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Why the RJDC is sooo nervous

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General Lee said:

. Then guys like Afellowaviator love to say all of his neighbors love the RJ, and this article dispells that.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Maybe the fact that my neighbors said that dispells what is in the article. Ummmm?

You display a lot of blind faith in what mgt. and the news media tells you. Not the characteristics of an independent thinker. I would guess Dan Rather is one of your favotie news anchors.
Nice try, Gee Lee, but that dog aint gonna hunt.

With three faulty premises, it's no wonder your conclusions are so inane.

First of all, the pilots of Comair and ASA have filed a Duty of Fair Representation case against their union based on past actions. One can't sue over future events as you seem to imply. .

Secondly, this simple DFR case has absolutely nothing to do with your fear mongering end-of-the world hysterics. Where in the RJDC's complaint does it state that the pilots "have aspirations of flying larger equipment for a lot less pay at their own airlines[?]" Instead you make unsubstantiated wild-ass claims about Inclusivescope. Why can't you cite any of these sentiments from him or anyone? Instead you say "it is true and we all know it[?]"

And thirdly, if as you claim, JC and his boys want to go straight to MD88s (what, not the 737?) then why should they care about RJs since they wont be flying 'em anymore? So which is it, we want to fly your airplanes at ASA/Comair or is it at Delta?

Nah, you are just being a provocateur.
That's why CBS is changing it's name to just "BS". (Got that from Conan O'Brien)

No, you really do need to understand that MOST people DON'T want to fly LONG DISTANCES on RJs, and that is the truth. But, I keep saying that I do like RJs for certain routes, and they are better than props.

As far as the RJDC, we ALL KNOW that they eventually want to be allowed to negotiate for their own mainline sized aircraft. If you can't see that---then you ALL are blind. If Ford and Lawson want to drive mainline aircraft, they can---after a long interview and eventual IOE from ME.


I bring up inclusivescope because he is the so called expert on the RJDC. After Grinstein said himself that RJ flights over 2 hours hurt our customers, it is easy to believe that RJs (maybe the 50 seaters at least) won't be as popular in our future fleets, and 70 seaters may be on the decline also. Where else would the RJDC go? Hmmmmmm? They gotta go somewhere, because they know a possible Delta interview for them (Ford and Lawson) will be tough to come by. And, I have never been called a provocateur before----thank you.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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[/QUOTE]As far as the RJDC, we ALL KNOW that they eventually want to be allowed to negotiate for their own mainline sized aircraft. If you can't see that---then you ALL are blind. If Ford and Lawson want to drive mainline aircraft, they can---after a long interview and eventual IOE from ME.


I bring up inclusivescope because he is the so called expert on the RJDC. After Grinstein said himself that RJ flights over 2 hours hurt our customers, it is easy to believe that RJs (maybe the 50 seaters at least) won't be as popular in our future fleets, and 70 seaters may be on the decline also. Where else would the RJDC go? Hmmmmmm? They gotta go somewhere, because they know a possible Delta interview for them (Ford and Lawson) will be tough to come by. And, I have never been called a provocateur before----thank you.

Bye Bye--General Lee[/QUOTE]

Don't you have to apply to get an interview? Sorry haven't done that, I'm happy here, don't want your seat or your aircraft. But if I pay dues to ALPA to represent my interest than thats what I should expect them to do.

Good lord, announced today, Comair TLH to JFK in an RJ MY GOD NO!
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Good lord, announced today, Comair TLH to JFK in an RJ MY GOD NO
Sure, that's a long flight in an RJ.. Would the nice folks in TLH rather have an RJ on that route, or no route at all? I would think they would prefer the RJ over nothing.
"Good lord, announced today, Comair TLH to JFK in an RJ MY GOD NO!"

I think some point to point RJ flights are good. This one is a good idea because it funnels people away from ATL and allows more seats to be purchased from other connecting flights. The flight time I believe is scheduled at 2hours and 25 minutes, and that may be tough on a businessman's tush, and we will see if it is popular or not. If it is wildly popular, then maybe an MD88 or 737 will be put on that route, if not, then it will go away. I think the RJ is a good route finder or tester. The time enroute is too much according to Grinstein's comments, and I hope it doesn't backfire, but if it fails it will go bye bye.


When did Grinstein say he liked the CR7? I think the economics are better on it, but those are the same planes that flew the longer flights from DFW, and people still didn't migrate to them. I like it better than the CRJ-50, but people still would rather fly an American MD-80 than a CR7---and that is obvious. There are other routes that will do well with them, like some of the new SLC routes, but DFW--OAK or DFW--JFK did not pass.

Bye bye--General Lee
Maybe in your own post first, think later-style, you have stumbled onto the crux of the problem, but hear this: I don't want your job, I just want you to leave my job alone.
Fine. I can understand that. As long as you guys do the same. Deal.

Bye Bye--General Lee
What, in all this, makes you think anyone wants YOUR JOB!!!! ....Having to loose 20 I.Q. points, reason and a sense of humour seems hardly worth it! ;-)....bye-the-way would you like to answer the question you posed "Snake rider"?

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