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Why do ASA pilots want PBS?

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YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TURNED THE FU$*#(*ING THING ON YET!!! From YOUR LOA 11 document this is the companies escape clause.....
Wording such as "to the extent reasonably practicable and considering unilization parameters, operational productivity and perforrmance, cost and efficient use of staffing....." is not wording that can be enforced! Don't you guys understand that? We've seen our company use this against us time and time again. Don't expect us to take this up the pooper just because you did!

The Company and the Association recognize that a variety of
productive trips are essential for the best overall PBS bid run solution.
To the extent reasonably practicable and considering the Company's
utilization parameters, operational productivity and performance, costs
and efficient use of staffing, the Company will construct trips as​
You know what that spells?
Tater stretching of epic proportions. You guys will be able to have a 100 car train U-turn inside your tater without touching the sides. With language like that BH and Co will completely destroy your sphincters. Flying is slow, expect 75:01 lines, lots of flying, expect 99:59 lines. Ask me how I know, been there done that, and oh yes I bid in the top 25% of the seniority list. With that kind of language you are phukked, PHUKKED like you will never even imagine. I didn't think that they would dare use that language again, AND they DID!
You know what that spells?
Tater stretching of epic proportions. You guys will be able to have a 100 car train U-turn inside your tater without touching the sides. With language like that BH and Co will completely destroy your sphincters. Flying is slow, expect 75:01 lines, lots of flying, expect 99:59 lines. Ask me how I know, been there done that, and oh yes I bid in the top 25% of the seniority list. With that kind of language you are phukked, PHUKKED like you will never even imagine. I didn't think that they would dare use that language again, AND they DID!


This is where the weak spot lies... I cannot imagine how our people were dumb enough to write this crap so loosely. The company can (and wil) do any damn thing it wishes-and we will not like it.
There is no vacation touch provision in a PBS system. ASA has combatted this with language that allows you to maximize your days off in a vaca month while getting paid more, and not having the system put trips up against your vacation days. We also have more ability to drop trips into open time. This will accomplish the same thing.

Almost all other airlines have PBS now! Delta, American, CAL, UAL, Skywest, Comair, Pinnacle, Mesaba, Mesa all have this. I'm not sure about American or Southwest and some others, but it is becoming industry standard. If you know anything about negotiating it will be hard to convince an arbitrator or NMB panel that you refuse to negotiate this provision in your contract when nearly everybody else has it. Not to mention, the system ASA is getting is as good as or better than most everybody elses! That is a losing fight. If XJT is bought and absorbed into ASA, you WILL have PBS. It is not as bad as you think....

Get back to me when your vacation month comes around and the only trips you can hold are low-value 4 days.
I thought the SKYW pilots were gullible, you should sue ALPA for basic incompetence, they wrote loopholes tou could fly a 74 through! Haysoos E. Christo, you guys were Roofied.
Wow, I am speechless!
SKYW pilots gave BH some aces, you gave him all the jokers, you will love his 5 aces vs your 7 high.
Don't come on here and lecture the XJT pilot group as if we don't deserve the same QOL as the majors do. If you think you are a 2nd class citizen, then you will be always treated that way. XJT pilots want to hang on to their QOL Can you blame them? How about instead of helping your management fight against us, you help us so that we can all live better lives. We would like nothing more than to have 1 unified pilot group and call you brothers, but you are going to have to step up.

Oh, and by the way.... since JoeMerchant started taking cheap shots below the belt....

ASA isn't buying anything, and you guys know it. SkyWest has all of the money and does all of the buying. If SKW wants to make this look real, they should at least be giving ASA the $90 million that XJT has in cash. But they’re not. Like I said, ASA isn't buying anything.
You know what that spells?
Tater stretching of epic proportions. You guys will be able to have a 100 car train U-turn inside your tater without touching the sides. With language like that BH and Co will completely destroy your sphincters. Flying is slow, expect 75:01 lines, lots of flying, expect 99:59 lines. Ask me how I know, been there done that, and oh yes I bid in the top 25% of the seniority list. With that kind of language you are phukked, PHUKKED like you will never even imagine. I didn't think that they would dare use that language again, AND they DID!

Thank you!!! I'm glad someone can acknowledge the big furry monster sitting in the corner. Just like you said, if the company needs the average to run high, it will and everyone will be at 90+ hours...vacation month or not. Whats the credit difference between a high a low....4 hours? What a joke!!!!! I can't believe these guys are so sold on this crap when they haven't even turned it on!!!
Thank you!!! I'm glad someone can acknowledge the big furry monster sitting in the corner. Just like you said, if the company needs the average to run high, it will and everyone will be at 90+ hours...vacation month or not. Whats the credit difference between a high a low....4 hours? What a joke!!!!! I can't believe these guys are so sold on this crap when they haven't even turned it on!!!

Not all of us are. I have seen through this B.S. from the very beginning. It is amazing that more people don't Sure-the system is well done, but the QOL completely is in the company's hands now. Like you say, they can run everyone at 90+ hours if they choose, or they can design crap trips and run people at 70 hours and the system will give you exactly the same number of days off.

People believe what they need to believe. Most people around here think this will allow the place get all sorts of new flying and things will improve across the board. I don't see that happening-I just think we gave away the farm for absolutely nothing. Our agreement gives the company way too much power.
I really don't understand the argument against PBS at ASA. Even if the trips are crap I would rather be able to try and build my own line with those crap trips than have the company build crappy lines with the same crappy trips.

But I might just be being selfish because I think my ass is finally getting off reserve with PBS.
I really don't understand the argument against PBS at ASA. Even if the trips are crap I would rather be able to try and build my own line with those crap trips than have the company build crappy lines with the same crappy trips.

But I might just be being selfish because I think my ass is finally getting off reserve with PBS.

The argument is simple:

The comapny has way too much control. If they want to set the TLV really high and they build crap trips-you will get no time off. This effect is even worse in a vacation month. Our union gave them ALL the cards. If they choose to make nice trips, this system will work out great. If they choose to put out crap (in the interest of "efficiency,") then it will be a huge QOL-destroying disaster. I am still hoping things don't work out as poorly as I imagine, but I think any chance of that will be a long shot-especially using history as a guide.
That's the joke of PBS, no transparency at all. With hard lines you could see exactly how the flying was broken up, with pBS, you can see nothing. Enjoy working more weekends, holidays and sweet 4 day trips that end the day before your trip starts and start the day after your vacation ends. Yeah you can see the pairings prior to bidding, but that don't mean anything, your seniority means nothing, that's the majik of pBS. There was a month where the #1 CA in DEN who commutes bids commutable 4 day trips, got a mix mash of locals, 2 day and 3day trips, the minister of PBS(KH), nor any of his minions could explain what went wrong. So even JoeM is going to have whole months that will suck beyond any thing he has done since he was last on reserve. The only way PBS would be acceptable would be if the company gave the pilot group a book of city pairs every month and the pilots ran their own PBS software on their own server, but BH won't give that level of control up without an epic fight. Oh yeah, Mr palm, if you are on reserve, you will bid away from the bottom lines, 16hour 4days followed or preceded by locals or CDOs. I have had 4day trips that finished at 0930 lcl time with a CDO stapled to the end that started 9:45 later, and I bid very high. PBS is the companies wet dream and the pilots are their jizz rag. pBS allows them to do whatever they want without having to answer for anything that their retarded minions do. I would give 2months of CA pay to go back to hard lines, yeah that's a pre tax total of 15K. BH is very astute about some things and stupid about other things, he knows how to work pBS into the mix having done that to us, expect your reserve lines to drop, but you will still be on reserve.

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