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World Airways Interview & Questions

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World is great

The only complaint I have is...I don't get to work enough! Never worked over 12 days and do to other company reasons, I have only worked 7 days in the last 3 months!
MD11Drvr said:
I have been here 5.5 years and call me sick but I love it. And to boot they pay me pretty well to do it......
You know this is the only profession where so many of it's members would say something like that. Even with the pay cuts most have taken, some are still happy as clams. It's great to be happy, but less than 200 grand a year for a heavy driver just doesn't cut it. I mean a 747 captain at a major in 1978 was earning 175,000 a year. Even a 737 FO was earning 70,000, which is more than a World FO is getting paid based on gaurantee today. A captain won't even break 120,000 based on gaurantee. In essence, this profession has had their pay frozen for 30 years! Think about it, and look at the numbers.

I am not singling out World in particular, just the comment about being "well paid". I am glad so many people can find todays wages so nice at the top levels of the profession, which I consider a World Airways to be. But I find it sad that this is all we can come to expect as the upper limits of our earning power these days. We spend a minimum of half of our lives away from home. Missing many special occasions with our loved ones. These are just a few of the reasons I think this profession should demand a premium in compensation.

Well good luck to those trying to get on with World. It is a career airline and what I would consider to be the last stop in ones career. Too bad it only will give you a middle class lifestyle.

I agree with most of what you have said. Paid pretty well is all in ones perspective. I started as a ramp rat then an A&P and lastly pilot. Of the 3 this pays pretty well. Is it what it should be, that is open for debate. I have flown with too many folks that do nothing but bitch about pay,hotels or take you pick. It accomplishes nothing but does make for a long bid line. I choose to make the most of what I have got and be as happy as I can. I drove a truck (18 wheel type) once between flying jobs because I could not make the living I needed flying. I would encourage anyone not happy with avaition to seek out a new career you may be lucky enough to find a new passion or you may be lucky enough to find a new perspective. When my resume was ready for the market in the 90's I could not find a decent paying job. All I could find were 12K PFT for a 12K job flying a B1900. This taught me that pilots have been thier own worst enemy. We all have to balance the fact that we can be replaced with someone who will pay for the chance to do our jobs for less money. The last decades we as pilots are loosing that balancing act. My hope is we will once again see a shortage of pilots in the USA and the balance will play to our favor. But until then I will be as happy as I can be with what I have because I know unhappy will come home with you and effect your family. I will also keep an eye on my 6 as the company may screw me or more likely another pilot who will pay to do my job. Pipejocky I sincerely say good luck finding your perspective and your passions.
It is a career airline and what I would consider to be the last stop in ones career. Too bad it only will give you a middle class lifestyle.

I hear this sentiment echo'd often, and every single time I have to wonder what planet some people are living on. $110,000 a year middle class? I lived pretty well on about half that. You don't, by chance, have a good-sized crack habit to support or something, do you?

Anyway ... welcome to Capitalism 101. This isn't 1976. It's 2006. Supply and demand. And the next time you get on a pro-Republican rant, remember everything that the Republicans have done for organized labor since 1976. Hit a book or two, or maybe Google.
Snakum said:
I hear this sentiment echo'd often, and every single time I have to wonder what planet some people are living on. $110,000 a year middle class? I lived pretty well on about half that. You don't, by chance, have a good-sized crack habit to support or something, do you?

Anyway ... welcome to Capitalism 101. This isn't 1976. It's 2006. Supply and demand. And the next time you get on a pro-Republican rant, remember everything that the Republicans have done for organized labor since 1976. Hit a book or two, or maybe Google.

Yes, you're right it is pro-republican and rightly so.
pipejockey AKA debbie downer said " It's great to be happy but less than 200 grand a year for a heavy driver just doesn't cut it."

Book rates in 2 years: 160 per hr * 19 days( 4.8 hr/ day trip rig) = $14,592 * 12 mo. = $175,104

profit sharing %10 of yearly earnings= $17,510

per dium 2.40/ hr * 24hrs per day * 19 days * 12 mo. = $13,132

1 day overtime xtra pay * 12 mo. = $4160

grand total for pipejockey $209,906 per/yr homebased working 19 days a month ( which I'm sure he will say is too much work). Tear your own contract apart pipejockey, we fought hard for ours. The folks asking ?s are looking for jobs, not your commentary on the industry at large which we all know stinks.
Bankangle said:
The only complaint I have is...I don't get to work enough! Never worked over 12 days and do to other company reasons, I have only worked 7 days in the last 3 months!

How do you pull that?
psysicx said:
How do you pull that?

I dont pull anything...just wait for the call! I have been told though that we are going to be extremely busy from now until after the first of the year. Been open flyer and Home reserve {extra $} and still no flying! I am missing the beer tour! Also spent the last three months of my first year at home, no more free bar tabs! Is there a extension?
BankAngle if you happen to fly with an F/O that wears Black stove pipe boots you can probably talk him into a round or two on probation or not. We can't fall behind on the global beer tour................
I am a Md-11 captain on reserve.... some months we do get abused if thats what you call working more than 15 days..... On the other hand it is the 27th and havent even had to answer the phone this month.

I would definitely like more pay but I also realized that non scheds were always going to pay less than the majors. I just got my pay stub for last paycheck of June and am only a couple short of 100k for the first 6 months of the year.(includes per diem).. I am also a realist, and when you have 747 operators paying people 70 bucks an hour or something ridiculous, it is hard to compete.
Anyways like any other job it is nothing more than a roll of the dice. I have enjoyed it so far, but there is no guarentees in the industry.

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