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Why do ASA pilots want PBS?

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79% N1, that is what we need to shoot for. XJET folks, can you just drop a trip electronically , without begging a chief pilot or crew scheduler ?

Yes and No.

As long as there is reserve coverage for that day, you can drop a trip once the secondary line improvement window is open. To do it electronically you have to trick the system a little bit because CCS just wont do it. You want to skip the trick you can call scheduling and chance that nothing changes in the resv pool for the 45+ min you might sit on hold.

We also have bad day worse day trading. Not sure if you're familiar but all that says if you trade a trip into days that have worse coverage than the days of your current duty its all good. But it has to be done over the phone again CCS just doesnt do it for us.

Something else to point out that might clear up some perspectives is we do not trade or pickup opentime based on senority it is first come first serve as long as the pilot is a lineholder. Resv pickup is a little different.
Some insights on ASA's voting in PBS. It passed for a few reasons. First off, many believe that to remain competitive in an age where regionals are forced to compete for flying, ASA would need PBS to remain competitive, and bid for new contracts going forward and keeping the ones we have. We were currently the only DCI carrier without it. Most ASA pilots believed that PBS would be included most certainly in the next section 6, and that it would be difficult to convince any arbitrator or NMB that we are reasonable for holding out against it, since every other DCI carrier had it. Management all but stated they would not agree to any contract that didn't include it. Maybe they would, maybe not. Who knows.
At any rate, it was perfectly clear that negotiating now would provide us with certain benefits that sec 6 likely would not. For voting it in now, we got some contractual gains that we may not have gotten later, not the least of which is picking the vendor and gaining industry leading PBS language and rules. The system is capable of things that all others is not.

In addition, ASA got certain contractual gains and pay increases (albeit small) that benefit us now. Pay, addition to min day and scheduling and trip swapping and dropping language that we did not have before. It seemed fair to make these gains and help the company remain competitive for the long-term viability of this company, especially since it was coming anyway in the next contract.

Having seen it in action, it is a pretty cool bidding system. Once you know how to use it, it seems pretty cool. You can do MANY things bidding wise that you could never dream of in line bidding. Instead of just demanding that you never have it, just chill out and see what it is all about. You may even like it.

Wow, just wow. So they string you along for 5 years but you don't think YOU could string them along too?
Wow, just wow. So they string you along for 5 years but you don't think YOU could string them along too?

Most of us didn't want to "string them along"...We wanted PBS sooner rather than later.
If you are senior enough to do all that, then in theory, you should be able to do the same with possibly MORE options in our PBS system.

The question remains what kind of games will the company impose, like the red arrow days, that will work around the intent of the PBS language.

Time will tell.

YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TURNED THE FU$*#(*ING THING ON YET!!! From YOUR LOA 11 document this is the companies escape clause.....
Wording such as "to the extent reasonably practicable and considering unilization parameters, operational productivity and perforrmance, cost and efficient use of staffing....." is not wording that can be enforced! Don't you guys understand that? We've seen our company use this against us time and time again. Don't expect us to take this up the pooper just because you did!

The Company and the Association recognize that a variety of
productive trips are essential for the best overall PBS bid run solution.
To the extent reasonably practicable and considering the Company's
utilization parameters, operational productivity and performance, costs
and efficient use of staffing, the Company will construct trips as​
Our crappy PBS system is slightly better than other crappy PBS systems.....wait. or is it?
Just to address the DOH thing, I have talked to a lot of our guys and they are asking what I think is going to happen. They are NOT screaming for DOH. Some say it with a wink and a smile but it is just fluff.

Relax. We are not a group of a$$#@/&$. We all want to protect our lives and jobs but stealing someone elses livelihood is not our style.

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