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Why Can't I Pft Like The Rich Kids Do??

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nookey, you really believe PFT is responsible for the bad salary pilots suffer with??? since you made so many 'generalizations' about me, and i know nothing!! about this industry, let me point out something to you that i do know about.
the company i used to work for before deciding to become a pilot is a national insurance annuities firm. they have offices in many states around this country. each office has different 'codes' and pay scales. the office i worked at in the big tri state area up north had great pay, and rather liberal 'codes'. it was GREAT! i then moved to a southern office, in a smaller town...the pay here is horrible...for the SAME JOB!!!! the 'codes' are much tighter and in my opinion the work environment was HORRIBLE. 10 times more work for LESS pay. why...um...how about poverty every where you look. people are willing to work for a large company and get the benefits for much less in this area then they were up north...including cost of living adjustments.
my point to you is simple...the company is smart to drop it's southern regional office in this sh@thole of a town because they can get a lot of cheap labor. should i blame all these people banging down doors to work twice as hard for half as much pay as i'm used to???????
how foolish or shortsighted to think that. they have as much right to work for free or whatever as i do for a good salary. if i don't like it, i should change something, not flame on an internet forum because i think i'm paid too little.
i have a friend who's a morning DJ. same story in that industry. people will be willing to work for free until they get recognized. how many actors work for free for years hoping for the dream. same story...1 job, 100 wanna bes. unfortunetly, i'm now a wanna be. i'm sorry my dream and ambition is to blame for your low pay.

i may know very little about the aviation industry, but i wasn't born yesterday, and there isn't a speck of myself that believes PFT has anything to do with low pay. it's the army of guys like me who are eager to do anything to fly a jet that are to blame. so do you want us all to give up so you can make more money? how ignorant. how short sighted. whether i PFT or work like h@ll for 2 years CFI, i'm still willing to fly jets for a less then poverty salary....THAT IS THE ISSUE HERE!!!

to you i only say this, i gave up what looked to everyone a great life and job to follow my dream. unfortunetly for you and sort of me too, there are many guys just like me. it's not HOW we get the job, it's the fact we ALL WANT THE SAME JOB. airlines just show good business by lowering salarys to fit the tremendous desire to fly.
you can flame me if you wish, but my response is respectful and mature. my ONLY concern here is if PFT'ing will hinder my avaition career. that is all. hate me if you wish, but if it seems that PFT is not an issue, then it is a viable and attractive option!!!!!!!
Some airlines are hiring with 600 total time and 100 multi. How hard is it to work for a bit and get that? I mean, come on....its not like the old days where you needed 5000 hours or more to even be considered for a right seat job in a commuter turboprop. Why do you think that you need to go spend $33,000 to get anywhere? Are you that incapable of accomplishing anything on your own? How freakin hard is it to instruct for 6 months or a year and EARN your time? Not very...and I know because I did it.
Read the requirements for the ATP cert. If you dont meet those req's other than the 1500TT, you will not be able to make captain. Once you get on at a regional you will be SIC. It's best to get the PIC req's out of the way before you get hired on at a regional. Flight instructing is a good way to get that done.
viper548 said:
Read the requirements for the ATP cert. If you dont meet those req's other than the 1500TT, you will not be able to make captain. Once you get on at a regional you will be SIC. It's best to get the PIC req's out of the way before you get hired on at a regional. Flight instructing is a good way to get that done.
1500TT (SIC time counts if the aircraft needs a two pilot crew), 500XC, 100 night, 75 instrument, and 250 PIC.

Doesn't seem like there would be any problem accumulating SIC time and getting your ATP.

Your definitely gonna have 250 PIC before you get hired anyway.

Unless I'm missing something.
gkrangers said:
Yeah..well its 250 PIC...I don't think many get airline offers without it. :D
I sure hope not. If someone did a PFT program, they might get on with less than 250PIC. They'd have to go rent a cessna before capt. upgrade to get the rest of the PIC time.
viper548 said:
Read the requirements for the ATP cert. If you dont meet those req's other than the 1500TT, you will not be able to make captain. Once you get on at a regional you will be SIC. It's best to get the PIC req's out of the way before you get hired on at a regional. Flight instructing is a good way to get that done.


You DON'T need your 135/121 mins to be hired by a regional. Infact most regionals are hiring pilots with less than that time. Why? Because the legs you fly as a FO can be logged as PIC for that leg.

That's how you build up your hours to meet ATP standards to upgrade to captain.

I'm not disagreeing that CFIing is a great way to get that done, but your post read misleading to me for theis origional poster who is trying to decide whether to PFT or not.

In that case building up 600 hours to be eligible for a regional job would take, what?, 7 months?


It almost sounds like you have made up your mind on the PFT thing. I still recommend NOT going that route. Look at each of the individual posters from this thread and count it as a vote for or against PFT, you'll find that there is a slight majority favoring against PFT. I would find that accurate of the industry.

You also resopnded to nookie that PFT was not directly related to pilot salary low wages. First I want to commend you on actually having an intellectual, civilized discourse with the folks here. You would be amazed at the ignorance that runs rampid around here; folks who have no brains. Anyway...

Praise aside, I'm going to disagree with you and agree with nookie, even though your argument is solid. The reason for my disagreement with you is that the PFT job could have been filled by a qualified FO getting paid (meagerly, but paid). Therefore, because of the fact that the job is being paid for by the PFTer, the point at which a FO makes the same compensatory salary actually starts later in the career than it otherwise would have.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the FO will now make the salary he should have got at the same point at which the PFTer moves on to another spot (theoretically).
moxiepilot said:

You DON'T need your 135/121 mins to be hired by a regional. Infact most regionals are hiring pilots with less than that time. Why? Because the legs you fly as a FO can be logged as PIC for that leg.

That's how you build up your hours to meet ATP standards to upgrade to captain.

I'm not disagreeing that CFIing is a great way to get that done, but your post read misleading to me for theis origional poster who is trying to decide whether to PFT or not.
I think you lost me here. Unless you are talking about planes that do not require a type rating, If you are the FO, you log SIC. It doesn't matter who is flying. ONLY the captain logs PIC time.
As an FO, you will not be building PIC time, unless you're doing something on the side.
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viper548 said:
I think you lost me here. If you are the FO, you log SIC. It doesn't matter who is flying. ONLY the captain logs PIC time.
As an FO, you will not be building PIC time, unless you're doing something on the side.

You're right, I just forgot to elaborate a litte (sorry I'm just getting up)

61.159 (a) (4): 250 hours as PIC or as SIC performing the duties of PIC (flying the leg) while under the supervision of a PIC.

But it does substantiate that you doon't need your ATP requirements when hired, because you will be able to build to that point (as you are getting paid rather than paying for it).

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