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Will SWA and AT truly merge?

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If it makes you sleep better at night thinking the arbiter won't factor in the MASSIVE pay difference, then that's great. Remember the terms 'fair and equitable'? We aren't even talking about 20-30% here..

I find it interesting that some AAI pilots think they should get it all, full seniority, 80 percent payraise with increase in QOL issues per the Southwest contract. Especially when some folks over there were begging for a Southwest staple back in December.

I have no idea how the 717 issue will play out and I'm not threatening anything, I was just laying out that it's a very broad topic that will have to be negotiated between SW and SWAPA.
So Johnson Rod, tell me exactly what Southwest pilots get with some kind
realitive seniority scenerio. (and don't start talking about gates at ATL, that's a company gain)

So this is what it looks like..

AAI - between 50-80% increase in pay, and big increases in QOL.
SW - nothing.

That's a pretty big difference to put in front of an arbiter.

I'm sorry I did mix the two events, the SLI and the new opener for the 717 rate. The rate will be hashed out been SWAPA and Southwest. It's a new type for SWAPA. Will the Airtran pilots have some input on that? Absolutely, but it won't be negotiated by ALPA.

Realistically speaking, I know there won't be a staple, but I bet there won't be realitive seniority either. It will most likely be something blended in the middle. I think that's the way it will turn out with or without arbitration, only time will tell.

The arbitrators don't care what you "get". I don't know how to put it to you in any simpler terms. They are not your parents or wife.
You don't do the payrate in arbitration. You do the SLI in arbitration, AFTER you get a joint contract. And I recall someone stating the arbitrators for the Delta and Northwest merger didn't take the pay rates into consideration, and the NWA guys got a 30% pay raise too. But, of course you don't want to go to arbitration because it will be an unknown for you guys too. There is just no way the AT guys will agree to go without arbitration, because regardless it will be a win win for them, higher pay and then better than a staple SLI. And since they can't get a staple anyway due to that Bond/McKaskil law, I think they will do pretty darn well. I think you know that too.

Just to educate you a little. Nothing states in the M/B bond that a staple is unfair. Plus this is not NWA or Delta.
Just to educate you a little. Nothing states in the M/B bond that a staple is unfair. Plus this is not NWA or Delta.

So, it is possible that the SW guys
Could be stapled to the AT list.

It's very unlikely that there will be a staple, or a "windfall" upgrade of SW F/O's
Into AT Captain positions.
I have no idea how the 717 issue will play out and I'm not threatening anything, I was just laying out that it's a very broad topic that will have to be negotiated between SW and SWAPA.

If y'all agree to drop the rates on the 717 you'll be hurting your group as well. Just saying. Training events created for folks chasing the money won't make your beloved management happy either. How crappy would it be for some new hire to get hired on by Southwest just to be put on a B scale because SWAPA wanted to spite the other group? What you need to realize is that AirTran pilots receiving parity with your current rates costs your group absolutely ZERO. It's management's problem, not ours or yours.

What we need to do is work on a joint CBA, bring the pay up (which helps EVERYONE in the industry), and then squabble about SLI...

...and then we will drink Wild Turkey and "fraternize" with the planes full of all the drunk, swimsuit models we'll carry...Oops, my subconscious wrote that. Pay no attention. Carry on. :D
Just a reality check--- all the contention here is not representative of average WN pilot-
I truly hope it is not representative of AT either -

This is good for both if neither side gets greedy.

Remember that-
Just a reality check--- all the contention here is not representative of average WN pilot-
I truly hope it is not representative of AT either -

This is good for both if neither side gets greedy.

Remember that-

No, this is MAYBE representative of 5% of AT pilots. Our guys just want to be treated fairly. And for WN guys to know we are proud of our company as much as WN pilots are proud of SWA. I'm not saying we don't have problems, but its like I have said before, I love my children but sometimes they piss me off, and have to be dealt with, but at the end of the day I still love them.
How are the SWA guys getting "greedy"? Are they "greedy" because they don't want to lose seniority?

I could see the AT guys getting "greedy" if they get big ass raises and QOL improvements then ask for some nice seniority bumps too. "Let's see, I take my seat with me even though I am junior by date of hire to over 1500 of their guys in the right seat, all the contract improvements too and a little immortality while I am at it."

Aahhhh......GREED. Just take the money and be happy that your new management team aren't scumbags and you'll actually enjoy your job.
Everyone is yelling but no one is listening. Can anyone answer the question that I asked a long time ago?

If "fair and equitable" can only mean relative seniority why wasn't "relative seniority" specified in the B/M legislation?
So, it is possible that the SW guys
Could be stapled to the AT list.

It's very unlikely that there will be a staple, or a "windfall" upgrade of SW F/O's
Into AT Captain positions.

YoYou never know. The definition of fair and equitable will be tested. You nor I will not know till the deal is done. Just keeping a open mind.

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