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Why the RJDC is sooo nervous

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Man alive, you are angry. Too bad. This is an open forum, and you can discuss your other problems on your own ALPA board etc. Guess what? I enjoy all parts of aviation. I follow what goes on in this whole industry. And you want to take that away from me? Wrong. I will bring my opinion to any thread I want to. If you don't like that--leave.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Uh, not using jetways has nothing to do with the aircraft. It has to do with the choices the mainline carrier makes. I heard that Eagle uses jetways at every station they serve. And, people want to get off an airplane quickly, no matter what size they are.

The problem with jetways here (ASA) is the company doesn't put enough emphasis on using them. They have not insisted that all stations with the capability use jet ways. Some stations use them for all aircraft even if it means towing aircraft out of the way, but most stations (esp DAL stations) look for any reason not to, and they're allowed to get away with it. At HOU they make the pax walk up the little stairs with the corrugated steps on the outside of the jetway rather than pull the plane up to it. Many pilots have reported to the company the benefits and safety for them, but have largely been ignored.
79%N1 said:
I have to agree with AFIXEDWING.....

My problem all along with Generall Lee and FDJ is that they troll the "REGIONAL" board, where they dont even work at, and look for threads to jump in on, and in some cases hijack, and knock everything we do! Our airplanes suck, pax hate us, were taking paycuts, our companies are downsizing, we're sharing the pain, we're stealing their flying, we dont support the furloughs!!!!!!!!!!!! It gets sooooo tiring! WE GET IT! We are low rank, second class dirt! We steal flying, we make too much compared to Mesa, and everyone hates flying on us! Cant we just have our own discussions about these things without the Delta guys jumping on???? Isnt there Delta stuff to discuss with all the Delta buddies? I know, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but in my opinion they are overkill! Just leave us alone already!
Quit being such a hoser... For your information, what happens on the regional board can impact the major board and vice versa. This is an open forum and opinions from all angles are appreciated. If you don't like it then tune out...
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Hey General,

Why don't you go ride the snake on your 767 with your greek water and leave the regional business to the pros who fly them?
Peace out
wms said:
The problem with jetways here (ASA) is the company doesn't put enough emphasis on using them. They have not insisted that all stations with the capability use jet ways. Some stations use them for all aircraft even if it means towing aircraft out of the way, but most stations (esp DAL stations) look for any reason not to, and they're allowed to get away with it. At HOU they make the pax walk up the little stairs with the corrugated steps on the outside of the jetway rather than pull the plane up to it. Many pilots have reported to the company the benefits and safety for them, but have largely been ignored.
I was just at HOU and they are using a jetway now. However I think maybe the late flight might get screwed like that, though.

There are a lot of stations that have jetways, but choose not to use them. What we need is for every "connection" only station to use the pseudo-jetway like at MLU, and every "mainline" station to use a real jetway, even if it means moving the jetway between planes or towing them out of the way. SAV does a good job of jockeying the jetway back and forth.

The company says there's 80-some-odd stations that have jetway capability, but says nothing about how many stations use them on a routine basis. Probably half of them are too lazy to move the jetway up to the airplane, or like one station that I forget where, have the jetway, but not the connecting ramp to let people actually board.
The General, FDJ2 and On Your Six along with ANY person who is a member here can post on ANY section they choose. Should those here who think they should have access to it by invitation only, they need to start their OWN blahblah.com BS site and have it only authorized to the people who THEY think should join.
Public is just what it means. Don't like it? Sorry.
Talk about spiting your own face.

Just check out this thread's title, originally submitted by guess who, Gee Lee himself. Throw in the usual suspects who just love to jump in with their usual disparaging remarks and you have one big happy anti-RJ bash. The RJDC had nothing to do with that article yet they just have to get their cheap shots in.

On Your Six accurately says, "what happens on the regional board can impact the major board and vice versa." Same thing can be said about the financial situation between mainline carriers and their wholly owned subsidiaries. Still, it's funny how they seem to delight in any negative RJ press.

OK, maybe it's not so funny.

I saw the article and thought it was interesting, and the title of my thread made sense too. The RJDC guys are worried about ALPA bargaining for them without their input, yet at the same time have aspirations of flying larger equipment for a lot less pay at their own airlines. Lawson and his boys would love to fly MD88s, but they don't want to have to go to the right seat at Delta to do it. Sad but true. Inclusivescope may not admit it, but it is true and we all know it. Then guys like Afellowaviator love to say all of his neighbors love the RJ, and this article dispells that.

Hey, we all have had our share of bad articles, look at USAToday's Business section today--what a bunch of hogwash. But, we all get bad press sometimes. And, we all are able to give our opinions on each piece.


You are the man! I bet you want to nonrev to Greece---for some Greek manlove. You probably are a pro---at playing with your dingaling on those 4 hour RJ flights.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
That is not really the case---you need to re-read the article. It is all right there in front of you--the businessmen and their complaints. Those are the people that really are wanted, since they buy last minute fares that are more expensive. Grandma may not care, but rich Grandpa does!
General, I was not responding to the article, I was responding to NYRangers. You may want to re-read my post. Here it is:

NY Rangers said:
The animosity is comming from pax who can either fly on an rj or a A320, B717, B777 etc, etc. The fact that they are choosing to fly on bigger aircraft ...
...People don't like the rj's anymore, period (unless it serves as their only flight out of their little towns, in wich case they are fortunate to have air service).

I replied:
As has been pointed out many times, people will fly on the airline that gets them to Grandma's house the cheapest - THEY DO NOT FLY BASED ON WHAT AIRPLANE SERVES THE ROUTE. I have commuted on an MD-88 and passengers got on saying "what a small airplane!" Has anyone ridden on Southwest? Not exactly the paragon of comfort and convenience, yet people will stand in lines that stretch to the next terminal and wait in line to fight for their window seat just to save $10 bucks over Delta or American or whoever.

To the average passenger the aircraft doesn't matter, only the price does.
The point is that the last-minute business passenger is no longer your bread and butter, and is certainly not the "average passenger." The average passenger does not care what the airplane is when they buy the ticket, they only care about the price. Maybe they complain when they get on the airplane, but by then it's too late.

And I too fail to see the relevance of the article to "why the RJDC is nervous."
General Lee said:

I saw the article and thought it was interesting, and the title of my thread made sense too. The RJDC guys are worried about ALPA bargaining for them without their input, yet at the same time have aspirations of flying larger equipment for a lot less pay at their own airlines. Lawson and his boys would love to fly MD88s, but they don't want to have to go to the right seat at Delta to do it. Sad but true. Inclusivescope may not admit it, but it is true and we all know it. Then guys like Afellowaviator love to say all of his neighbors love the RJ, and this article dispells that.

Hey, we all have had our share of bad articles, look at USAToday's Business section today--what a bunch of hogwash. But, we all get bad press sometimes. And, we all are able to give our opinions on each piece.


You are the man! I bet you want to nonrev to Greece---for some Greek manlove. You probably are a pro---at playing with your dingaling on those 4 hour RJ flights.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Sorry General, its not true and we don't all know it. The RJDC has nothing to do with flying larger equipment.

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