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Why I hate MESA!!

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First of all, congrats to Air Whiskey on the MOA for UAL flying. Looks like your concessionary 7 and a half year deal may have saved your company.

Please include Eagle in this idiotic thread because of what they did so long ago nobody really remembers (including ALPA).

Please include Skywest in this idiotic thread for flying 50 seat rates for anything smaller than 737.

Please include ACA in this idiotic thread for spouting off about how there was no way they'd stoop to my company's level blah blah blah....puke, and then sign off on that sh1tty deal.

And please include Air Whiskey in this idiotic thread for the above reasons.

Bottom line is this, I hope Mesa is able to put all of you out of biz with its lower rates to enhance my job security.

Face it we are all stuck with the fact that we work for crummy wages, we all put our apps out and pretty much went to whoever called first. You are all welcome on my plane, we can talk fishin', we can talk sports, we can talk anything; but we have all lowered the bar on ourselves. If you voted your contract in because of the way I voted on mine than you are an idiot.


Deal with it you cryin bastards.
I do not hate the typical rank and file line pilot at Mesa. I used to hate them, but not anymore...I realized that it was for no reason and I was blaming them for events that were largely out of their control.

Instead, I hate the miserable slobs who went to Freedom and successfully whipsawed Mesa pilots into submission in signing their miserable contract. I also hate their prick of a CEO Jonathan Ornstein for having so little regard for the well being of his own employees that he would stoop to such lows. I hate it that the Mesa contract has suddenly become the "MARKET RATE" in regional feed flying, forcing the vast majority of regional pilots to bend over and take concessions in order to compete. I hate it that even with said concessions, ACA was not able to compete with Mesa and has apparently lost the growth that probably would have gone to us. There is no doubt that I am on the street right now because Mesa Air Group came along and f#cked up a good thing, in addition to creating downward pressure on some of the best regional contracts in the US.

Life goes on.
Ummm; Machdog? These are your words:

Vote the **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** thing in so we can all keep are jobs and start growing again its not that bad of a cut actually I will be making still what I got paid before. And I don't rely on conflict for extra pay and if you do you have a tight budget anyway! The contract only comes in to effect if we are affirmed by United which looks like it is going to happen. Also, pay rates for the 70 seat aircraft will be more, we hope, so thats a plus!! Look I know any pay cut sucks I agree. But when you have pilots say I rather they lay off more pilots or the company go under then there the ones who should leave, I know that there are a lot of people who disagree with me. But I know that the quiet ones out there will do the right thing and approve the TA.

Tell us all again your problem with Mesa. Something hypocritical about taking steps back, wasn't it?

The ACA concessions were brought up by CHQ management in negotiations, by the way. We really appreciated that.
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grog_sit_reserv said:

Bottom line is this, I hope Mesa is able to put all of you out of biz with its lower rates to enhance my job security.

Deal with it you cryin bastards.

Well grog, i guess you just love your lil job and it's tiny pay. My only point is hope you know you are there most likely for your career. When you get off reserve and you have been around in the industry a few yrs, you will start to get my point. More to it than just putting thos shinny wings on and poking out that chest porclaiming you're a real airline pilot untill the check arrives on the 1st of the month and it shows $800.00 for the last 15 days. I guess you missed the part about NO MAJOR AIRLINE JOBS FOR MANY MANY MANY YEARS!!!! Don't worry you'll see.

When push came to shove, we all did what we could to save our company and keep growing. For us it was killing an alter ego that was delivering 2 CRJ 700's a month in my home base and shipping my little 200 to the east coast.

We bargained away our pay to keep from getting laid off. You guys did it because you wanted to keep growth. We all have our reasons.

Its a pity we can't all just be pilots anymore, I used to love drinking with some of you guys. Fortunately there are still a few out there who look at my face before my name badge to decide whether to say hello.

Tailwinds and lets hope for better times ahead. Perhaps our next deals will all be better.
Hey francis what I said then was because of MESA thats why we were forced to take concessions!!! Thats why I said vote for the TA, because a no vote would hurt us even more. But now it doesn't even matter, we are screwed anyway. Thats my beef with MESA because I had to vote yes, there never should have been a vote in the first case. You know its interesting there was an article in I believe the washington post that said that ACA pilots would have to work for free to be competative, sorry thats not us thats MESA. Inregards to the past post I never said growth I said potential growth!! As far as I am concern it doesn't end here this is just the beginning. All I can say to all the other regional carriers out there watch your back MESA is on the prowl!!
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grog_sit_reserv said:
We bargained away our pay to keep from getting laid off. You guys did it because you wanted to keep growth. We all have our reasons

Its a pity we can't all just be pilots anymore, I used to love drinking with some of you guys. Fortunately there are still a few out there who look at my face before my name badge to decide whether to say hello.

Tailwinds and lets hope for better times ahead. Perhaps our next deals will all be better.

Ok one at a time. First, growth was not at stake for us, what you seem to keep missing here is with lowering the pay scales it effected other companies as a whole not just the skilled labor group like us. My company felt that the only way to compete with your company for the same work that we are doing it needed to lower costs. Those cuts never come from top level exec only the rank and file. Sure upper level mgt says that they took cuts as well but that equates to no bonus this yr and not their salary. I told you and your brethren months ago that this would happen the dominos have fallen.

Now as for "why can't we all just be pilots" well I can't speak for the next guy but I never got in this business to be a career regional pilot. That would be that same as going to med school and ending up as a career resident. We are skilled labor and as such should be compensated like it. Sure if I worked for mesa I would still be just as pissed as I am now, i still would have spent thousands on an education that is only providing hundreds in return, kinda bass akwards huh??

As for better times, yeah there is nothing wrong with wishfull thinking but as along as UAL is still furloughing 60/mo and the other 7000 on furlough just where do you feel this better times are or better yet when??????????????????????????

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Hey grog I hope with that attitude you are not speaking for the rest of your pilot group, if you are I have a word for you scum@##$bag!! Enjoy the pay for the rest of your career!!
When I get furloughed from Piedmont, I want to go to work for Freedom. I say all furloughees go to Freedom and give those mesa boys a taste of their own lav juice. I love hearing how Freedom is so unfair and how they are flying your jets on your routes.

I don't know what the status of Freedom is now, but I sure hope it's around in a few more months. I'll just get hooked up with foodstamps and keep living the dream.

Go ahead and apply. Freedom isn't hiring anymore. All Mesa newhires, once all the CCair pilots are recalled and all J4J positions are filled, will go to either Mesa or AirMidwest. The next 700 delivery will be on the Mesa certificate. Actually why don't you send me your resume, I will be happy to put it in the proper place.

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