More to point: I'm frustrated with the consumer expectation that you can come to the airport looking like a filthy bum, punch out the agent, crap in the seat, get piss drunk, all for a $149 round trip ticket and still not be the least bit satisfied. Some seniors have to decide between heating the house or prescription drugs. Energy costs can skyrocket on pure speculation. You would think airline tickets would be the most obvious thing to let fluctuate with market forces! Nope. SWA wants to make it as close to free as possible. I know the cause of your frustration. But...what good does it do to, whine here? No matter how much you complain, SWA is not gonna change it's business plan to suit you. Thats why I said earlier...some are ready to compete...some eventually learn...and some never do...where are you?
You make all kinds of outrageous comments about people dressed like bums, drunk, etc. Honestly, I don't see it. Again, you have exaggerated in the doubt, this is more of it. Those kinds of people fly on all the airlines...didn't a guy defecate on a 1st class serving cart a few years ago on some legacy airline? Didn't a popular preachers wife recently get into some kind of altercation with the F/A of another legacy airline? Happens on all the carriers...maybe even yours.
Geez...and here I thought your frustration was because you got tired of watching the NFL playoffs and hearing...
"This game is brought to you by Southwest Airlines, the Official Airline of the NFL and proud sponsor of Super Bowl XLI"
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