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Guys (and gals) Please... ease up!

The fractional and corporate "chest
bumping" here reminds me of two children saying: "Did NOT, did TOO!"

Can't we keep the faith and get along
here? Unemployed pilots (and under-
employed pilots) are bad for the
industry, bad for ALL of us. More pilots on the street means lower salaries, and fewer jobs. How can that possibly
benefit ANYONE?

Pilots have GOT to stick together...we're ALL we've got ! Management hates our guts, passengers think we're over paid prima-donnas, and TSA thinks we're ALL terrorists! Let's try HELPING our fellow airplane drivers out rather than
slamming them!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, today's "dream job" can turn into a furlough line faster than you can spit.

And one more thing...that pilot you
downchecked, furloughed, or bumped
off of your jump-seat beacuse he wasn't on some "list" may very well be
on your interview board next year. I've seen it happen. This is a VERY
small community...think about it.

Be part of the solution, not part of
the problem.
NJA Capt said:
Boy! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
One person resonding doesn't exactly constitute striking a nerve. What's really funny, is all the non-NJA people that think they will get a raise because we do. That's about as ignorant of an assumption as you can make.

Ironic message don't you think. Maybe you should take your own advise.

Excellent points NJA Capt. I can't imagine being that mad over what someone else makes for a living. Relax, or your head might explode.
NJA Capt said:
Then why do you read and post on the fractional side of this board?

Are you in denial? 100,000 pro pilots in the country, 2000 work at NetJets. 2000 of us are pulling the other 198,000 down? If it helps you to rationalize, knock yourself out. Yourself and many other pilots on this venue brag about YOUR wonderful pay so obviously it's not dragging YOU guys down now is it?

You don't think the 50,000 charter pilots flying Citations etc for 15K-25K has an effect, right?

Well, I screwed that up. This is the quote I meant to comment on.
gunfyter said:
The point is my TEAMSTER truck driving brother makes more than any of your pilots...
Why? Because your pay is based on our pay....

That is not true about your brother making more than any of our pilots. First year GIV pay is 100,000.00 a year. These two comments by you so your ignorance. If our pay was based on yours we would be getting paid a lot less than we are. That fact is our pay is better than yours. Maybe someday that might not be that case. It is in fact the case now. So hold your breath for your IBT and maybe you won't pass out before they actually get you your raises.
Dep, you need to go back and re-read all of your posts on this thread. I'm sure you are a nice guy, but your posts just do not reflect that.

If this keeps up, I might put you in the "ignore" file with Turbinehead!


P.S. I just might put this entire thread on the "Ignore" list

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