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I spent a few years flying in DAB instructing at ERAU. 10 crash and bounces or 5 IAPs in your nice new 172 does not compare to 8 legs in a twisted 1900.

What's the longest any of your 1900 drivers (other than commutair who have relatively new airplanes) have been able to hand off fly your airplane? My record is about 20 seconds before the b!tch starts going one way or another.
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merikeyegro said:
As far as DAB, ERAU is the main tenant at the airport. DAB tends to make our lives easier since they deal with us ALL DAY. You may be on your eighth leg, but we're on our 12th pattern, 5th instrument approach, or 10th landing in the last TWO HOURS and we've had to slow behind Phoenix East twice doing 65 down final. So, I'm guessing that your one go around isn't killing anyone. I've only seen one A/C go around since I've been here, and I've been here over two years.

I still see how it's a pain, though. I couldn't imagine trying to keep my cool while doing 140 down final behind a Skychicken. Nonetheless, you need to remember your GA roots. DAB is the third busiest airport in the country as far as operations are concerned, behind ATL and ORD. So, I'll be there someday as well, and I'll curse the Skychicks on final. Until then, give us some room! I'm sure you were the slow-a$$ student once!

It's good to see more airline traffic here, though. Brings the prices down a bit. Hope you can handle the hassle. Once you're on the ground, it's a picnic!

Go faster!!! You can actually fly an ILS at more than 90 kts in a 172. If I flew ILS's at ref plus 10 in my Brasilia all day long, Atlanta appch would send me out to hold for the rest of the day.

You really don't know what it's like to go almost all the way to Sanford on a VFR day because you have to follow 5 Cessna's doing practice ILS's at 90 kts. All the while tooling along at a very slow 150kts getting hammered by the turbulence. With a lot of people in the back getting close to being sick. Sorry, but I believe there should be a little priority (within reason) for Air Carrier ops.

And yes, I spent 1000 hours bouncing around the traffic pattern, so I know it can suck. But, a go around or 25 mile final isn't acceptable behind training traffic, especially on VFR days.

Also, remember that a go around costs my company a TON of money, and we need to save all that we can these days so that hopefully we'll still be around when you come looking for a job.
Sabreliner is right on the mark... I don't think any of us have forgotten where we came from. I remember practicing approaches in C-172s back in the day, and if at all possible, I would volunteer to break off the approach if faster traffic was breathing down my neck. A Cessna getting resequenced doesn't cost much $$, and there's not 50-170 pax looking at their watches wondering if they'll be 'on time'. These days the airlines need to save as much money as they can, and one go around can burn hundreds or even 1000+ pounds of fuel.

We did a go-around last week at PNS because some numb-nuts in an L-19 cut too close to the final, giving us an RA....burned about 500-600 lbs in the pattern. All of our fuel conservation effort (single-engine taxi, .74M at FL410, etc) was completely wasted. Well, I'll still hope for the best at DAB!
If you want to see some go-arounds come on up to MSP. Thought I'd seen it all until I saw a 747! doing s-turns on final a few years back. NW 747 captain to MSP tower "do you know how much money this go-around is going to cost the company". :)
This is very interesting guys! Keep it coming! A place where you can see quite a few go arounds (weather/traffic) is ANC. I have seen quite a few of them - mostly all 747's like Asiana, China, Atlas, UPS, etc.......
Most of them is traffic on the rwy, some seem to take all the time in the world - land and basically roll down to the end of the 10500 rwy......? :confused:
Just last week I was lucky enough to witness a Gemini (Pollar?) 747 do a short field landing at CharlieSouth. He landed on 3...after shooting a VOR/DME approach, VASI inop...made the last taxiway left before reaching 33....he probably used 3,000 feet of runway. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Reverse thrust (it was light mist, wet runway...man, it was really wipping), he held the nose off...almost to a full stop. Even tower(and those guys watch C-17's there all day) said that it was one of the most impressive things he's ever seen. No way he had any pax/cargo on board. Too bad his POI didn't get a chance to see it!!!
chperplt said:
I spent a few years flying in DAB instructing at ERAU. 10 crash and bounces or 5 IAPs in your nice new 172 does not compare to 8 legs in a twisted 1900.

What's the longest any of your 1900 drivers (other than commutair who have relatively new airplanes) have been able to hand off fly your airplane? My record is about 20 seconds before the b!tch starts going one way or another.

I can get up about a minute in a good D model. But I flew a few that flew like the dam wing was on backwards. I just hated when the electric trim was MEL'ed as well as the yaw-damper. What a fun day that makes! :rolleyes: :)

Long Live the Mighty Beech!

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