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Why was PappaWoody and his thread deleted?

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Maybe he wanted his posts deleted. Ask him.

No, he didn't. He didn't think he did anything that warranted getting kicked off.

Once again, I'm not advocating the content of his postings, but I am advocating his right to say his peace. We're all big boys and girls here (well most of us). What exactly did he do wrong?
Some had legitimate concerns over a moderators behavior and voiced them loudly on the thread that is now gone.

I have lost all faith in the objectivity of this site. The moderators feel it is their site and not the members. I will no longer recommend this site for information. Too much other free sites to choose from to get the same information.
Hey, maybe it's for the best. Some of our own SWA brothers are too stupid to keep their retarded buddy screwing thoughts to themselves.
Lear70 probably did it.
No, I didn't, but thanks for going on the offensive against me yet again.

Moderator hat on:

(edit) As far as I can tell, PapaWoody hasn't been banned, he just hasn't posted since his thread was removed. He doesn't show up in the "Banned Users" log, so he should be still free to post.

The thread was removed by the Website Owner (Webmaster). I did not, nor did any other Mod request the Webmaster to get involved. PapaWoody's eMail request directly to the Webmaster for Webmaster oversight evidently had unintended consequences for him, as the Webmaster took further action and removed PapaWoody's thread. I found out this morning when I logged in to check another reported thread.

As far as to WHY he did it, you'd have to email him and ask, as I honestly don't know, although I suspect it had to do with inciting dissension with a post that appeared to be designed to invoke a negative response. Again, that's just a guess.

I have NO problem with people posting their opinion, even if I don't agree with it, the difference is in HOW you voice your opinion. As a rule of thumb, if it's something you wouldn't say in a full crew room to someone's face in that same, exact way, it's probably not a good idea to post it here.

Maybe he will delete me now that I said he was involved. He has become the FI police.
As long as you don't go on personal attacks, follow the FI ToS, and generally don't deliberately cause dissension between two pilot groups, I'd have no reason to.

Had to suspend someone just this morning for going on a personal attack against the General, and I don't recall even having had a PM chat with GenLee in the past... Heck, I gave the General a 7-day suspension a while back for going off on people and then today had to do the same thing to someone who went after HIM. Moderating isn't personal, it's just trying to keep the site from jumping the shark completely and I apply the same rules evenly to everyone.

The rules are simple, they can be found at any time from the main page, and are intended to keep the flow of information flowing and encourage FRIENDLY debate. Just be professional, keep SLI discussions in SLI threads, follow the ToS, and everyone can post what they want to their heart's content.

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No, he didn't. He didn't think he did anything that warranted getting kicked off.

Once again, I'm not advocating the content of his postings, but I am advocating his right to say his peace. We're all big boys and girls here (well most of us). What exactly did he do wrong?

He was deleted due to his inability to use paragraph breaks. Barely literate.

Some had legitimate concerns over a moderators behavior and voiced them loudly on the thread that is now gone.

I have lost all faith in the objectivity of this site. The moderators feel it is their site and not the members. I will no longer recommend this site for information. Too much other free sites to choose from to get the same information.

The moderators didn't do it, but thanks for asking first.

The Webmaster (website OWNER) did it after the original poster of the thread emailed him about my moderating. I didn't find out about it until I logged in this morning.

This site doesn't belong to the members, it belongs to the webmaster. While I'm sure he appreciates your participation, it doesn't mean he has to allow people to say whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, even if it's to the detriment of the site.

All of us slinging mud at each other doesn't accomplish anything positive, does it?

Moderator hat on:

Daddy suspended for personal attacks, creative spelling of profanity.

This thread will be merged with the other thread on the same topic.

Careful. You will be grossly out numbered when your pay stub says Southwest at the top.

Know where you are in the food chain. And go from there.

Thanks, you sound like Morgan Freeman in, "The Shawshank Redemption".
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Maybe he was not banned, but the system doesn't recognize his account and he can not log on. I'm not sure what the difference between being banned or being deleted, but he can not log on... period. And neither the webmaster or lear70 has let him know why or emailed him at all regarding this. Pretty unprofessional if you ask me.

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