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Women Freight Pilots

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Ameriflight Pilot

Been with Ameriflight for five years and I really enjoy it. I started in the Lance in PHX, and am now in CVG flying the Metro around. The flying can be challenging and I work with a great group of people! There are two women in CVG and at least one female in DFW. If there are more women in DFW reading this post that work for AMF please forgive me I have been out of touch for a while, and as for the west coast numbers I have been out east for way too long, and I have quit looking at the seniority list because I am dangerously close to page one. :laugh:

In five years, the only time I was ever considered as a girl was when I did my Metro upgrade and that was because I am a "small person". :D I have a great time flying for Ameriflight, and would recommend it to anyone looking for a job where you really get involved. I have flown into all variations of airports at all times of the day, especially since Sept. and I have never been any place I wouldn't go again!!

If you have any other questions please feel free to PM me.

We're going to be the minority no matter where we are in this industry. I have been flying freight for a year now & love it, not a girly girl job that's for sure. The guys are great at my company & you just become one of them....for better or worse :) Right now we have upwards of 10….at least 2 in the lear as FO (maybe 3), 1 in the flight dept & 7 or so in the props…

As far as feeling safe, I have never felt threatened or vulnerable except for 1 place I was flying, we had a route I filled in for that went into Hawkins (Jackson, Miss.) It was a typical night run and this particular route scheduled a sit there for about 3 hours. The FBO was closed during that time and you had to sit in the "terminal" which was a 10X10 room that didn’t lock. The airport wasn’t very well fenced from what I could see so it seemed anyone could get in/out without much effort. The one nice thing was there was airport security patrolling….but you know how those guys are, there was one night I watched them & a police car race across the airport…playing from what I could tell…..I didn’t really feel I was in danger per say but was the one & only place I wasn’t 100% comfortable. I wouldn’t have taken it as my normal run because of that. I do think this was unusual though as I have been to dozens of other places with absolutely no issues. Just be smart & remember if you’re not comfortable, don’t do it J
I went to the women-in-aviation conference last Saturday in Nashville, TN. Obviously I saw LOTS of women pilots there ;) and quite a few of them were cargo ladies. I saw several female pilots at the Atlas booth, FedEx had maybe 3 or 4, and at least 10 wore the brown uniforms at the UPS booth (one or two of them had 4 stripes I think).

As far as the job fair itself – I was impressed! I’ve been to several AIRInc seminars and I think this one was much better organized, more airlines attending, but also aviation organizations and aerospace companies, such as Boeing, etc., more displays, but best of all - more time to talk to the recruiters! About 20% of attendees were guys btw. Anyway, very professional seminar, highly recommended and no I do not get any kickbacks, nor am I a woman! :)
Lilah said:
I have flown with "D" before. She's a pretty neat person, and I respect her flying more than Chuck Yeager, if it makes any difference... She hasn't shot anybody down, but has flown in more weather than any of us would probably dare to. How well do you pre-flight when it's -40 or colder outside? I've seen her do it those conditions.


If you spend enough time in Thief, you realize that those are normal temps and anything warmer is a heat wave...
⌐⌐⌐⌐⌐ said:
I went to the women-in-aviation conference last Saturday in Nashville, TN. Obviously I saw LOTS of women pilots there ;) and quite a few of them were cargo ladies. I saw several female pilots at the Atlas booth, FedEx had maybe 3 or 4, and at least 10 wore the brown uniforms at the UPS booth (one or two of them had 4 stripes I think). ................

:rolleyes: Anyone know when the Men-in-aviation conference is?.....Anyone? UFB.
You know that when you have an all-female flight crew, you can no longer call the flight deck a "cockpit". Instead, it needs to be referred to as "the box office".

An oldie, but a goodie!
As far as feeling safe, I have never felt threatened or vulnerable except for 1 place I was flying, we had a route I filled in for that went into Hawkins (Jackson, Miss.) It was a typical night run and this particular route scheduled a sit there for about 3 hours. The FBO was closed during that time and you had to sit in the "terminal" which was a 10X10 room that didn’t lock. The airport wasn’t very well fenced from what I could see so it seemed anyone could get in/out without much effort. The one nice thing was there was airport security patrolling….but you know how those guys are, there was one night I watched them & a police car race across the airport…playing from what I could tell…..I didn’t really feel I was in danger per say but was the one & only place I wasn’t 100% comfortable. I wouldn’t have taken it as my normal run because of that. I do think this was unusual though as I have been to dozens of other places with absolutely no issues. Just be smart & remember if you’re not comfortable, don’t do it J

That was my run for a year and a half.. Monday-Thursday I'd sit in that glassed in area and watch dvds. Me and Crazy Bob would chill and I would watch him eat raw tuna from the can and eat peppers like they were apples. 4th of July was a wonderful evening too. I heard all these fireworks, but no flash, just the boom... well when the "police officer" came driving over with no working headlights... I quickly figured out that those weren't fireworks!!! That night I took off with all my lights off... Good ole HKS... man those were fun days! I used to drain the EPA can with the sump tube and then write my name with the Jet A in the tube on the grass. :beer:
Fox-Tree said:
:rolleyes: Anyone know when the Men-in-aviation conference is?.....Anyone? UFB.

Hey toolbox, it's called AirInc. Oh yeah, and every new hire airline class.
capt. megadeth said:
Hey toolbox, it's called AirInc. Oh yeah, and every new hire airline class.

Hey….. box, little sensitive aren’t we? I was just poking a little fun – but I can see your little friend must be in town. :laugh:
You made my point for me. Go to the AirInc conference like everyone else. Why is it you think you need some kind of special women’s conference – I’m pretty sure you get enough breaks as it is.

I’ll bet the ratio of women to men in new hire airline classes probably comes close to the ratio of women to men as professional pilots – actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more of you than there should be if you just went off that ratio.
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