel I have done.

Thanks to all of you who have offered kind words, encouragement and support. It is much appreciated.

Last time I checked, it was a good thing to have something going on besides this flying gig. I learned early on it isnt the most reliable career :) I do love the flying, I love fitness, and I am very HAPPY with life..and that my friends is what is really important :)

Michelle Bishop

They are HOT!

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