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Why I hate MESA!!

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lets think why do I hate mesa hmmm? Well for when there is my avtar and I truly believe they did bend over for management. Mesa has single handily ruined contracts for the rest of the industry. Thanks alot MESA I hope you are proud of yourselves...
Yikes you guys slay me. You expect me to look at a thread like this and not post up something flammable? Machdog this thread you started is flame bait and besides, you said "Have Fun."

My personal favorite was machdog's:

"Hey grog I hope with that attitude you are not speaking for the rest of your pilot group, if you are I have a word for you scum@##$bag!! Enjoy the pay for the rest of your career!!"

Hey Machdog1, I only speak for myself here at Mesa and to tell the truth I fill pretty screwed. But, with nothing better out there I pretty much have to stick it out til I can get on elsewhere.

For the rest of you, sorry for taking this thread too lightly; just a little weary of being everyones' reason that the airline biz ailing.

Also would like to say that the comment about Mesa putting everyone out of biz was inappropriate and out of line, especially in today's climate, for that I apologize.

Please see my previous posts. I told Whiskey to vote down their TA, I told ACA to vote down their TA and I asked CHQ guys where to send the money for the strike fund.

I think you're all taking me a little too seriously.
Grog's bottomline from a few posts back:

"Bottom line is this, I hope Mesa is able to put all of you out of biz with its lower rates to enhance my job security."

We're all thrilled that guys like you have our back. AD
Why I hate all of you

o.k., I don't really hate you guys. I don't even know you. But.....

OneTuffGuy said:
lets think why do I hate mesa hmmm? Well for when there is my avtar and I truly believe they did bend over for management. Mesa has single handily ruined contracts for the rest of the industry. Thanks alot MESA I hope you are proud of yourselves...

Do you know who bent over for management and have ruined the industry? Every single one of you! All of you who said "I'm only worth $17,000." Management knows as long as there are people such as yourselves who will sell your soul to fly a shiny jet, they've got you buy the balls. You've got no one to blame but yourselves.
"I distinctly remember having a conversation with a fairly high time CFI in 1992 who was thinking of going to Mesa and was talking about the PFT they had"

Nope, Mesa never had a PFT program.

Sorry to hear if ACA looses some of its future growth. I am not very familiar with how ACA is run, (other commuters / airlines as well ) matter of fact, it takes most of my time to keeping track with whats happening here @ Mesa.
For a person that stands outside looking into politics @ ACA I must wonder how the relationship between ACA and UAL has gone the last 6 months, and is going, in consideration the lawsuits ACA filed against UAL. Is ACA playing hardball with a bankrupt company because they ( ACA ) are the largest UAL commuter and are in the belief that UAL is not capable to replace them? I see certain simulareties between UAL/ACA and what happened between Delta/Comair some years back. Majors do not want a single feeder anymore. They want multiple spread over their entire route-network. The Comair strike thought them that. Get used to it.
Comair was able to strike and still able to keep growing (even with CHQ entering the filed) but still they are paying the price with less growth.
From what I can see ( and my limited knowledge ), ACA never had a change to keep the planned growth even with their agreed paycut. So now ACA pilots makes less money and most likely growth.
You can blame Mesas new contract as much as you want if it makes you feel better, but please do some research withing your company , your codeshare partner, and the company you are blaiming.
We all "love" scape goats, Some Comair pilots uses CHQ, Airlines uses Commuters, RJDF uses ALPA, The British uses the French, The Tuties tribes uses the Hutus, Hitler used the Jews and most commuter pilots uses Mesa.........

Our "loved" Mesa contract was a result of mainly 4 factors: -Our CEO and the 3 ( or so ) % of Mesa pilots that helped starting Freedom - The condition of our Partners - The economy in general at time of negotiation, and hardly any leverage on our side.
The outcome was either to take ( very ) small improvement in our current contract + great scope / successorship language +recall of 120+ CCAir pilots, or watch the continued rapid growth of Freedom, (that had NOT a contact,) and a very remote chance of being released to strike within the next year or so.
I was one of the yes-voters but I might had voted differently if we had same preferential hiring agreements most other commuter ( that ended up with good contracts ) had in the good late 90s/early 00's........
It has always been my impression Scope has very little value among commuter-pilots posting here. Is it because of the lack of it among the commuters or because you do not see the immediate hard cash value of it? CHQ, ASA/Comair, Mesaba/PinnA/Bigsky.... Any comments?
"Do you know who bent over for management and have ruined the industry? Every single one of you! All of you who said "I'm only worth $17,000." Management knows as long as there are people such as yourselves who will sell your soul to fly a shiny jet, they've got you buy the balls. You've got no one to blame but yourselves."

I work for this "horrible"company called Mesa. last year I made 78K. One day I have to "sell out" for 1'st year pay @ AirTran, Southwest, Fedex or UPS..........
Hey Typhoon,

Being from SoCal I remember when Mesa bought WestAir.. and how if you wanted a job there you had to pony up the $10k. Seems like the managment team over there has always been a leech on the pilots neck someway or another.

Don't forget those other 2 great SoCal carriers from the late 80's; PSA and AirCal, that got swallowed by arch enemy USAir and AA.

I wonder how those guys felt to see their friendly hometown airlines swallowed by those two behemouths. Wonder what they are thinking now?
To the Self rightous....

ARENT ALL THE REGIONALS REPLACING MAINLINE FLYING WITH LOWER COST REGIONAL FLYING???? YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lowering the bar? YESSSSSSS!!!!! Anyone with whipsawing going on by managers? YESSSSSS! Are we all screwing up because instead of fighting greedy managers we are finger pointing about how one group smells worse than the other as we stand in the sewage? YEEEEEESSSSSSS! The two faced nature of the original post is amazing.....BTW the jumpseat is ALAWAYS open, Part 135 included on my "No Voting" airplane.....unless you are a scab...

What has ALPA done to stop the whipsaw? My problem with national is that they can't seem to see 5 years down the road, much less 50 feet in front of their face. Meanwhile - J.O. and his types are running around in packs coming up with ways to stick it to the labor groups while lining their pockets and securing gold parachutes. It's the same patterns, but ALPA appears helpless.

ALPA cannot theoretically back mainline and it's regional partner equally or fairly - therefore creating a conflict of interest.

Just my .02 cents.
CMR was PFT in the mid 90s. Even after they dropped the PFT, they still required something like $350 just to interview (that was in 1998).

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