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Why was PappaWoody and his thread deleted?

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Maybe he was not banned, but the system doesn't recognize his account and he can not log on. I'm not sure what the difference between being banned or being deleted, but he can not log on... period. And neither the webmaster or lear70 has let him know why or emailed him at all regarding this. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me.

I guess your friend will have to wait to do his professional flame baiting.
Maybe he was not banned, but the system doesn't recognize his account and he can not log on. I'm not sure what the difference between being banned or being deleted, but he can not log on... period. And neither the webmaster or lear70 has let him know why or emailed him at all regarding this. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me.
OK, what part of "I didn't do it and don't know how or why it went down" did not come through from my last communication?

If you want an answer, you'll have to email the WEBMASTER! That is, the website OWNER... I'm just a mod, on a volunteer basis; if the webmaster does something, I have zero control over it. It's his site. I'm happy to help keep the place running smoothly, but changes made at the top stay at the top.

Incidentally, PapaWoody is still shown as a registered user, is not on the Ban list, and last logged in today at 0630 EST.

Shagadelic, I'm not in ANY way saying you're not telling the truth, but the server log doesn't lie, and I have no reason to either. There's the possibility that the Webmaster has the ability to do something I can't see with my levels of permission and did so after 0630 today but, again, you'd have to ask him.

edit: CLR was posting at the same time I was. Feel free to PM me and ask me any specific information you like, or post it out in the open, I'll respond here as well. There's no secret plan or agenda, guys & gals,,,
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I'm pretty sure it's kumbaya.

Cum....bye....ya. Has a whole other connotation(!)
Not that I haven't done it!
Shag.. The mods nor the website owner don't owe you or anyone an explaination, however when we do it, it is done with the utmost repect for you the members. We all have full time jobs and lives to deal with just as you, many times we do not have the time to write an explaination nor care too, as the reason in most all cases are obvious..

It is our call how we handle each and every complaint, too and including doing nothing at all.. lately we are getting large numbers of reported violations that are just annoying false alarms just to get a rise out of the MOds..
In my opinion, that is disrespectful to the service in the form of many hours we volunteer to Flight info, and I don't take it as a joke...

Bantering between members is one thing as long as it fits the TOS, we have sections for everything here and we reserve the right to move threads accordingly without anyone's permission.. I take attacks on a mods ethical standards as an assult as well, just like an baseball umpire, football refree or any other official, we sdo our very best to remain neutral but always "fair" and unless it is a clear and absolutle abuse of some perceived power we have, The owner of FI will back us fully and we will handle these abuses swiftly.. The FI owner can at anytime remove us...

We can go many weeks and months here without a problem, but sometimes a few members are having a bad day and come here to blow off steam, most of which is ignored... but if it takes a personal turn, to anyone even the mods, then dont expect a nice little PM when you get suspended from FI for some time..

So stop beating up the volunteers.. we have opinions, we are aviators as well, WE ARE UNPAID HERE.. we will NOT use our FI status any different in threads we participate in or not.. the Terms of Service apply to all of us.. I have even suspended myself once earlier this year for a violation.. it happens.. but we should be allowed to share our views as well, we are members too!!

So come on people.. lets get along here.. cum-bye-ya.. ok.. aviation has enough problems to be discussed and maybe even workout here without blowing up another member.. If you don't like the style of member, use the ignor feature and you will no longer see their posts.. easy...

Thanks for being members here, alot of good has come out of this web site, and just remember, the mods are here to just help keep things organized and policed..

If I were banned, I would hope you'd at least fire off a brief explanation as to why. I would hope you'd tell me how long I were banned. Lear70 thinks he's not banned...so even a moderator didn't know he was banned. As a member, I'd like to know why pappa was banned so I, and all other users, can avoid the same fate...

You don't owe anybody an explanation, that is clear. That doesn't mean it's not expected or appreciated. It's not my site, but in over 11 years I've been lurking/posting here, I've never seen this.........
Maybe he was not banned, but the system doesn't recognize his account and he can not log on. I'm not sure what the difference between being banned or being deleted, but he can not log on... period. And neither the webmaster or lear70 has let him know why or emailed him at all regarding this. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me.

This is FI, there hasn't been anything professional about this site in years.
Shag.. thanks for being a member since May 16 2002... when a member is banned they will get a one-liner explaination.. We are not usually going to talk about other members business here, but since this has become a topic, the member you have been complaining about is not suspended from service.. by any mod, now if the website owner does something thats his business, but I dont see anything there either..

and Midge, I am sorry we are so pathetic of a site that this is the only place you find the time to post... I am sure if you look hard enough here are some web sites that will enjoy your complaints..
No, I didn't, but thanks for going on the offensive against me yet again.

Moderator hat on:

(edit) As far as I can tell, PapaWoody hasn't been banned, he just hasn't posted since his thread was removed. He doesn't show up in the "Banned Users" log, so he should be still free to post.

The thread was removed by the Website Owner (Webmaster). I did not, nor did any other Mod request the Webmaster to get involved. PapaWoody's eMail request directly to the Webmaster for Webmaster oversight evidently had unintended consequences for him, as the Webmaster took further action and removed PapaWoody's thread. I found out this morning when I logged in to check another reported thread.

As far as to WHY he did it, you'd have to email him and ask, as I honestly don't know, although I suspect it had to do with inciting dissension with a post that appeared to be designed to invoke a negative response. Again, that's just a guess.

I have NO problem with people posting their opinion, even if I don't agree with it, the difference is in HOW you voice your opinion. As a rule of thumb, if it's something you wouldn't say in a full crew room to someone's face in that same, exact way, it's probably not a good idea to post it here.

As long as you don't go on personal attacks, follow the FI ToS, and generally don't deliberately cause dissension between two pilot groups, I'd have no reason to.

Had to suspend someone just this morning for going on a personal attack against the General, and I don't recall even having had a PM chat with GenLee in the past... Heck, I gave the General a 7-day suspension a while back for going off on people and then today had to do the same thing to someone who went after HIM. Moderating isn't personal, it's just trying to keep the site from jumping the shark completely and I apply the same rules evenly to everyone.

The rules are simple, they can be found at any time from the main page, and are intended to keep the flow of information flowing and encourage FRIENDLY debate. Just be professional, keep SLI discussions in SLI threads, follow the ToS, and everyone can post what they want to their heart's content.

so thats why the general starting acting like a sycophant whenever he tries to flame someone. he doesn't want to get banned again by the man
Personally not impressed with banning someone for not agreeing with them.

New Alert folks. Someone is going to be pissed when this is all said and done.

Personally not impressed with banning someone for not agreeing with them.
And who did that?

The only enforcement actions I've done recently were for an AirTran pilot who violated the ToS by using someone's actual name, another pilot who violated the ToS using profanity in a personal attack in a SWA/AAI thread (don't know for certain who he/she worked for), and some other person who violated the ToS using sexual-based profanity in a personal attack against the General in an unrelated thread.

None of them are permanently banned, just on varying lengths of FI vacations from 7 days to 30 so they can learn to abide by the ToS (the 30 day person, incidentally, was the AirTran pilot - repeat offender). The mods were doing this BEFORE the SWA/AAI acquisition announcement, and we'll be doing it after all the dust settles.

New Alert folks. Someone is going to be pissed when this is all said and done.

If you're talking about the SLI, I agree. The age-old adage comes to mind about "You know an SLI has been fair when just about everyone is irritated at the outcome".

If you're talking about something else, please elaborate.

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