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Why I hate MESA!!

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avrodriverj85 said:
My problem with national is that they can't seem to see 5 years down the road, much less 50 feet in front of their face.

ALPA already made the big error of separating flying into regional and mainline. Mainliners should have embraced regional flying as their own rather than relegating it to a 'stepping-stone' to the 'real flying'. Everyone on 1 list, more bargaining power, no ability for one group to take flying from the other. I know EGL and AA guys would appreciate a stess-free day of 1-list w/o all the side agreements and exceptions that have drivien a wedge b/t them.

We pilots are our own worst enemies.

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Can you read??

avrodriverj85 said:

Being from SoCal I remember when Mesa bought WestAir.. and how if you wanted a job there you had to pony up the $10k. Seems like the managment team over there has always been a leech on the pilots neck someway or another.

Hey avrodriver, did you even read the thread before you posted this paragraph? Several people have said quite clearly that Mesa was never PFT and here you go spouting off that they were.

Okay, listen close, I'll say it again, Mesa was not doing PFT, never did! I was there from '93 to '96 and did not pay for my training.

Didja get it that time?
Make sure your b*tching at the right guy, I believe your after "avrodriver85"..........I would NEVER say anything that anyone disagreed with =)...........plain old AD

I don't really have a problem with the Mesa Pilots except a few of those that are really idiots in places like (remember a go around is not an option) Roanoke Virginia for example. I cannot stand dickhead Orenstein. If I saw him in an alley some night I would kick the living **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** out of em. I Hate the Mesa Corporation and every time I see Air shuttle (air **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**ter) I want to puke. Any body see that Mesa beech 1900 in CLT the other day. Looks like somebody ate a corn burrito and a grape slurpy and puked it all up on an airplane. I guess your corpoate colors really do show your corporate culture. :D
Air Sh!tter

The stuff that was all censored out was Air Sh!tter
If it looks and smells like PFT then it is PFT.

About the Mesa Pilot
Development Program
"Learn to fly with us, then fly for us"

Mesa Air Group and its collegiate partner, San Juan College offer a unique approach to becoming an airline pilot. The Aviation Degree Program was established in 1989 for the sole purpose of grooming First Officers for the company. In this way, Mesa can train pilots to its standards. The airline knows who

the pilots are and the quality of training they have received. The program ensures Mesa that their new pilots have already been trained in the complex aircraft they will be flying.

Designed as an ab initio (from the beginning) program, this training takes pilots from no time or very low time through their private, instrument, commercial, and multi-engine ratings, first officer training, and Part 121 checkride in less than two years! You will obtain your certificates and ratings in addition to receiving jet systems training designed to prepare you for the flight line.

As Part 141 schools, San Juan College's program meets rigid FAA guidelines for their pilot training curricula
All training is geared to meet Mesa Airlines' hiring standards
You will be qualified to pass your Part 121 checkride by graduation
Upon completion of the program, successful graduates go through the Mesa hiring process. Those who are hired then go directly into the right seat as First Officers. Average flight time at the point of hire is 300 hours!
Since the events of September 11, typical upgrade time from First Officer to Captain is two years.
Today's graduates could fly any one of Mesa's aircraft: the Beech 1900, Dash 8/200 series, CRJs, or ERJs. The possibilities are exciting!

I still believe they had a program in place in the early 90s where even experienced pilots had to pay. I think Florida Gulf did as well and they were a division of Mesa.

Hey Bear...

you said....

MESA pilots are pilots just like all of us. and we should appreciate all that we have in common.

No sir, I sincerely disagree. As one of the many that walked for 89 days, you and your type are not like us.
typhoonpilot said:
If it looks and smells like PFT then it is PFT.

About the Mesa Pilot
Development Program

The issue of PFT and MAPD has already come up on this board many times. It has been determined by the board consensus that it neither looks like PFT nor smells like PFT, however, I still recall some sort of PFT with Mesa in the early 90s (maybe just Florida Gulf, doesn't anyone have the facts on this?), just like many other airlines at the time.

Most people would consider paying $ for an interview to be sketchy too, Typhoon, and my understanding from posts on other forums is that your current carrier doesn't pay for your ticket to test your desire for the job. Just an observation, nothing more.

I believe CMR had PFT in the early 90's too, KY, so, Mesa is no different than any other group of pilots, other than they are the only ones to negotiate a pay increase in the last year, and are still paid less than you CMR guys. Different strokes for different folks.

I interviewed with Florida Gulf back in summer of '92, and at that time there was no mention of any pay for training. If I had been hired, I would have gone to class at JAX without putting up any cash. Except for the usual hotel/meal expenses of course. It seems as if most of the regionals were PFT in the early-mid '90s, so I don't see how Mesa can be bashed for such a thing. At least they didn't do the FlightSafety program like everyone else. Every time FSI added a carrier to that program, I crossed off another company on my resume list. I guess it saved me a lot of money on postage costs for mailing resumes.
Re: Can you read??

Maybe jbDC9 had it right from the begining? Sorry to post crappy info.:)

jbDC9 said:
Okay, listen close, I'll say it again, Mesa was not doing PFT, never did!

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