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Why I hate MESA!!

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Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em.
Little fleas have lesser fleas, and on, ad infinitum.

Hey francis what I said then was because of MESA thats why we were forced to take concessions!!!

The ACA concessions were brought up by CHQ management in negotiations, by the way.

Difference is: The CHQ pilots aren't taking concessions, even in spite of the precedent you have helped to establish. We are ready to shut the place down before we give in to extortion. There is the distinct possibility, even likelihood, that if CHQ strikes, Wexford will fold it up and transfer all the flying to Republic. CHQ will cease to be. We know that but we are standing up for ourselves even in the face of that very real threat.

We and Bedford also know that there will be no shortage of jackals salivating over the carcass and willing to fill the seats at any price. The GREATEST THREAT to our jobs is the pussies like you who will sacrifice your dignity and pride on the altar of "potential growth" and who will stand on the shoulders of others to keep your own heads above the water.

Furthermore, Mesa did not make you do anything; it was your choice and your decision to vote the way you did. Not only did you fail utterly to stand up for yourself, you are also unable to accept the responsibility for your own cowardice so you (unsuccessfully) attempt to shift the blame elsewhere.

You have astonishing audacity to start a thread condemning another pilot group for what you perceive to be cowardice when you lobbied the ACA group as hard as you did to lie down and spread. You do not have the standing to cast judgement on the actions of others; not with the glaring lack of courage you yourself have so prominently displayed.
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[Quote by grog_sit_reserve--

Bottom line is this, I hope Mesa is able to put all of you out of biz with its lower rates to enhance my job security.

Face it we are all stuck with the fact that we work for crummy wages, we all put our apps out and pretty much went to whoever called first.

Wrong, pal. I made a list of the top 5 regionals (ACA, AWAC, SKYW, CMR, and ASA not in any specific order) and decided to go with the first one of THOSE CARRIERS ONLY that offered me a position. I didn't even send any other resumes out, so save your "we all do the same thing to get an airline job bullsh!t".

As far as Mesa putting all the rest of us out of business...I certainly hope that you are simply a vocal minority at your company. I find it pathetic that you relish at the thought of others failing just so you can get your precious upgrade.

As I've stated before, I have no beef with the average line pilot at Mesa, but I certainly take exception in your case you disgusting parasite.
I agree with Jetdriven in that this is not Russia and a free enterprise system. That being said, if Mesa's wages are crap, then that's the kind of people that will work there. You get what you pay for.
No, Grog does not speak for all of us at Mesa. In fact, his remark was a bit out of character for him. Probably a bit emotional after reading the post from Mr. Dog.

The fact is, those of us that post on this board speak only for ourselves. How many times did I read that ACA not do this, or Air Wisky will not do that, only to see that in fact they did. That being said, I hope Mr. Francis that you folks get what you want.

I often read through these posts and when one catches my eye and makes my eyebrows go up and my jaw go down, I try to remind myself that every village has an idiot, no exceptions.

I do not wish to see anyone lose their job.

Happy 4th everyone.
Thread interruption

Back to the original point of the thread and a little bit of history. Once upon a time there was a good little commuter airline in California called WestAir. They flew as a United Express with a mix of EMB-110, EMB-120, Shorts 360, and even 6 Bae-146s. Later the Bandits were replaced with Jetstreams. A great airline to work for and a great part of the country to be in. This airline's pilot group voted in ALPA in 1989. Can't remember the exact date, but lets call it a couple of years later, Mesa Air buys WestAir. WestAir is a unionized carrier with decent wages for a regional. Mesa, at that time, is a non-unionized carrier whose new hire pilots must pay $10,000 or so to be a first officer on a Beech 1900 at crappy wages. Slowly observers see Mesa Beech 1900s flying WestAir routes in Southern California. To make a long story short this cancer spreads until WestAir folds in the late 1990s, a shell of it's former self. All because of Mesa.

I used to hate Mesa pilots for this but then I realized that most of the scumbags that paid $10,000 to fly a Beech 1900 for low pay and were knowingly used to takeover WestAir flying were no longer working at Mesa, so my views softened. Still the corporate culture remains and they keep following the same pattern. They did almost the exact same thing to CCAir and given a chance they will do it to somebody else. That is why I hate Mesa, not necessarily the pilots, but definitely the company.

As an interesting side note, WestAir Airlines started Atlantic Coast Airlines. The pilots who saw the handwriting on the wall left in 1989 and went out there, others followed later. So you won't find a lot of compassion for Mesa from senior ACA pilots either.

Thanks for the history (no sarcasm intended).

Several comments though, I do not recall MESA ever being a PFT. They did (and do) require training notes for 1 year after checkride, but if you stay, you do not pay.

If you were referencing the San Juaner types, well, they spend a lot more than $10,000, but its for ratings and classes.

I agree completely that WestAir got a raw deal at the hands of Larrly Risley (and J.O. was around then too)

The CCAir types were merged (via ALPA protocols) into our list shortly after the purchase, and all have been offered positions here at MESA

Happy 4th....
I also though Mesa used to be PFT. That was a different era, the early 90's, and CMR and others were PFT too (am I right?).

The industry has changed, but some things remain the same: Mesa is growing like a weed, and Mesa managment isn't afraid to step on some toes to get what they want- heck, they scewed their own pilots before they ever got around to underbidding UA contracts.

Please believe that NO mesa pilot is ever happy to see other pilots on the street (well, the original Freedom guys might be).

Our jumpseat is open to all.

Got to head out the door to London in 10 minutes ( do they celebrate the 4th of July there :D ).

I distinctly remember having a conversation with a fairly high time CFI in 1992 who was thinking of going to Mesa and was talking about the PFT they had. Not sure of the specifics but I do remember that. Not sure about CMR.


Once upon a time there was a good little commuter airline in California called WestAir. They flew as a United Express with a mix of EMB-110, EMB-120, Shorts 360, and even 6 Bae-146s.

I remember that. I knew a girl, Sally, who was CA on the Shorts and the 146.
Just my $0.02

What a lot of us are failing to realize is that if it wasn't MESA, someone else would have set the "industry standard." Mesa pilots were given a raw deal, and had to take it in order to save themselves. Its management that you should have a problem with, as well as the guys/gals that went to freedumb that made this all possible. MESA pilots are pilots just like all of us. and we should appreciate all that we have in common. My jumpseat will be open to all except freedumb. If we all help eachother, eventually with unity will come strength.


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