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Why Shouldn't I PFT!

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Typhoon1244 said:
So I guess I'm not invited for Thanksgiving, huh? That's okay...I'll still send a card. :)
No, you're still invited. :) Besides, you are an ex-Capper, which is a point in your favor. :cool:
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Street hires

FN FAL said:
I don't mean to nit pick, but I thougth the term "off the street" meant hiring of captains. IE: they hired "off the street" captains because nobody wanted to or could upgrade, so they bypassed the IN company FO's.
I've understood it to mean anyone who just submits an app and is interviewed, etc.

The Riddle instructor to whom I refer was hired at ASA as an FO. I'm sure that being from Georgia didn't hurt him.
Re: Street hires

bobbysamd said:
The Riddle instructor to whom I refer was hired at ASA as an FO. I'm sure that being from Georgia didn't hurt him.
We try to bring those guys to DFW as much as possible to give them some exposure to reality. :D
Internship Is FREE PFT

The suckers that work for free at ^&*%$# Airlines still is a form of PFT. They are willing to work for free in hopes of landing that right seat. The interners pary with their time and the airlines are LOL.
Typhoon1244 said:
I'm confused.

An awful lot of people on this board claim to hate "PFT" (Pay For Training) and everything associated with it. It sounds to me like what you guys are really upset about is "PFJ" (Pay For a Job).

Agreed. The issue here is "PFJ", not "PFT". Why people use "PFT" as an all-encompassing term is beyond me. While we're on the subject, the "two-prong test" is a completely contrived method of sniffing out PFJ practices. Scrap that, too.

Originally posted by CFI'er

The suckers that work for free at ^&*%$# Airlines still is a form of PFT. They are willing to work for free in hopes of landing that right seat. The interners pary with their time and the airlines are LOL.

According to the two-prong test, that's not PFT. :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, working for free at an airline is basically PFJ. When an intern works for free, he basically pays for the job. This deprives better-qualified pilots of a job. Of course, if you consider this PFJ, then medical residency also falls under that category. Medical students who willingly endure low wages and long hours could be seen as "whoring" themselves out in order to earn a lucrative job.
secks said:
Agreed. The issue here is "PFJ", not "PFT". Why people use "PFT" as an all-encompassing term is beyond me.

PFT is used because the scumbags that invented the process know that they had to mislead people in order to convince them to do it. Then the scumbags that bought their way into a job that they were unqualified for under any other criteria used the term as a way to justify their actions. It's all pretty simple actually.

I'm also a military helo driver and have read many of the threads about PFT, it's definitely a passionate issue and rightfully so, we're talking about the salaries we're either working for or hope to work for. I was considering PFT for many of the reasons that h46driver mentioned before reading all the PFT threads. After all, I've already spent almost 2,000 hours in a very demanding cockpit and sacrificed a lot of the personal freedoms that many civilians take for granted (like living where I want). Why not take the money I've saved and jumpstart my civilian flying career? While it's very tempting, I can't see caving to some greedy, penny-pinching airline CEO who thinks my experience isn't worth a salary just so he can cut his labor costs and improve his bottom line. After reading numerous posts on this forum, the civilian helo job market is looking a lot more attractive. I'll always dream about flying for an airline, but I think I'll earn my FW ratings in my off time and try for the dream later after I can see how the whole salary and career progression issues shake out in the end.

By the way, I had to laugh because the guy who started this thread checked out of the debate (and the aviation job market altogether) about 10 posts ago, but like other PFT threads, this one just keeps going.
CH47Driver said:

By the way, I had to laugh because the guy who started this thread checked out of the debate (and the aviation job market altogether) about 10 posts ago, but like other PFT threads, this one just keeps going.

PFT threads keep me out of bars.:D

Good Choice, hopefully you will get to an airline one day and the pay will be at mainline rates instead of of lowest bidder rates.

good luck, and thanks for serving us all.
Hey enigma, I got a question for you,

how can you say that the many pilots that PFT'd in the 90's, ALL were unqualified? Many that PFT'd had several thousand hours. Some more than you, I'm sure. Just a question about what you are stating, not a PFT question. Also, it is widely agreed upon, moral issues and personal feelings asside, some PFT pilots are good sticks. How are these guys unqualified?
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